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Средње и горње плеистоцене лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце у долини Јужне Мораве / Srednje i gornje pleistocene lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence u dolini Južne Morave / Middle and upper Pleistocene Looes-paleearth sequences in the valley of South Morava

<p>Predmet&nbsp; istraživanja ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; su srednje&nbsp; i&nbsp; gornje&nbsp; pleistocene&nbsp; lesno-paleozemlji&scaron;ne sekvence&nbsp; (LPS)&nbsp; u&nbsp; dolini&nbsp; Južne Morave&nbsp; na&nbsp; profilima&nbsp; ciglana&nbsp; u&nbsp; Stalaću i Belotincu.&nbsp; Ove&nbsp; LPC&nbsp; predstavljaju jedinstven&nbsp; kontinentalni&nbsp; arhiv&nbsp; paleoklimatskih&nbsp; i paleoekolo&scaron;kih promena&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; pleistocena&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; Balkanskog&nbsp; poluostrva.&nbsp; Nakon detalʁnihterenskih istraživanjai uzorkovanja na pomenutim lesnim profilima, razmatrano je vi&scaron;e istraživačkihproblema.&nbsp; Izvr&scaron;eno&nbsp; jepedo- i lito-stratigrafsko opisivanje&nbsp; naoba profila.&nbsp; Na njima je&nbsp; zapaženo nekoliko&nbsp; metara&nbsp; moćnih glacijalnih&nbsp; lesnih&nbsp; horizonata&nbsp; i nekoliko&nbsp; interglacijalnih<br />pedokomleksa,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se vizuelno&nbsp; jasno&nbsp; razlikuju.&nbsp; Izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je rekonstrukcija&nbsp; relʁefa na&nbsp; osnovu prostornih odnosa LPS. Ukupna deblʁinaanalizirananih LPS iznosi:&nbsp; u&nbsp; Stalaću&nbsp; približno20,5 m, gde&nbsp; je&nbsp; zapaženo po&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; pedokompleksa&nbsp; i&nbsp; lesnih&nbsp; horizonata,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; deblʁina u&nbsp; Belotincu analiziranih LPS 8 m. Vrednosti magnetnog susceptibiliteta (MS)&nbsp; u&nbsp; Stalaćuukazuje da poreklo pra&scaron;kastog fluvijalnog materijala&nbsp; potiče&nbsp; izdva nezavisna izvora.&nbsp; Veće vrednosti&nbsp; MS prisutne&nbsp; su u materijalu koji&nbsp; potiče&nbsp; iz sliva Zapadne Morave. Dok manje vrednosti ukazuju da&nbsp; je poreklo materijala iz JužneMorave. U Belotincu manje vrednosti MS ukazuju da je poreklo materijala iz<br />sliva&nbsp; Južne Morave.&nbsp; Tumačenjem rezultata apsolutnog luminescentnog datiranja&nbsp; na oba profila ukazuju da&nbsp; su LPS nastajale tokom poslednjih ~ 350.000 godina u&nbsp; Stalaću i ~ 35.500 godina u Belotincu. Granulometrijski sastav LPS u Stalaću&nbsp; je&nbsp; sačinjen od pet različitih frakcija&nbsp; &lt; 2,0 &mu;m, 2,0-6,2&nbsp; &mu;m,&nbsp; 6,2-20,0&nbsp; &mu;m,&nbsp; 20,0-63,0&nbsp; &mu;mi&nbsp; &gt;63,0&nbsp; &mu;m.&nbsp; Dok,&nbsp; su u&nbsp; Belotincu&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; zastupljene krupne&nbsp; čestice od&nbsp; 51&nbsp; %&nbsp; do&nbsp; 66&nbsp; %&nbsp; i&nbsp; grube&nbsp; frakcije,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; neposrednu&nbsp; blizinu&nbsp; izvora porekla&nbsp; materijala.&nbsp; Boja&nbsp; LPS&nbsp; na&nbsp; profilima&nbsp; u&nbsp; Stalaću i&nbsp; Belotincu&nbsp; menja&nbsp; se i&nbsp; kovarira&nbsp; sa&nbsp; MS. Kolorimetrijski rezultati ukazuju, slično MS rezultatima, da lesni sedimenti potiču jednim delom iz&nbsp; Južne Morave,&nbsp; a&nbsp; drugim&nbsp; delom&nbsp; iz Zapadne&nbsp; Morave.&nbsp; Geohemijske&nbsp; analize&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na dominantno&nbsp; silikatno&nbsp; raspadanje&nbsp; čestica,&nbsp; slično dunavskom&nbsp; lesu.&nbsp; Geohemijski&nbsp; sastav&nbsp; LPS Belotinc&nbsp; pokazuje&nbsp; da&nbsp; pedokompleks&nbsp; je&nbsp; obogaćen organskog&nbsp; ugljenika,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; su u&nbsp; lesnim slojevima&nbsp; primećene&nbsp; niže vrednosti&nbsp; organskog&nbsp; ugljenika.&nbsp; Generalno&nbsp; tumačenje svih&nbsp; rezultata ukazuje na dominantan mediteranski klimatski uticaj na LPS u srednjem pleistocenu, dok&nbsp; je u gornjem i mlađem pleistocenu bio dominantan uticaj kontinentalne klime.