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Evaluation of the effective micro-organisms (EM) on soil chemical properties and yield of selected vegetables in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Effective microorganisms (EM), a commercial concoction of microbes that includes yeasts, fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes, have been found to be effective in enhancing crop growth by a number of scholars. It is registered in South Africa, but it had not been thoroughly investigated. The present study investigated the effects of EM on growth, yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), butternut (Curcurbita moschata) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris), along with selected soil properties. In field-grown tomato it was observed that the application of EM caused a significant increase in the number of fruits at seven weeks after transplanting. However, plants treated with EM alone, or EM in combination with other amendments, subsequently produced lower yields owing to an outbreak of early and late blights which affected them the most severely. Combined applications of EM with organic amendments improved plant N content and increased soil N content above initial levels. The application of compost resulted in soil N and P concentrations higher than those of the control presumably due to nutrients being slowly released from the compost material. In a follow up greenhouse trial EM application had a negative effect on tomato leaf dry matter yield, number of leaves, number of trusses, fruit yield and number of fruits. The negative effects of EM were ascribed to N immobilization by the EM that could have resulted in reduced N availability to plants. The lower number of fruits associated with EM application resulted in improved average fruit weight of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse, possibly as a result of more assimilates being partitioned to the few fruits EM application also had a negative effect on field grown butternut as reflected by lower total yield, lower marketable yield and lower first grade yield. The results were attributed to immobilization of N induced by application of EM, and to the inability of EM to control pumpkin fly that attacked very young fruit, resulting in their failure to develop or resulting in the down grading of mature fruits. The application of EM alone had a positive but non significant effect on the yields of both the first and second harvests of Swiss chard. However, when applied with compost or goat manure, a non significant negative effect on yield was observed. When applied with inorganic fertilizer, EM had no effect on yield but tended to increase the uptake of nitrogen by Swiss chard. Though goat manure had a narrower C: N ratio than compost, it did not result in greater EM effectiveness as had been hoped. However, goat manure had a more positive effect on soil properties than compost. It increased the N, P, and K contents of the soil and resulted in a narrower C: N ratio of the soil compared to compost. Generally, the results of the four trials conducted with three different crops indicated that EM had inconsistent effects on crop performance.
Date January 2008
CreatorsNcube, Lindani
PublisherUniversity of Fort Hare, Faculty of Science & Agriculture
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Masters, MSc Agric (Horticultural Science)
Format81 leaves; 30 cm, pdf
RightsUniversity of Fort Hare, University of Fort Hare

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