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Funkcionalni magnetno rezonantni imidžing u dijagnostici dijabetesne nefropatije kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetes melitusa / Functional magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

<p>Uvod: Dijabetes melitus (DM) je oboljenje koje poprima karakteristike globalne epidemije. Sve ţe&scaron;&scaron;e oboljevaju pacijenti mlaŤeg ţivotnog doba. Simptomi DM tip 2 su blagi, ţesto neprimetni, te se oboljenje otkriva kada se ve&scaron; manifestuju komplikacije. Dijabetesna nefropatija (DN) je jedna od mnogobrojnih komplikacija dijabetes melitusa tip 2, koja se zavr&scaron;ava terminalnom bubreţnom insuficijencijom. DN se ţesto neblagovremeno dijagnostikuje, zbog ţega se kasno zapoţinje leţenje. Rano otkrivanje DN od kljuţnog je znaţaja, jer omogu&scaron;ava primenu terapijskih postupaka usmerenih na oţuvanje preostalih zdravih nefrona i prevenciju terminalne bubreţne slabosti. Cilj: Prikazati poreme&scaron;aj difuzije molekula vode unutar bubrega kod DN, kori&scaron;&scaron;enjem mapa prividnog koeficijenta difuzije, kvantifikacijom vrednosti prividnog koeficijenta difuzije (ADC) i frakcione anizotropije (FA). Materijal i metode: U prospektivnu studiju bilo je ukljuţeno 10 zdravih dobrovoljaca i 91 pacijent oboleo od DM tip 2. Pacijenti oboleli od DM tip 2 podeljeni su u ţetiri grupe na osnovu vrednosti procenjene jaţine glomerularne filtracije (JGF) (grupe: I JGF &ge; 90, II 89-60, III 59-30, IV &le; 29 ml/min/1,73m&sup2;). Svim ispitanicima uraŤen je MR pregled bubrega, uz primenu DWI (b=0 i b=400 s/mm&sup2;) i DTI (b=1000 s/mm&sup2;) sekvence, na aparatu jaţine 1.5T. ADC i FA vrednosti raţunate su u &scaron;est regija od interasa, po tri u korteksu i meduli svakog bubrega. Dobijene vrednosti komparirane su sa laboratorijskim parametrima bubreţne funkcije (urea, kreatinin, mokra&scaron;na kiselina) i procenjenom JGF. Rezultati: Ne postoje statistiţki znaţajne razlike ADC i FA vrednosti parenhima, korteksa i medule levog i desnog bubrega kod zdravih dobrovoljaca i DM pacijenata. Kod DM pacijenata ADC je ve&scaron;a u korteksu nego u meduli (p=0,00), a FA vrednost je ve&scaron;a u meduli nego u korteksu (p=0,284). Urea, kreatinin i cistatin C imaju negativnu korelaciju sa ADC korteksa, medule i parenhima (p&lt;0,05), a JGF ima pozitivnu korelaciju sa ADC korteksa, medule i parenhima, kao i sa FA medule (p&lt;0,05) kod DM pacijenata. Na osnovu Post hoc testa za ADC, kod DM pacijenata postoje razlike izmeŤu I i IV grupe, izmeŤu II i IV grupe i III i IV grupe (p&le;0,05). IzmeŤu godina ţivota, teţine, BMI, JGF, HbA1c, uree i &Scaron;UK-a, postoji razlika DM pacijenata i zdravih dobrovoljaca (p&lt;0,05). Niţa je vrednost FA medule DM pacijenata u odnosu na zdrave dobrovoljce (p&lt;0,05). Postoji razlika ADC korteksa, medule i parenhima izmeŤu zdravih dobrovoljaca i DM pacijenata IV grupe, kao izmeŤu DM pacijenata I i II grupe u odnosu na IV grupu. TakoŤe postoji razlika izmeŤu FA medule zdravih dobrovoljaca i DM pacijenata I i IV grupe (p&lt;0,05). Regresiona analiza pokazala je uticaj kreatinina na ADC desnog bubrega i ADC oba bubrega, dok procenjena JGF i cistatin C imaju uticaj na ADC desnog i levog bubrega, ADC oba bubrega i FA levog bubrega (p&lt;0,05). Traktografija je prikazala naru&scaron;enu arhitektoniku kod pacijenata sa o&scaron;te&scaron;enom bubreţnom funkcijom. Zakljuţak: Postoji korelacija laboratorijskih parametara bubreţne funkcije i procenjene JGF sa ADC i FA vrednostima bubrega, &scaron;to ukazuje na ulogu funkcionalnog magnetno rezonantnog imidţinga u dijagnostici dijabetesne nefropatije. Neophodna su dalja istraţivanja koja &scaron;e doprineti standardizaciji MR protokola i potvrdi znaţaja MR biomarkera u dijagnostici DN. Na osnovu na&scaron;ih rezultata vrednost FA medule osetljiviji je parametar od ADC vrednosti u otkrivanju ranog o&scaron;te&scaron;enja bubrega u sklopu dijabetes melitusa.