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The LOFT mission concept: a status update

The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) is a mission concept which was proposed to ESA as M3 and M4 candidate in the framework of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument and the uniquely large field of view of its wide field monitor, LOFT will be able to study the behaviour of matter in extreme conditions such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions close to black holes and neutron stars and the supra-nuclear densities in the interiors of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, > 8m(2) effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1 degree collimated field of view) and a Wide Field Monitor (WFM, 2-50 keV, 4 steradian field of view, 1 arcmin source location accuracy, 300 eV spectral resolution). The WFM is equipped with an on-board system for bright events (e. g., GRB) localization. The trigger time and position of these events are broadcast to the ground within 30 s from discovery. In this paper we present the current technical and programmatic status of the mission.

  1. M. Feroci ; E. Bozzo ; S. Brandt ; M. Hernanz ; M. van der Klis ; L.-P. Liu ; P. Orleanski ; M. Pohl ; A. Santangelo ; S. Schanne ; L. Stella ; T. Takahashi ; H. Tamura ; A. Watts ; J. Wilms ; S. Zane ; S.-N. Zhang ; S. Bhattacharyya ; I. Agudo ; M. Ahangarianabhari ; C. Albertus ; M. Alford ; A. Alpar ; D. Altamirano ; L. Alvarez ; L. Amati ; C. Amoros ; N. Andersson ; A. Antonelli ; A. Argan ; R. Artigue ; B. Artigues ; J.-L. Atteia ; P. Azzarello ; P. Bakala ; D. Ballantyne ; G. Baldazzi ; M. Baldo ; S. Balman ; M. Barbera ; C. van Baren ; D. Barret ; A. Baykal ; M. Begelman ; E. Behar ; O. Behar ; T. Belloni ; F. Bernardini ; G. Bertuccio ; S. Bianchi ; A. Bianchini ; P. Binko ; P. Blay ; F. Bocchino ; M. Bode ; P. Bodin ; I. Bombaci ; J.-M. Bonnet Bidaud ; S. Boutloukos ; F. Bouyjou ; L. Bradley ; J. Braga ; M. S. Briggs ; E. Brown ; M. Buballa ; N. Bucciantini ; L. Burderi ; M. Burgay ; M. Bursa ; C. Budtz-Jørgensen ; E. Cackett ; F. Cadoux ; P. Cais ; G. A. Caliandro ; R. Campana ; S. Campana ; X. Cao ; F. Capitanio ; J. Casares ; P. Casella ; A. J. Castro-Tirado ; E. Cavazzuti ; Y. Cavechi ; S. Celestin ; P. Cerda-Duran ; D. Chakrabarty ; N. Chamel ; F. Château ; C. Chen ; Y. Chen ; Y. Chen ; J. Chenevez ; M. Chernyakova ; J. Coker ; R. Cole ; A. Collura ; M. Coriat ; R. Cornelisse ; L. Costamante ; A. Cros ; W. Cui ; A. Cumming ; G. Cusumano ; B. Czerny ; A. D'Aì ; F. D'Ammando ; V. D'Elia ; Z. Dai ; E. Del Monte ; A. De Luca ; D. De Martino ; J. P. C. Dercksen ; M. De Pasquale ; A. De Rosa ; M. Del Santo ; S. Di Cosimo ; N. Degenaar ; J. W. den Herder ; S. Diebold ; T. Di Salvo ; Y. Dong ; I. Donnarumma ; V. Doroshenko ; G. Doyle ; S. A. Drake ; M. Durant ; D. Emmanoulopoulos ; T. Enoto ; M. H. Erkut ; P. Esposito ; Y. Evangelista ; A. Fabian ; M. Falanga ; Y. Favre ; C. Feldman ; R. Fender ; H. Feng ; V. Ferrari ; C. Ferrigno ; M. Finger ; M. H. Finger ; G. W. Fraser ; M. Frericks ; M. Fullekrug ; F. Fuschino ; M. Gabler ; D. K. Galloway ; J. L. Gálvez Sanchez ; P. Gandhi ; Z. Gao ; E. Garcia-Berro ; B. Gendre ; O. Gevin ; S. Gezari ; A. B. Giles ; M. Gilfanov ; P. Giommi ; G. Giovannini ; M. Giroletti ; E. Gogus ; A. Goldwurm ; K. Goluchová ; D. Götz ; L. Gou ; C. Gouiffes ; P. Grandi ; M. Grassi ; J. Greiner ; V. Grinberg ; P. Groot ; M. Gschwender ; L. Gualtieri ; M. Guedel ; C. Guidorzi ; L. Guy ; D. Haas ; P. Haensel ; M. Hailey ; K. Hamuguchi ; F. Hansen ; D. H. Hartmann ; C. A. Haswell ; K. Hebeler ; A. Heger ; M. Hempel ; W. Hermsen ; J. Homan ; A. Hornstrup ; R. Hudec ; J. Huovelin ; D. Huppenkothen ; S. C. Inam ; A. Ingram ; J. J. M. In't Zand ; G. Israel ; K. Iwasawa ; L. Izzo ; H. M. Jacobs ; F. Jetter ; T. Johannsen ; P. A. Jenke ; P. Jonker ; J. Josè ; P. Kaaret ; K. Kalamkar ; E. Kalemci ; G. Kanbach ; V. Karas ; D. Karelin ; D. Kataria ; L. Keek ; T. Kennedy ; D. Klochkov ; W. Kluzniak ; E. Koerding ; K. Kokkotas ; S. Komossa ; S. Korpela ; C. Kouveliotou ; A. F. Kowalski ; I. Kreykenbohm ; L. M. Kuiper ; D. Kunneriath ; A. Kurkela ; I. Kuvvetli ; F. La