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Aggregated sensor payload submission model for token-based access control in the Web of Things

Yes / Web of Things (WoT) can be considered as a merger of newly emerging paradigms of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing. Rapidly varying, highly volatile and heterogeneous data traffic is a characteristic of the WoT. Hence, the capture, processing, storage and exchange of huge volumes of data is a key requirement in this environment. The crucial resources in the WoT are the sensing devices and the sensing data. Consequently, access control mechanisms employed in this highly dynamic and demanding environment need to be enhanced so as to reduce the end-to-end latency for capturing and exchanging data pertaining to these underlying resources. While there are many previous studies comparing the advantages and disadvantages of access control mechanisms at the algorithm level, vary few of these provide any detailed comparison the performance of these access control mechanisms when used for different data handling procedures in the context of data capture, processing and storage. This study builds on previous work on token-based access control mechanisms and presents a comparison of two different approaches used for handling sensing devices and data in the WoT. It is shown that the aggregated data submission approach is around 700% more efficient than the serial payload submission procedure in reducing the round-trip response time.
Date26 October 2015
CreatorsAmir, Mohammad, Pillai, Prashant, Hu, Yim Fun
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeConference paper, Accepted manuscript
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