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Sunkiųjų metalų šalinimas iš nuotėkų dumblo elektrocheminiu būdu / Heavy Metals Removal from Sewage Sludge using Electrochemical Method


Heavy Metals Removal from Sewage Sludge using Electrochemical Method
Giedrius Barišauskas

Magister thesis, 50 pages, 14 figure, 7 tables, 85 references.

Research object – municipal sewage sludge.
Research subject – electrochemical removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge.
Aim of this study – to investigate the efectiveness of electrochemical Pb, Cd and Cu removal from simulated heavy metal solutions and liquid organic wastes.
Tasks – to analyze scientific literature as well as normative documents regulating quality parameters of organic wastes and their products used in agriculture in respect of heavy metals. To investigate variation of Pb, Cd and Cu concentrations in Kaunas and Raseiniai sewage sludge; to carry out laboratory experiments of Pb, Cd and Cu removal from model heavy metal solutions as well as sewage sludge, evaluating decrease of both mobile and total metal concentrations.
Methods and instrumentation – following methods have been applied: chemical extraction (preparation of samples), gravitometric, ionometric, atomic absorption spectrophotometric. Results were evaluated using methods of statistical analysis.
Results – in case of monocomponent simulated heavy metal solutions 60–90  efficiency have been reached after 10 hours of electrochemical treatment, while in multicomponent systems and natural liquid sludge the removal percentage appeared to be lower. Depending upon removal from sludge efficiency heavy metals ranked in the... [to full text]
Date05 June 2005
CreatorsBarišauskas, Giedrius
ContributorsLygis, Danius, Petrauskas, A., Paulauskas, V., Žekonienė, Vanda, Bartaševičienė, B., Kustienė, Regina, Mirinas, S., Marozas, Vitas, Rutkovienė, Vida, Lithuanian University of Agriculture
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Lithuanian University of Agriculture
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis

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