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《樂府補題》研究= A study on yue fu bu ti /姚道生.

《樂府補題》是一部著名的詠物詞集,本文即以此詞集為研究對象。除緒論及總結外,本文共分三編七章。各章節的內容大要如下。緒論回顧了《樂府補題》的研究狀況,並提出了本文的研究問題:一、甚麼因素促使《樂府補題》問世?二. 能否整理出一個《樂府補題》的新文本以供討論? 三. "樂府補題"究竟有何寄託?四.《樂府補題》的詠物成就如何?五.《樂府補題》復出之後,讀者又如何接受?上編一章,研究《補題》的生成語境,處理的是第一個研究問題。本章分別從「歷史語境」、「詠物詞史語境」、「詞學語境」和陳恕可的「個人語境」等四個層面,由廣而狹地逐步聚焦於《樂府補題》得以問世的因素,並嘗試界定「雅」的定義。中編包括第二、第三及第四等三章,主力研究《補題》的文本,處理的是第二、第三和第四等三個研究問題。本編探討了《補題》的版本、寄託和詠物等基本課題。第二章首先整理了《補題》的版本系統,重建了《補題》的文本,第三章即在此基礎上作進一步的討論,提出無本事而有寄託的解讀方法、應題典故和烘題典故的區分及其對解讀詠物詞所起的作用。此外,本編第四章又討論了《補題》在賦形和摹神所用到的手法,並嘗試界定「神」的定義。下編三章,討論了後世讀者對《補題》的接受,處理的是第五個研究問題。第五章討論了清代詞人追和《補題》的作品的特點,第六章則討論了清人對《補題》的理論開發,從而看出《補題》經典地位的建立。本編第七章則討論了《補題》進入民國之後被文學史家邊緣化的問題。總結即回顧本文各章的研究結果。= It is known that Yue Fu Bu Ti 樂府補題 is a famous anthology of object-chanting Ci poetry詠物詞. Where have such poems come from? How did such an anthology come about? Very simply put, in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty, a small number of poets held a handful of clandestine gatherings to mourn the demise of the Song Dynasty. The innocence of their verse - songs about very common objects and animals - hid their true feelings about the the Song Dynasty. Their lamentations, their regrets and even their feelings of guilt burn within the sub-text of this small collection of poems. This thesis is a study of this anthology. In this thesis, except for the introduction and the conclusion, there are 3 sections with 7 chapters. The synopsis is as follows. The introduction contains a literature review on Yue Fu Bu Ti. Five research questions are raised: 1. What are the factors that spurred the emergence of Yue Fu Bu Ti? 2. Is it possible to reconstruct a faithful and authentic version of Yue Fu Bu Ti today? 3. What are the hidden meanings - the subtext - of Yue Fu Bu Ti? 4. What are the accomplishments of object-chanting which Yue Fu Bu Ti achieved? 5. How have the readers over the years received Yue Fu Bu Ti? Chapter 1 addresses the first research question. It examines the factors which prompted Yue Fu Bu Ti to coalesce and to take shape through the perspectives of its historical context, the context of object-chanting Ci, the context of Ci poetry 詞學more generally, and the personal context of Chen Shu He 陳恕可, the editor and one of the authors of Yue Fu Bu Ti. In addition, the concept of Ya 雅 is also discussed in this chapter. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 make up Section 2. They concentrate on the second, third and fourth research questions respectively. The basic issues, including different versions of Yue Fu Bu Ti, the shrouded, concealed meanings Yue Fu Bu Ti, and the realization and triumph of object-chanting which Yue Fu Bu Ti achieved are discussed in this section. The text of Yue Fu Bu Ti is reconstructed. This latest version is the basis of further discussion. It is suggested that the true meanings of Yue Fu Bu Ti are cleverly disguised free of referential incidents. Direct and indirect allusion are keys to a successful reading of the poems. The concept of Shen 神 of objects, the writing technique for depicting a resemblance to objects, and the acquisition or attainment of the essence of the Shen of objects in Yue Fu Bu Ti, are discussed in this section. There are also 3 chapters in the last section. The final research question is discussed in this section. Chapter 5 studies the characteristics of Zhui He 追和 (compositions based on the rhymes of the original work ) during the Qing Dynasty while Chapter 6 examines the Ci theory revealed within Yue Fu Bu Ti and explored in the Qing Dynasty. The process of canonization of Yue Fu Bu Ti is shown here. Marginalisation of Yue Fu Bu Ti by literary historians in the Min Guo era is discussed in Chapter 7. The conclusion is a review of the achievements the chapters have presented.
Date25 August 2016
PublisherHKBU Institutional Repository
Source SetsHong Kong Baptist University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceOpen Access Theses and Dissertations

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