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; research&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; are&nbsp; Middle&nbsp; and&nbsp; Upper&nbsp; Pleistocene&nbsp; loesspaleosol&nbsp; sequences&nbsp; (LPS)&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; South&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; valley,&nbsp; at&nbsp; brickyards&rsquo; profiles&nbsp; in&nbsp; Stalac&nbsp; and Belotinac. These LPS represent a unique continental record of paleoclimate and paleoecological changes during Pleistocene in this part of the Balkan Peninsula. After detailed terrain researches and&nbsp; samplings&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; two&nbsp; loess&nbsp; profiles,&nbsp; several&nbsp; research&nbsp; problems&nbsp; were&nbsp; discussed.&nbsp; Pedostratigraphic and litho-stratigraphic descriptions were done for both profiles. There were found several&nbsp; meters&nbsp; of&nbsp; powerful&nbsp; glacial&nbsp; loess&nbsp; horizons&nbsp; and&nbsp; several&nbsp; interglacial&nbsp; pedocomplexes&nbsp; that were visually distinctive. A relief reconstruction was carried out based on spatial LPS ratios. The total&nbsp; thickness&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; LPS&nbsp; is:&nbsp; approximately&nbsp; 20.5&nbsp; m&nbsp; in&nbsp; Stalac,&nbsp; where&nbsp; seven pedocomplexes&nbsp; and&nbsp; seven&nbsp; horizons&nbsp; were&nbsp; observed,&nbsp; whereas&nbsp; thickness&nbsp; of&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; LPS&nbsp; in Belotinac was 8 &nbsp; m. The magnetic susceptibility (MS) values in Stalacpoint at two independent sources of dusty fluvial materials. The higher MS values are observed in materials originating from the West Morava basin, while lower MS values indicate that materials originate from the South&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; basin.&nbsp; Interpretations&nbsp; of&nbsp; absolute&nbsp; luminescent&nbsp; dating&nbsp; results&nbsp; at&nbsp; both&nbsp; profiles indicate&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; LPS&nbsp; were&nbsp; formed&nbsp; during&nbsp; last&nbsp; ~&nbsp; 350.000&nbsp; years&nbsp; in&nbsp; Stalac&nbsp; and&nbsp; ~&nbsp; 35.500&nbsp; in Belotinac. The LPS in Stalac is granulometrically consisted of five different fractions: &lt; 2.0 &mu;m, 2.0-6.2 &mu;m, 6.2-20.0&nbsp; &mu;m, 20.0-63.0&nbsp; &mu;mand &gt;63.0&nbsp; &mu;m. In Belotinac the most frequent particles are&nbsp; the&nbsp; large&nbsp; ones&nbsp; varying&nbsp; from&nbsp; 51%&nbsp; to&nbsp; 66%&nbsp; and&nbsp; rough&nbsp; fractions,&nbsp; which&nbsp; indicates&nbsp; that&nbsp; the material source was in its immediate proximity. The LPS colours both in Stalac and Belotinac covariate with the MS. Similarly to the MS results, the colorimetric results indicate that a part of the loess sediments originates from the South Morava, and the other part from the West Morava. Geochemical analyses point at a dominant silicate particle decomposition, which is similar to the Danube&nbsp; loess.&nbsp; Geochemical&nbsp; composition&nbsp; of&nbsp; BelotinacLPS&nbsp; shows&nbsp; an&nbsp; organic-carbon-enriched pedocomplex,&nbsp; while&nbsp; lower&nbsp; values&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; organic&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; are&nbsp; observed&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; loess&nbsp; layers.&nbsp; The general interpretation of the results points at dominant Mediterranean climate influence on the LPS&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Middle&nbsp; Pleistocene,&nbsp; while&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Upper&nbsp; and&nbsp; Younger&nbsp; Pleistocene&nbsp; a&nbsp; continental climate influence was dominant.</p>
Date09 October 2018
CreatorsBačević Nikola
ContributorsMarković Slobodan, Gavrilov Milivoj, Tošić Radislav
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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