</p> / <p>Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease that takes on the characteristics of a global epidemic. Patients of younger age are more and more commonly affected. Symptoms of type 2 DM are mild, often imperceptible, and therefore the disease is usually detected when complications are already manifested. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the many complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus that leads to terminal renal failure. Diagnosis of DN is often late, causing the delay of the treatmen. Early detection of DN is crucial because it allows the application of therapeutic procedures aimed at preserving the remaining healthy nephrons and preventing terminal renal failure. Objective: To investigate a diffusion of water molecule within a kidney in DN using apparent diffusion coefficient maps, by quantification of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) values in diabetic patients with DM type 2. Material and methods: The prospective study comprised 10 healthy volunteers and 91 DM type 2 patients. DM patients were divided into four groups based on the values of the estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) (groups: I eGFR &ge; 90, II 89-60, III 59-30, IV &le; 29 ml/min/1.73m&sup2;). All subjects were scanned by 1.5T MR using DWI (b=0 and b=400 s/mm&sup2;) and DTI (b=1000 s/mm&sup2;) sequences. ADC and FA values were calculated in six regions of interest, three in cortex and three in medulla of each kidney. Obtaned values were compared to laboratory parameters of renal function (urea, creatinine, uric acid) and eGFR. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between ADC and FA values of parenchyma, cortex and medulla of the left and the right kidney in healthy volunteers and DM patients. In DM patients, the ADC value was higher in the cortex than in the medulla (p=0.00) and the FA value was higher in the medulla than in the cortex (p=0.284). The negative correlation was found between urea, creatinine and cystatin C with ADC cortex, medulla and parenchyma (p&lt;0.05), and the eGFR was positively correlated with ADC cortex, medulla and parenchyma, and with FA medulla (p&lt;0.05) in DM patients. Based on the Post hoc test for ADC, in DM patients there were differences between I and IV group, between II and IV group, III and IV group (p&le;0,05). Regarding age, weight, BMI, GFR, HbA1c, urea, and glucose in the serum, there was a difference between DM patients and healthy volunteers (p&lt;0.05). The FA of medulla in DM patients was lower than of healthy volunteers (p&lt;0.05). There were differences in ADC of cortex, medulla, and parenchyma between healthy volunteers and DM patients of IV group, as well as between DM patients of I and II group compared to IV group. There were differences of medulla FA values between healthy volunteers and group I, accompanied by healthy and IV group of DM patients (p&lt;0.05). Regression analysis showed the influence of creatinine on ADC of right kidney and ADC of both kidneys, while eGFR and cystatin C have an effect on ADC of right and left kidney, ADC of both kidneys and FA of left kidney (p&lt;0.05). The tractography showed the disturbed architectonics in patients with impaired renal function. Conclusion: There is correlation of laboratory parameters of renal function and eGFR with ADC and FA values of the kidney, indicating the role of functional magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of DN. Further research that will contribute to standardizing the MR protocol and confirming the importance of MRI biomarker in the diagnosis of DN are needed. Based on our results, the values of medulla FA is more sensitive parameter than the ADC value in detecting early kidney damage in the context of diabetes mellitus.</p>
Date06 June 2019
CreatorsMrđanin Tijana
ContributorsNikolić Olivera, Mitrović Milena, Stojanović Sanja, Til Viktor, Petrović Slađana, Nićiforović Dijana, Ičin Tijana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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