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Factors underlying women's decision not to report physical abuse : a qualitative exploration

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Violence against women, commonly known as women abuse, is currently evolving into a
serious social problem. In South Africa thousands of women are victims of violence
inflicted by their intimate partners. Although violence against women is a serious
violation of human rights, it is often not recognised as such. Violence against women in
intimate relationships often results in women experiencing serious physical,
psychological and reproductive health problems. When living or trapped in abusive
relationships, women are exposed to injuries, ailments and diseases, wounds, chronic
pain, infertility and internal bleeding. In spite of the fact that governments, including the
South Africa government, have committed themselves to addressing women abuse
through legislation, large numbers of women still experience extraordinary high levels of
violence. However, many women neglect to report incidents of violence. Many women
remain in such relationships, legislation aimed at protecting their rights not withstanding.
The aim of this study was to explore why women neglect to report incidents of violence
and to explore women's experiences of violence. Seven coloured women between the
ages of 21 and 38 years and living in a small rural town in the Western Cape participated
in the study. In-depth interviews were used to obtain information from these women.
The extent of the problem of women abuse worldwide and in South Africa is illustrated
by research conducted internationally as well as locally. Radical feminism is used as a
theoretical framework to interpret the causes of women abuse, the 'acceptance' of women
abuse by the community and society and the reasons why women choose not to report
incidents of abuse. The analysis and the interpretation of the data is done against the
background of social practices embedded in the patriarchal structuring of society. It was
found that women's experiences and lives are predominantly structured in terms of their
sex and that women comply with expectations set by their intimate partners, family and
friends. In order to maintain their relationships, secure a household income and to protect
their children against poverty, women remain silent about the abuse they suffer. The
study also found that women's responses to abuse relate to the sources and options
available to them. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geweld teen vroue wat algemeen bekend staan as vrouernishandeling, is tans besig om in
'n ernstige sosiale probleem te ontwikkel. Binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is duisende
vroue die slagoffers van geweld binne intieme verhoudings. Alhoewel vrouernishandeling
'n ernstige skending van menseregte is, word dit nie altyd as sodanig erken nie.
Mishandeling binne intieme verhoudings lê dikwels ten grondslag van vroue se fisiese,
sielkundige en reproduktiewe gesondheidsprobleme. Vroue wat vasgevang is in sulke
verhoudings word blootgestel aan beserings, kwale en siektes, wonde, kroniese pyn,
onvrugbaarheid en interne bloeding. Ten spyte van die feit dat verskeie lande se
regenngs, insluitende Suid-Afrika, hulself verbind het tot 'n stryd teen
vrouernishandeling met behulp van wetgewing, ervaar groot getalle vroue wêreldwyd nog
steeds buitengewone vlakke van geweld. Baie vroue versuim egter om insidente van
mishandeling te rapporteer. Baie vroue bly in intieme verhoudings ten spyte daarvan dat
wetgewing wat gerig is op die beskerming van hul regte in plek is. Die doel van hierdie
studie was dus om vas te stel waarom vroue versuim om insidente van mishandeling te
rapporteer en om insig te verkry in die ervaringswêreld van mishandelde vroue. Sewe
Kleurling vroue tussen die ouderdomme van 21 en 38 jaar en woonagtig in 'n klein
plattelandse dorpie in die Wes-Kaap het aan die studie deelgeneem. 'n Kwalitatiewe
benadering is gevolg en data is met behulp van in-diepte onderhoude ingesamel.
Die omvang van vrouernishandeling wêreldwyd en binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks
word geïllustreer aan die hand van internasionale en plaaslike navorsing oor die
verskynsel. Radikale feminisme word as teoretiese vertrekpunt geneem in die
interpretasie van die oorsake van vroumishandeling, die 'aanvaarding' van die verskynsel
deur die gemeenskap en samelewing en die redes waarom vroue nie insidente van geweld
rapporteer nie. Die analise en interpretasie van data is gedoen teen die agtergrond van
sosiale praktyke binne die konteks van patriargale strukturering van die samelewing. Die
studie bevind dat vroue se ervarings grootliks gestruktureer word in terme van hul geslag
en dat hulle hul gedrag in ooreenstemming bring met die verwagtings van hul intieme
maats, vriende en familie. Ten einde hulle verhoudings in stand te hou, 'n huishoudelike inkomste te verseker en hul kinders teen armoede te beskerm, besluit vroue om 'n
stilswye rondom hul mishandeling te handhaaf. Die studie toon dat vroue se response
verband hou met die bronne en opsies wat tot hul beskikking is.
Date04 1900
CreatorsDamon, Franzett Elize
ContributorsKritzinger, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format119 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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