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Intra-Annual Variation in Wood Density in Gmelina Arborea from X-Ray Densitometry and its Relationship with Rainfall

The variation in wood density within growth rings was determined from X-ray negative images of wood samples of Gmelina arborea. The within-tree and between-tree comparisons showed that no two growth rings had exactly similar patterns of variation in the radial direction. The proportions of wood in four within-ring density classes were estimated. The variations in the proportions of wood in the four classes with age were nonlinear. On the average, the proportion of low density wood decreased with increasing age, while the proportion of high density wood increased with age. Regression analysis testing different curvilinear models showed that 37 to 99 per cent of the variations in the proportions of wood were associated with variations in age. Maximum and minimum ring density were negatively correlated with dry season rainfall. Variations in the proportion of high density wood and mean ring density were not associated with corresponding variation in dry season rainfall. The proportions of low and high density wood, mean ring density, maximum ring density and minimum ring density were not determined by annual rainfall.
Date January 1985
CreatorsAkachuku, A. E.
ContributorsDepartment of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
PublisherTree-Ring Society
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © Tree-Ring Society. All rights reserved.

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