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Genetic Algorithm Applied to Generalized Cell Formation Problems / Les algorthmes génétiques appliqués aux problèmes de formation de cellules de production avec routages et processes alternatifs

The objective of the cellular manufacturing is to simplify the management of the
manufacturing industries. In regrouping the production of different parts into clusters,
the management of the manufacturing is reduced to manage different small
entities. One of the most important problems in the cellular manufacturing is the
design of these entities called cells. These cells represent a cluster of machines that
can be dedicated to the production of one or several parts. The ideal design of a
cellular manufacturing is to make these cells totally independent from one another,
i.e. that each part is dedicated to only one cell (i.e. if it can be achieved completely
inside this cell). The reality is a little more complex. Once the cells are created,
there exists still some traffic between them. This traffic corresponds to a transfer of
a part between two machines belonging to different cells. The final objective is to
reduce this traffic between the cells (called inter-cellular traffic).
Different methods exist to produce these cells and dedicated them to parts. To
create independent cells, the choice can be done between different ways to produce
each part. Two interdependent problems must be solved:
• the allocation of each operation on a machine: each part is defined by one or
several sequences of operations and each of them can be achieved by a set of
machines. A final sequence of machines must be chosen to produce each part.
• the grouping of each machine in cells producing traffic inside and outside the
In function of the solution to the first problem, different clusters will be created to
minimise the inter-cellular traffic.
In this thesis, an original method based on the grouping genetic algorithm (Gga)
is proposed to solve simultaneously these two interdependent problems. The efficiency
of the method is highlighted compared to the methods based on two integrated algorithms
or heuristics. Indeed, to form these cells of machines with the allocation
of operations on the machines, the used methods permitting to solve large scale
problems are generally composed by two nested algorithms. The main one calls the
secondary one to complete the first part of the solution. The application domain goes
beyond the manufacturing industry and can for example be applied to the design of
the electronic systems as explained in the future research.
Date19 March 2010
CreatorsVin, Emmanuelle
ContributorsRiane, Fouad, Birattari, Mauro, Ndiaye, Alasanne-Ballé, Dolgui, Alexandre, Bersini, Hugues, Falkenauer, Emanuel, Delchambre, Alain
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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