Franca ; C. Labanti ; D. Lai ; F. K. Lamb ; C. Lachaud ; P. P. Laubert ; F. Lebrun ; X. Li ; E. Liang ; O. Limousin ; D. Lin ; M. Linares ; D. Linder ; G. Lodato ; F. Longo ; F. Lu ; N. Lund ; T. J. Maccarone ; D. Macera ; S. Maestre ; S. Mahmoodifar ; D. Maier ; P. Malcovati ; J. Malzac ; C. Malone ; I. Mandel ; V. Mangano ; A. Manousakis ; M. Marelli ; J. Margueron ; M. Marisaldi ; S. B. Markoff ; A. Markowitz ; A. Marinucci ; A. Martindale ; G. Martínez ; I. M. McHardy ; G. Medina-Tanco ; M. Mehdipour ; A. Melatos ; M. Mendez ; S. Mereghetti ; S. Migliari ; R. Mignani ; M. Michalska ; T. Mihara ; M. C. Miller ; J. M. Miller ; T. Mineo ; G. Miniutti ; S. Morsink ; C. Motch ; S. Motta ; M. Mouchet ; G. Mouret ; J. Mulačová ; F. Muleri ; T. Muñoz-Darias ; I. Negueruela ; J. Neilsen ; T. Neubert ; A. J. Norton ; M. Nowak ; A. Nucita ; P. O'Brien ; M. Oertel ; P. E. H. Olsen ; M. Orienti ; M. Orio ; M. Orlandini ; J. P. Osborne ; R. Osten ; F. Ozel ; L. Pacciani ; F. Paerels ; S. Paltani ; M. Paolillo ; I. Papadakis ; A. Papitto ; Z. Paragi ; J. M. Paredes ; A. Patruno ; B. Paul ; F. Pederiva ; E. Perinati ; A. Pellizzoni ; A. V. Penacchioni ; U. Peretz ; M. A. Perez ; M. Perez-Torres ; B. M. Peterson ; V. Petracek ; C. Pittori ; J. Pons ; J. Portell ; A. Possenti ; K. Postnov ; J. Poutanen ; M. Prakash ; I. Prandoni ; H. Le Provost ; D. Psaltis ; J. Pye ; J. Qu ; D. Rambaud ; P. Ramon ; G. Ramsay ; M. Rapisarda ; A. Rashevski ; I. Rashevskaya ; P. S. Ray ; N. Rea ; S. Reddy ; P. Reig ; M. Reina Aranda ; R. Remillard ; C. Reynolds ; L. Rezzolla ; M. Ribo ; R. de la Rie ; A. Riggio ; A. Rios ; D. H. Rischke ; P. Rodríguez-Gil ; J. Rodriguez ; R. Rohlfs ; P. Romano ; E. M. R. Rossi ; A. Rozanska ; A. Rousseau ; B. Rudak ; D. M. Russell ; F. Ryde ; L. Sabau-Graziati ; T. Sakamoto ; G. Sala ; R. Salvaterra ; D. Salvetti ; A. Sanna ; J. Sandberg ; T. Savolainen ; S. Scaringi ; J. Schaffner-Bielich ; H. Schatz ; J. Schee ; C. Schmid ; M. Serino ; N. Shakura ; S. Shore ; J. D. Schnittman ; R. Schneider ; A. Schwenk ; A. D. Schwope ; A. Sedrakian ; J.-Y. Seyler ; A. Shearer ; A. Slowikowska ; M. Sims ; A. Smith ; D. M. Smith ; P. J. Smith ; M. Sobolewska ; V. Sochora ; P. Soffitta ; P. Soleri ; L. Song ; A. Spencer ; A. Stamerra ; B. Stappers ; R. Staubert ; A. W. Steiner ; N. Stergioulas ; A. L. Stevens ; G. Stratta ; T. E. Strohmayer ; Z. Stuchlik ; S. Suchy ; V. Suleimanov ; F. Tamburini ; T. Tauris ; F. Tavecchio ; C. Tenzer ; F. K. Thielemann ; A. Tiengo ; L. Tolos ; F. Tombesi ; J. Tomsick ; G. Torok ; J. M. Torrejon ; D. F. Torres ; E. Torresi ; A. Tramacere ; I. Traulsen ; A. Trois ; R. Turolla ; S. Turriziani ; S. Typel ; P. Uter ; P. Uttley ; A. Vacchi ; P. Varniere ; S. Vaughan ; S. Vercellone ; M. Vietri ; F. H. Vincent ; V. Vrba ; D. Walton ; J. Wang ; Z. Wang ; S. Watanabe ; R. Wawrzaszek ; N. Webb ; N. Weinberg ; H. Wende ; P. Wheatley ; R. Wijers ; R. Wijnands ; M. Wille ; C. A. Wilson-Hodge ; B. Winter ; S. J. Walk ; K. Wood ; S. E. Woosley ; X. Wu ; R. Xu ; W. Yu ; F. Yuan ; W. Yuan ; Y. Yuan ; G. Zampa ; N. Zampa ; L. Zampieri ; L. Zdunik ; A. Zdziarski ; A. Zech ; B. Zhang ; C. Zhang ; S. Zhang ; M. Zingale and F. Zwart " The LOFT mission concept: a status update ", Proc. SPIE 9905, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99051R (July 25, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2233161;
  2. 0277-786X
  3. 10.1117/12.2233161
Date25 July 2016
CreatorsFeroci, M., Bozzo, E., Brandt, S., Hernanz, M., van der Klis, M., Liu, L.-P., Orleanski, P., Pohl, M., Santangelo, A., Schanne, S., Stella, L., Takahashi, T., Tamura, H., Watts, A., Wilms, J., Zane, S., Zhang, S.-N., Bhattacharyya, S., Agudo, I., Ahangarianabhari, M., Albertus, C., Alford, M., Alpar, A., Altamirano, D., Alvarez, L., Amati, L., Amoros, C., Andersson, N., Antonelli, A., Argan, A., Artigue, R., Artigues, B., Atteia, J.-L., Azzarello, P., Bakala, P., Ballantyne, D., Baldazzi, G., Baldo, M., Balman, S., Barbera, M., van Baren, C., Barret, D., Baykal, A., Begelman, M., Behar, E., Behar, O., Belloni, T., Bernardini, F., Bertuccio, G., Bianchi, S., Bianchini, A., Binko, P., Blay, P., Bocchino, F., Bode, M., Bodin, P., Bombaci, I., Bonnet Bidaud, J.