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高承諾工作實踐與員工離職傾向的關係 : 內在機理與情境因素探究 = The relationship between high commitment work practices and turnover intention : an investigation into the mechanism and the contextual factors

本研究以吉林省四平市三个民营企业共计249份配对样本为基础,以组织承诺理论、自我决定理论以及动机理论为基础,从内在动机角度,对员工感知的高承诺工作实践影响员工离职倾向的内在机理及其情境因素进行了研究。结果发现,员工感知的高承诺工作实践对离职倾向的影响是通过内在动机实现的。内在动机在员工感知的高承诺工作实践与离职倾向的关系构建中起到间接效应。研究表明,员工感知的高承诺工作实践与内在动机之间存在显著正向关系,内在动机与离职倾向之间存在显著负向关系。即员工感知的高承诺工作实践通过影响员工的内在动机,进而影响员工的离职倾向。同时,本研究也发现员工的个体特征,如情绪智力与竞争人格具有调节效应。即在高情绪智力与高竞争人格情境下,员工感知的高承诺工作实践与内在动机的正向关系得到加强,从而提高员工保留,减少员工离职倾向。This study focuses on the internal mechanism and situational factors that Employee Perceived High Commitment Work Practices influence Employee Turnover Intention from the perspective of Intrinsic Motivation based on a total of 249 paired samples from three private enterprises in Siping City of Jilin Province. This research is based on theories including organizational commitment theory,self-determination theory and motivation theory. It was found that the influence of Employee Perceived High Commitment Work Practices implemented on Turnover Intention was realized through Intrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic Motivation plays an indirect effect in the relationship building between Employee Perceived High Commitment Work Practices and Turnover Intention. The study shows that there is a significant positive correlation between Employee Perceived High Commitment Work Practices and Intrinsic Motivation, and, by contrast, there is a significant negative correlation between Intrinsic Motivation and Turnover Intention. That is, Employee Perceived High Commitment Work Practices influence Turnover Intention by influencing Intrinsic Motivation. Meanwhile, this study also found that the individual characteristics of employees, such as Emotional Intelligence and Trait Competitiveness, have the moderating effect. That is, in the context of High Emotional Intelligence and High Trait Competitiveness, the positive correlation between High Commitment Work Practices and Intrinsic Motivation is strengthened,and thereby reduce turnover intention so as to promote employee retention.
Date27 December 2017
PublisherHKBU Institutional Repository
Source SetsHong Kong Baptist University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceOpen Access Theses and Dissertations

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