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Climate change and invasion impacts in the sub-Antarctic

Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Climate change and biological invasions are major threats to biodiversity. In particular,
these threats are predicted to influence terrestrial systems in the sub-Antarctic, where
significant ecosystem responses to both have already been seen. In this thesis, the
sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Island group is used as a model system in which to investigate
key questions relating to climate change and invasive species impacts. The island group
comprises two islands, Marion (MI) and Prince Edward (PEI), both of which are
experiencing rapid warming, yet have different invasive assemblages and in consequence
are experiencing different impacts.
Variation in the patterns of invasive species richness and abundance and their
underlying causes are matters of considerable ecological and conservation significance.
While an increase in thermal energy availability typically results in an increase in species
richness, the mechanisms underlying these patterns are poorly understood. In Chapter 2 of
this thesis, these relationships are explored for springtails, an important component of the
soil fauna on Marion Island. Energy explains a large amount of the spatial variation in
indigenous and invasive springtail species richness. Disturbance thresholds and stressful
temperatures are more important than increased population sizes in determining this
variation in species richness. As both indigenous and invasive springtail species richness
and abundance are strongly related to temperature, a warming climate could have
far-reaching consequences for these organisms. In particular, invasive species are predicted
to be at an advantage relative to indigenous species under warming conditions. One species where this seems especially likely, given its physiological responses to
experimental warming and drying, is the large invasive tomocerid, Pogonognathellus
flavescens. Determining whether this will be the case depends on understanding the
factors underlying its range limits and abundance structure. Moreover, few studies have
sought to distinguish the causal basis of abundance structure and range limits, particularly
for invasive species. Thus, in Chapter 3, local microclimate variables and physiological
tolerances of the invasive springtail, P. flavescens (a habitat generalist), are examined. The
results suggest that the species should be widely distributed across a range of habitats on
MI. However, the springtail is restricted to indigenous Poa cookii tussock grassland habitats
in the southeast. The current range limits are set by dispersal limitation (i.e. contingent absences) whilst abundance structure is a function of variation in soil substrate quality.
However, over time, the widening distribution of P. cookii, as a consequence of a major
management intervention (the eradication of feral cats), may enable P. flavescens to
colonise all suitable areas.
In Chapter 4, the focus changes to what has been considered the third major
response to climate change, along with range and phenological responses - changing
animal body sizes. Body size is one of the most significant and obvious features of animals
and is of considerable ecological and physiological importance. A prediction of the
temperature-size rule (TSR) is that with warming, body size of the weevil species on both
MI and PEI should decline. However, predation by mice of the weevils on MI should
fundamentally affect the pattern of such change, causing it to differ from neighbouring PEI,
indicating synergistic impacts between climate change and invasions. Analysis of a 24-year
data set indicates a decline in the body size of all weevil species on PEI with increasing
temperature. However, on MI, a negative relationship between mean annual temperature
and body size is found only for Palirhoeus eatoni, a species not eaten by mice. A possible
explanation for the positive relationships found for the other species could be due to
higher metabolic demands imposed on mice in colder years than in warmer ones. Any
increase in predation coupled with a preference for larger sizes, which the mice clearly
show, would lead to a decline in the mean size of the weevil species. Due to the
relationship between body size and metabolic rate and the importance of the weevils in
the islands’ food webs, changes to the body size of these organisms could have significant
consequences for the island ecosystems’ functioning. The thermal environment experienced by organisms also has a direct effect on
survival, growth and reproduction. The physiological response of organisms to rapidly
changing climates is therefore a primary concern. Organisms may respond to variable
environmental conditions through phenotypic plasticity as well as behaviour. Chapter 5 of
this thesis shows that of the weevil species and populations investigated on MI, most
display phenotypic plasticity, the form of which is in keeping with the ‘Hotter is Better’
hypothesis. This could be due to rare extreme temperature events and the advantage for
the performance curves to incorporate high temperatures experienced in the environment.
Mismatches between thermal optima and preferred temperatures displayed by all species
could mean that these weevils are well equipped to cope with warming conditions on MI unless the prediction of an increase of rare extreme events such as extreme temperatures
is realised.