-M., Boutloukos, S., Bouyjou, F., Bradley, L., Braga, J., Briggs, M. S., Brown, E., Buballa, M., Bucciantini, N., Burderi, L., Burgay, M., Bursa, M., Budtz-Jørgensen, C., Cackett, E., Cadoux, F., Cais, P., Caliandro, G. A., Campana, R., Campana, S., Cao, X., Capitanio, F., Casares, J., Casella, P., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Cavazzuti, E., Cavechi, Y., Celestin, S., Cerda-Duran, P., Chakrabarty, D., Chamel, N., Château, F., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chenevez, J., Chernyakova, M., Coker, J., Cole, R., Collura, A., Coriat, M., Cornelisse, R., Costamante, L., Cros, A., Cui, W., Cumming, A., Cusumano, G., Czerny, B., D'Aì, A., D'Ammando, F., D'Elia, V., Dai, Z., Del Monte, E., De Luca, A., De Martino, D., Dercksen, J. P. C., De Pasquale, M., De Rosa, A., Del Santo, M., Di Cosimo, S., Degenaar, N., den Herder, J. W., Diebold, S., Di Salvo, T., Dong, Y., Donnarumma, I., Doroshenko, V., Doyle, G., Drake, S. A., Durant, M., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Enoto, T., Erkut, M. H., Esposito, P., Evangelista, Y., Fabian, A., Falanga, M., Favre, Y., Feldman, C., Fender, R., Feng, H., Ferrari, V., Ferrigno, C., Finger, M., Finger, M. H., Fraser, G. W., Frericks, M., Fullekrug, M., Fuschino, F., Gabler, M., Galloway, D. K., Gálvez Sanchez, J. L., Gandhi, P., Gao, Z., Garcia-Berro, E., Gendre, B., Gevin, O., Gezari, S., Giles, A. B., Gilfanov, M., Giommi, P., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Gogus, E., Goldwurm, A., Goluchová, K., Götz, D., Gou, L., Gouiffes, C., Grandi, P., Grassi, M., Greiner, J., Grinberg, V., Groot, P., Gschwender, M., Gualtieri, L., Guedel, M., Guidorzi, C., Guy, L., Haas, D., Haensel, P., Hailey, M., Hamuguchi, K., Hansen, F., Hartmann, D. H., Haswell, C. A., Hebeler, K., Heger, A., Hempel, M., Hermsen, W., Homan, J., Hornstrup, A., Hudec, R., Huovelin, J., Huppenkothen, D., Inam, S. C., Ingram, A., In't Zand, J. J. M., Israel, G., Iwasawa, K., Izzo, L., Jacobs, H. M., Jetter, F., Johannsen, T., Jenke, P. A., Jonker, P., Josè, J., Kaaret, P., Kalamkar, K., Kalemci, E., Kanbach, G., Karas, V., Karelin, D., Kataria, D., Keek, L., Kennedy, T., Klochkov, D., Kluzniak, W., Koerding, E., Kokkotas, K., Komossa, S., Korpela, S., Kouveliotou, C., Kowalski, A. F., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuiper, L. M., Kunneriath, D., Kurkela, A., Kuvvetli, I., La Franca, F., Labanti, C., Lai, D., Lamb, F. K., Lachaud, C., Laubert, P. P., Lebrun, F., Li, X., Liang, E., Limousin, O., Lin, D., Linares, M., Linder, D., Lodato, G., Longo, F., Lu, F., Lund, N., Maccarone, T. J., Macera, D., Maestre, S., Mahmoodifar, S., Maier, D., Malcovati, P., Malzac, J., Malone, C., Mandel, I., Mangano, V., Manousakis, A., Marelli, M., Margueron, J., Marisaldi, M., Markoff, S. B., Markowitz, A., Marinucci, A., Martindale, A., Martínez, G., McHardy, I. M., Medina-Tanco, G., Mehdipour, M., Melatos, A., Mendez, M., Mereghetti, S., Migliari, S., Mignani, R., Michalska, M., Mihara, T., Miller, M. C., Miller, J. M., Mineo, T., Miniutti, G., Morsink, S., Motch, C., Motta, S., Mouchet, M., Mouret, G., Mulačová, J., Muleri, F., Muñoz-Darias, T., Negueruela, I., Neilsen, J., Neubert, T., Norton, A. J., Nowak, M., Nucita, A., O'Brien, P., Oertel, M., Olsen, P. E. H., Orienti, M., Orio, M., Orlandini, M., Osborne, J. P., Osten, R., Ozel, F., Pacciani, L., Paerels, F., Paltani, S., Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., Papitto, A., Paragi, Z., Paredes, J. M., Patruno, A., Paul, B., Pederiva, F., Perinati, E., Pellizzoni, A., Penacchioni, A. V., Peretz, U., Perez, M. A., Perez-Torres, M., Peterson, B. M., Petracek, V., Pittori, C., Pons, J., Portell, J., Possenti, A., Postnov, K., Poutanen, J., Prakash, M., Prandoni, I., Le Provost, H., Psaltis, D., Pye, J., Qu, J., Rambaud, D., Ramon, P., Ramsay, G., Rapisarda, M., Rashevski, A., Rashevskaya, I., Ray, P. S., Rea, N., Reddy, S., Reig, P., Reina Aranda, M., Remillard, R., Reynolds, C., Rezzolla, L., Ribo, M., de la Rie, R., Riggio, A., Rios, A., Rischke, D. H., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Rodriguez, J., Rohlfs, R., Romano, P., Rossi, E. M. R., Rozanska, A., Rousseau, A., Rudak, B., Russell, D. M., Ryde, F., Sabau-Graziati, L., Sakamoto, T., Sala, G., Salvaterra, R., Salvetti, D., Sanna, A., Sandberg, J., Savolainen, T., Scaringi, S., Schaffner-Bielich, J., Schatz, H., Schee, J., Schmid, C., Serino, M., Shakura, N., Shore, S., Schnittman, J. D., Schneider, R., Schwenk, A., Schwope, A. D., Sedrakian, A., Seyler, J.