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Organizational onboarding and socialization of adjunct clinical faculty in nursing education

<p> The organizational socialization literature identifies specific needs of newly hired employees: role clarity, occupational self-efficacy, and social acceptance. Organizations help meet these needs by providing onboarding (orientation and engagement) practices that facilitate newcomer adjustment. This leads to increased employee satisfaction and retention. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify the benefit of onboarding practices that nursing programs use with adjunct clinical nursing faculty and determine if these practices contribute to organizational socialization. Eight nursing adjuncts from three universities completed an online pre-interview survey and participated in a semi-structured interview where they rated the benefit of best and common onboarding practices. An administrator from each university also completed an online version of the survey. Findings from the study revealed consistent benefit ratings of the majority of practices by participants. Some practices were deemed essential and their absence was detrimental for the adjunct, students, and institution. Administrator perceptions of benefit were equal to, or higher than, adjunct ratings. Adjunct participant responses supported their need for an onboarding process that promotes role clarity, self-efficacy, and social acceptance. Those who experienced quality onboarding expressed feelings of satisfaction with their jobs and greater allegiance to their programs than those with poor experiences. This study has implications for nursing education because retention of engaged, satisfied adjuncts is a cost-effective way to supplement the limited pool of full-time nursing faculty. Both adjuncts and administrators identified benefits of the majority of practices, so nursing programs would be well-served by offering a thorough and efficient onboarding process to adjunct faculty. This study also adds to the limited literature that examines the impact that specific onboarding practices have on organizational socialization of new employees.</p>
Date23 June 2015
CreatorsElting, Julie Anne Kientz
PublisherUniversity of Southern California
Detected LanguageEnglish

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