Rapidly changing climates and an increase in the introduction of non-indigenous
species are issues of major conservation concern. This has increased the significance of
studies on the impacts of these threats. However, this thesis shows that to understand
such processes, it is essential that an integration of disciplines be undertaken. This thesis
thus adopts a multidisciplinary approach and highlights key issues associated with both
climate change and biological invasions. The patterns and predictions of species and
community responses to these environmental changes are complex. Moreover, predicting
such responses is likely to be problematic, especially as multiple factors will change
concurrently and how these factors might change is unclear. This highlights the importance
of long-term records for understanding organism responses to such changes. Furthermore,
impacts on indigenous species are likely to be exacerbated by the predicted increase in the
rate of introductions with climate change. This makes the case for preventing the dispersal
of invasive species to new areas all the more important. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klimaatsverandering en indringer spesies is belangrike bedreigings vir biodiversiteit. In
besonder word voorspel dat hierdie bedreigings terrestriële sisteme in die sub-Antarktiese
sal beïnvloed, waar beduidende ekosisteem reaksie aan beide reeds gesien is. In hierdie
tesis word die sub-Antarktiese Prince Edward eiland groep as a model sisteem gebruik om
belangrike vrae met betrekking tot klimaatsverandering en die impak van indringer spesies
te ondersoek. Die eiland groep bestaan uit twee eilande, Marion (ME) en Prince Edward
(PEE), wat beide versnellende verwarming ervaar, maar tog verskillende indringer
samestellings het en vervolgens verskillende impakte ervaar.
Variasie in die patrone van indringerspesierykheid en vollopheid en hulle
onderliggende oorsake is van aansienlike omgewings en bewarings betekenis. Terwyl 'n
toename in die beskikbaarheid van energie tipies lei tot 'n toename in spesierykheid, word
die onderliggend meganismes van hierdie patrone swak verstaan. In Hoofstuk 2 van hierdie
tesis, word hierdie verhoudings vir springsterte ondersoek, 'n belangrike komponent van
die grond fauna op ME. Energie verduidelik 'n groot hoeveelheid van die ruimtelike variasie
in inheemse en indringende springstert spesierykheid. Versteuringsdrempels en stressvolle
temperature is meer belangrik as die toename in bevolking groottes in die bepaling van
hierdie variasie in spesierykheid. Aangesien beide inheemse en indringende springstert
spesierykheid en vollopheid sterk verwant is aan temperatuur, kan 'n verwarmende klimaat
verreikende gevolge vir hierdie organismes hê. In die besonder word voorspel dat
indringerspesies bevoordeeld sal wees relatief tot inheemse spesies onder verwarmende
toestande. Een spesie waar dit veral blyk om geneig te wees, gegewe sy fisiologiese reaksie tot
eksperimentele verhitting en uitdroging, is die groot indringer tomocerid,
Pogonognathellus flavescens. Om te bepaal of dit die geval sal wees, hang af van die begrip
van die onderliggende faktore van sy voorkomsgrense en vollopheidstruktuur.
Daarbenewens is daar min studies wat gepoog het om te onderskei tussen die
veroorsakende basis van vollopheidstruktuur en voorkomsgrense, veral vir
indringerspesies. Dus, in Hoofstuk 3, word plaaslike mikroklimaat veranderlikes en
fisiologiese toleransies van die indringer springstert, P. flavescens ('n habitat generalis),
ondersoek. Die resultate stel voor dat die spesie wyd verspreid moet wees oor 'n verskeidenheid van habitatte op ME. Maar, die springstert is beperk tot inheemse Poa
cookii polle grasveldhabitatte in die suidooste. Die huidige voorkomsgrense word daar
gestel deur verspreidingsbeperking (dws voorwaardelike afwesighede), terwyl
vollopheidstruktuur 'n funksie is van die variasie in die grond substraat kwaliteit. Maar, die
uitbreidende verspreiding van P. cookii as gevolg van 'n groot bestuursingryping (die
uitwissing van wilde huiskatte), kan P. flavescens in staat stel om alle geskikte gebiede te
koloniseer met verloop van tyd.