-Y., Shearer, A., Slowikowska, A., Sims, M., Smith, A., Smith, D. M., Smith, P. J., Sobolewska, M., Sochora, V., Soffitta, P., Soleri, P., Song, L., Spencer, A., Stamerra, A., Stappers, B., Staubert, R., Steiner, A. W., Stergioulas, N., Stevens, A. L., Stratta, G., Strohmayer, T. E., Stuchlik, Z., Suchy, S., Suleimanov, V., Tamburini, F., Tauris, T., Tavecchio, F., Tenzer, C., Thielemann, F. K., Tiengo, A., Tolos, L., Tombesi, F., Tomsick, J., Torok, G., Torrejon, J. M., Torres, D. F., Torresi, E., Tramacere, A., Traulsen, I., Trois, A., Turolla, R., Turriziani, S., Typel, S., Uter, P., Uttley, P., Vacchi, A., Varniere, P., Vaughan, S., Vercellone, S., Vietri, M., Vincent, F. H., Vrba, V., Walton, D., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Watanabe, S., Wawrzaszek, R., Webb, N., Weinberg, N., Wende, H., Wheatley, P., Wijers, R., Wijnands, R., Wille, M., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., Winter, B., Walk, S. J., Wood, K., Woosley, S. E., Wu, X., Xu, R., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Yuan, W., Yuan, Y., Zampa, G., Zampa, N., Zampieri, L., Zdunik, L., Zdziarski, A., Zech, A., Zhang, B., Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zingale, M., Zwart, F.
ContributorsUniv Arizona, Dept Astron, IAPS-INAF (Italy), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), China Academy of Space Technology (China), Space Research Ctr. (Poland), DPNC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), IAAT, Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), CEA Saclay (France), INAF-OA Roma (Italy), ISAS (Japan), Tohoku Univ. (Japan), Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (India), Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Spain), Politecnico Milano (Italy), Univ. de Granada (Spain), Washington Univ. (United States), Sabanci Univ. (Turkey), Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), IRAP (France), Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom), ASDC (Italy), IAPS-INAF (Italy), IRAP (France), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), IRAP (France), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), Georgia Institute of Technology (United States), Univ. of Bologna (Italy), INFN (Italy), Middle East Technical Univ. (Turkey), Palermo Univ. (Italy), SRON (Netherlands), IRAP (France), Middle East Technical Univ. (Turkey), JILA, Univ. of Colorado Boulder (United States), Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Sapienza Univ. (Italy), INAF-OA Brera (Italy), NYUAD (United Arab Emirates), Politecnico Milano (Italy), Univ. of Rome III (Italy), Univ. of Padua (Italy), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), Univ. of Valencia (Spain), INAF-OA Padova (Italy), Liverpool John Moores Univ. (United Kingdom), CNES (France), Univ. of Pisa (Italy), CEA Saclay (France), IAAT, Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), CEA Saclay (France), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), INPE (Brazil), National Space and Science Technology Ctr., Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville (United States), Michigan State Univ. (United States), Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany), Arcetri Observatory, INAF (Italy), Cagliari Univ. (Italy), INAF-OA Cagliari (Italy), Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Wayne State Univ. (United States), DPNC, Geneve Univ. (Switzerland), Lab. d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (France), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), IAPS-INAF (Italy), INAF-OA Brera (Italy), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain), INAF-OA Roma (Italy), Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (Spain), ASDC (Italy), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. of Orleans (France), Univ. of Valencia (Spain), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), Univ. Libre de Bruxelles (France), CEA Saclay (France), Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (China), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), Nanjing Univ. (China), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Dublin City Univ. (Ireland), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo (Italy), IRAP (France), Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain), Univ. of Perugia (Italy), IRAP (France), Purdue Univ. (United States), INAF-OA Capodimonte (Italy), INAF IASF (Italy), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Palermo Univ. (Italy), INAF-IRA-Bologna (Italy), ASDC (Italy), Nanjing Univ. (China), IAPS-INAF (Italy), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), INAF-OA Capodimonte (Italy), SRON (Netherlands), INAF IASF (United Kingdom), IAPS-INAF (Italy), IAPS-INAF (Italy), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom), SRON (Netherlands), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Palermo Univ. (Italy), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), IAPS-INAF (Italy), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), Univ. of Toronto (Canada), Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), Istanbul Kültür Univ. (Turkey), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Cambridge Univ. (United Kingdom), ISSI Bern (Switzerland), DPNC, Geneve Univ. (Switzerland), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), Oxford Univ. (United Kingdom), Tsinghua Univ. (China), Sapienza Univ. (Italy), ISDC. Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), Charles Univ. in Prague (Czech Republic), Universities Space Research Association (United States), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), SRON (Netherlands), Univ. of Bath (United Kingdom), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), Univ. of Valencia (Spain), Monash Univ. (Australia), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom), China Academy of Space Technology (China), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), ASDC (Italy), CEA Saclay (France), Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States), Univ. of Tasmania (Australia), MPA Garching (Russian Federation), ASDC (Italy), INAF-IRA-Bologna (Italy), INAF-IRA-Bologna (Italy), Sabanci Univ. (Turkey), AstroParticule and Cosmologie (France), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), CEA Saclay (France), National Astronomical Observatories (China), CEA Saclay (France), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), Pavia Univ. (Italy), Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), Clemson Univ. (United States), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Sapienza Univ. (Italy), Univ. of Vienna (Austria), Ferrara Univ. (Italy), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), SRON (Netherlands), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), CRESST and X-ray Astrophysics Lab. (United States), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Clemson Univ. (United States), Open Univ. (United Kingdom), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Germany), Monash Univ. (Australia), Univ. of Basel (Switzerland), SRON (Netherlands), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), Univ. of Helsinki (Finland), New York Univ. (United States), Univ. of Baskent (Turkey), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), SRON (Netherlands), INAF-OA Roma (Italy), Univ. de Barcelona (Spain), Sapienza Univ. (Italy), SRON (Netherlands), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada), Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville (United States), SRON (Netherlands), Technical Univ. of Catalonia (Spain), Michigan State Univ. (United States), INAF-OA Roma (Italy), Sabanci Univ. (Turkey), Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany), Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Italy), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Georgia Institute of Technology (United States), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Radboud Univ. Nijmegen (Netherlands), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Germany), Univ. of Helsinki (Finland), George Washington Univ. (United States), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), SRON (Netherlands), Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), CERN (Switzerland), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Univ. of Rome III (Italy), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), Cornell Univ. (United States), Univ. of Illinois (United States), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (France), SRON (Netherlands), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (France), Nanjing Univ. (China), Guangxi Univ. (China), CEA Saclay (France), IRAP (France), Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Univ. degli Studi di Milano (Italy), Univ. of Trieste (Italy), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Texas Tech Univ. (United States), Politecnico Milano (Italy), IRAP (France), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Pavia Univ. (Italy), IRAP (France), Los Alamos Nationa Lab. (United States), Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom), The Pennsylvania State Univ. (United States), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), IPN Lyon (France), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. of California, San Diego (United States), Univ. of Rome III (Italy), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Belgium), Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom), Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares (Mexico), SRON (Netherlands), Univ. of Melbourne (Australia), Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), Univ. de Barcelona (Spain), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Space Research Ctr. (Poland), INFN (Italy), Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States), Michigan State Univ. (United States), INAF IASF (Italy), Ctr. de Astrobiología (Spain), Univ. of Alberta (Canada), Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (France), Oxford Univ. (United Kingdom), Univ. Paris Diderot (France), IRAP (France), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Oxford Univ. (United Kingdom), Univ. of Alicante (Spain), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), Open Univ. (United Kingdom), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), Univ. of Salento (Italy), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), IPN Lyon (France), National Space Institute, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark), INAF-IRA-Bologna (Italy), INAF-OA Padova (France), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), Space Telescope Institute (United States), Univ. of Arizona (United States), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Columbia Univ. (United States), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), Univ. di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Univ. of Crete (Greece), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (Netherlands), Univ. de Barcelona (Spain), Leiden Observatory (Netherlands), Raman Research Institute (India), Univ. di Trento (Italy), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), INAF-OA Cagliari (Italy), Sapienza Univ. (Italy), Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Univ. of Salamanca (Spain), Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (Spain), The Ohio State Univ. (United States), Czech Technical Univ. in Prague (Czech Republic), ASDC (Italy), Univ. of Alicante (Spain), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), INAF-OA Cagliari (Italy), Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State Univ. (Russian Federation), Univ. of Turku (Finland), Ohio Univ. (United States), INAF-IRA-Bologna (Italy), CEA Saclay (France), Univ. of Arizona (United States), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), IRAP (France), IRAP (France), Armagh Observatory (United Kingdom), IAPS-INAF (Italy), INFN (Italy), INFN (Italy), NRL (United States), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), Univ. of Washington (United States), Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (Greece), National Institute of