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Studies on whole-body nitrogen turnover, protein synthesis and breakdown in man using 15N glycine

The experimental work described in this thesis was conducted in the surgical research laboratories of Dr Francis D. Moore in the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (now the Brigham & Women's Hospital) Boston, Massachusetts, USA, between 1978-1979. It formed part of an ongoing programme of research into protein metabolism in man; specifically to measure total body nitrogen turnover and hence protein synthesis and breakdown, initially in normal volunteers receiving various intravenous feeding regimens, and subsequently in patients. The previous year, 1977, had seen the publication of 'Substrate Interaction in Intravenous Feeding' by Bruce Wolfe et al., from the same laboratories. This was an extensive piece of work incorporating many studies and compared nitrogen balance data together with biochemical, hormonal and plasma amino acid data in normal men fed intravenously with a variety of regimens. Shortly afterwards a series of protein turnover studies was embarked upon, using the uN glycine method, and in collaboration with Dr Vernon Young of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The first experiments were essentially a repeat of the studies described by Wolfe et al. (vide supra) but in addition nitrogen turnover, protein synthesis and breakdown were estimated using a continuous 60 hour infusion of uN glycine and measuring enrichment of urinary urea with uN when a plateau was reached. Normal volunteers were studied firstly on normal oral diet and then on a iv succession of intravenous regimens:- amino acids alone (AA), amino acids plus 'high dose' glucose (AA + HOG), amino acids plus fat emulsion (AA + FE), amino acids plus 'low dose' glucose (AA + LOG), amino acids, fat emulsion and low dose glucose (AA + LDG+ FE), and finally 'low dose' glucose alone (LOG). The studies on normal diet, AA and AA+HOG were conducted by Andrew Sim (a Glasgow/Harvard exchange fellow) and Bruce Wolfe. The author took no practical role in these experiments, but was responsible for analysis of the data and the protein metabolism calculations, and was a co-author when the work was published in 1979 (Sim et al., Glucose Promotes Whole-Body Protein Synthesis from Infused Aminoacids in Fasting Man, Lancet i, 68-71). Subsequently, the author did the experiments using AA + LOG + FE, AA + FE, and AA + LOG and LOG. The results on these four regimens were incorporated in a paper presented in 1979 at the Tripartite Meeting of the Surgical Research Society at Oxford under the title 'Isotope Studies of substrate interaction in parenteral nutrition', and also at the 2nd European Congress on Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition at Newcastle upon Tyne in 1980, and later published as 'The Effect of Fat Infusion on Protein Metabolism' (Acta. Chir. Scand., Suppl. 507, 475-484, 1981). When the studies on the various intravenous feeding regimens were completed, attention was turned to the possible distorting effects of variables such as exercise and diet v on the behaviour of the isotope equilibrium curve and plateau. Such effects, if present, might have significance when studies were carried out on patients at a later stage in the research programme. Because each study lasted 48-60 hours, changes might occur either unintentionally or as a result of the needs of clinical management, and if they affected the plateau would alter the resultant calculations of turnover, synthesis and breakdown. Such a potential source of error clearly needed investigation. A pilot study was done in two subjects, later repeated on each, to observe any effects on the curve and plateau of both doubling protein intake and bicycle exercise. Subsequently, more extensive studies were done varying the protein and energy intakes, both orally and intravenously, allowing a detailed analysis of curve perturbation, and introducing the concept of basal catabolic rate. Finally, protein turnover, synthesis and breakdown were estimated seven times in four seriously ill patients. All of the studies mentioned above form the basis of the thesis. Unfortunately, the gestation period of this thesis has been long. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, the work done was part of a five-year programme of research, with the intention of publishing a paper in a scientific journal at the completion of each stage. This was done vi with the first three regimens (normal diet, AA and AA + HDG) but not with the last four (AA + FE, AA + LOO+ FE, AA + LOG, LDG), although the results were presented at two scientific meetings. Shortly after returning to the United Kingdom the author was appointed a consultant surgeon and this career move assumed priority. Secondly, although it was intended to publish the perturbation studies, it proved impossible to reduce the size of the text to a manageable level suitable for publication in the form of a scientific paper. However, despite the long interval since the experiments were done, no similar work has been published. In particular, virtually no attention has been paid to intentional perturbation. Also, whereas there was a spate of interest in protein turnover studies in the late 1970s and early 1980s, virtually no publications have appeared since 1985. It seems that the potential applications of the method are considered exhausted, and interest has been lost, rather as it was in the 1950s following a short flurry of activity exploring the first cumbersome technique. Hence, it seemed all the more pertinent, even at this late stage, to publish the work in the form of a thesis which could describe in chronological order the continuum of studies as briefly mentioned above. In order to preserve such a progression, the following Introduction contains, with few exceptions, only references up to the time that the experimental studies were commenced, 1978, but the subsequent Discussion(s) in the various sections will attempt to include the relevant literature up to the present time.
Date January 1994
CreatorsClarke, David
PublisherUniversity of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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