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Comparisons of Prism®, Trilogy® XL, and Steward® for Control of Summer Alfalfa Insects

Three insecticides and one herbicide (Prism®) were evaluated efficacy against summer alfalfa insects using small plots. Usage of the insecticide Steward® resulted in excellent control of alfalfa caterpillars and beet armyworms, as well as excellent initial control of Empoasca leafhoppers. Usage of Steward® also reduced nymphal lygus bugs, but also resulted in lowest numbers of bigeyed bugs. Application of the insecticide Baythroid® XL was noted to result in excellent control of Empoasca leafhoppers throughout the study, excellent control of palestriped flea beetles early in the study, but also reduced populations of damsel bugs early in the study. Reduction of threecornered alfalfa hoppers was also noted, as was excellent control of alfalfa caterpillars at one and seven days post treatment with this chemistry, although this was not noted at four days after treatment. Data indicate the herbicide treatment (Prism® + Hasten®) significantly reduced damsel bug populations and large lygus bug nymphs for one day post treatment, and resulted in a slight numerical decrease in beet armyworms and palestriped flea beetles. Clover leafhopper numbers where higher at seven days post treatment in alfalfa receiving this treatment than the untreated check. Application of Trilogy®, expected to be a slow acting treatment, did result in some slight initial reductions (25%) of palestriped flea beetles, threecornered alfalfa hoppers and beet armyworms, but these red uctions were not apparent at four days post treatment. Usage of Trilogy® resulted in highest Empoasca leafhopper populations at seven days post treatment, although the reason for this observation is unknown.
Date10 1900
CreatorsRethwisch, Michael D., Grimm, Anna, Williams Michael T.
ContributorsOttman, Michael J.
PublisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Article
RelationAZ1442, Series P-154

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