Aerospace Technology (Spain), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States), Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute (Germany), Univ. de Barcelona (Spain), SRON (Netherlands), INAF-OA Cagliari (Italy), Univ. of Surrey (United Kingdom), Goethe Univ. (Germany), Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain), CEA Saclay (France), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), INAF IASF (Italy), Leiden Observatory (Netherlands), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), NYUAD (United Arab Emirates), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), National Institute of Aerospace Technology (Spain), Aoyama Gakuin Univ. (Japan), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), INAF-IASF-Milano (Italy), Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands), Jorgen Sandberg Consulting (Denmark), Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Germany), Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Germany), Goethe Univ. (Germany), Michigan State Univ. (United States), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), RIKEN (Japan), Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State Univ. (Russian Federation), Univ. of Pisa (Italy), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), INAF-OA Roma (Italy), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Germany), Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany), Goethe Univ. (Germany), CNES (France), National Univ. of Ireland, Galway (Ireland), Univ. of Zielona Gòra (Poland), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (United States), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), INAF-IFSI Torino (Italy), Univ. of Manchester (United Kingdom), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Univ. of Tennessee (United States), Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (Greece), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Univ. of Padua (Italy), Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (Germany), INAF-OA Brera (Italy), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Univ. of Basel (Switzerland), Istituto Univ. di Studi Superiori Pavia (Italy), IEEC-CSIC-UPC-UB (Spain), Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States), Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States), Silesian Univ. in Opava (Czech Republic), Univ. of Alicante (Spain), Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (Spain), INAF-IASF-Bologna (Italy), ISDC, Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland), Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (Germany), IAPS-INAF (Italy), Univ. of Padua (Italy), Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Germany), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), INFN (Italy), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (France), Leicester Univ. (United Kingdom), INAF IASF (Italy), Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), Tongji Univ. (China), ISAS (Japan), Space Research Ctr. (Poland), IRAP (France), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States), IAAT Univ. of Tuebingen (Germany), Univ. of Warwick (United Kingdom), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), NASA Marshall Space Flight Ctr. (United States), MSSL, Univ. College of London (United Kingdom), Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics (United States), NRL (United States), Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (United States), Purple Mountain Observatory (China), Peking Univ. (China), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (China), National Astronomical Observatories (China), Univ. of Science and Technology of China (China), INFN (Italy), INFN (Italy), INAF-OA Padova (Italy), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Copernicus Astronomical Ctr. (Poland), Univ. Paris Diderot (France), Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas (United States), National Astronomical Observatories (China), Institute of High Energy Physics (China), Stony Brook Univ. (United States), SRON (Netherlands)
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
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