In Hoofstuk 4 verander die fokus na wat as die derde groot reaksie op
klimaatsverandering beskou word, saam met voorkoms en fenologiese
reaksies - veranderende diere liggaamsgroottes. Liggaamsgrootte is een van die
beduidendste en mees voor die hand liggende eienskappe van diere en is van aansienlike
ekologiese en fisiologiese belang. 'n Voorspelling van die temperatuur-grootte-reël (TGR) is
dat met verwarming, liggaamsgrootte van die snuitkewerspesies op beide ME en PEE sal
afneem. Hoe ookal, predasie deur muise van die snuitkewers op ME moet fundamenteel
die patroon van sodanige verandering op PEE beïnvloed, wat sinergistiese impakte tussen
klimaatsverandering en indringings aandui. Die ontleding van 'n 24-jarige datastel dui aan
op 'n afname in die liggaamsgrootte van alle snuitkewer spesies op PEI met ‘n toename in
temperatuur. Maar, op ME is 'n negatiewe verhouding tussen die gemiddelde jaarlikse
temperatuur en liggaamsgrootte net gevind vir Palirhoeus eatoni, 'n spesie wat nie deur die
muise geëet word nie. 'n Moontlike verduideliking vir hierdie positiewe verhoudings wat
gevind is vir die ander spesies kan wees as gevolg van hoër metaboliese eise op die muise
in kouer jare as in warmer jare. Enige toename in predasie, tesame met 'n voorkeur vir
groter mates, wat die muise duidelik wys, sou lei tot 'n afname in die gemiddelde grootte
van die snuitkewer spesies. As gevolg van die verhouding tussen liggaamsgrootte en
metaboliese tempo, sowel as die belangrikheid van die snuitkewers in die eilande se
voedselwebbe, kan veranderinge in die liggaamsgrootte van hierdie organismes
beduidende gevolge op die eiland ekosisteme se funksionering hê. Die termiese omgewing wat deur organismes ervaar word het ook 'n direkte invloed
op oorlewing, groei en voortplanting. Die fisiologiese reaksie van organismes op vinnig
veranderende klimate is dus 'n primêre bron van kommer. Organismes kan reageer op
veranderlike omgewingstoestande deur fenotipiese plastisiteit sowel as gedrag. Hoofstuk 5
van hierdie tesis toon dat van die snuitkewerspesies en bevolkings wat ondersoek is op ME, die meeste fenotipiese plastisiteit vertoon, die vorm wat in ooreenstemming is met die
‘Warmer is Beter’ hipotese. Dit kan wees as gevolg van seldsame uiterste temperatuur
gebeure en die voordeel vir die prestasie kurwes om hoë temperature wat ervaar word in
die omgewing in te sluit. Mismatches tussen termiese optima en voorkeur temperature
vertoon deur alle spesies kan beteken dat hierdie snuitkewers goed toegerus is om die
verhitting op ME te hanteer, tensy die voorspelling van 'n toename van seldsame uiterste
gebeure soos uiterste temperature gerealiseer word.
Vinnig veranderende klimate en 'n toename in die bekendstelling van nie-inheemse
spesies is kwessies van groot bewarings kommer. Dit het die betekenis van studies oor die
impak van hierdie bedreigings verhoog. Hierdie tesis toon egter dat om sulke prosesse te
verstaan, dit noodsaaklik is dat 'n integrasie van die dissiplines onderneem word. Hierdie
tesis aanvaar dus 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering en beklemtoon die belangrike kwessies
wat verband hou met beide klimaatverandering en biologiese indringing. Die patrone en
voorspellings van spesies en die gemeenskapsreaksies op hierdie omgewingsveranderinge
is kompleks. Verder, die voorspelling van sodanige reaksies sal waarskynlik problematies
wees, veral omdat verskeie faktore gelyktydig sal verander en hoe hierdie faktore kan
verander is onduidelik. Dit beklemtoon die belangrikheid van lang termyn rekords vir die
begrip van organisme reaksies op sulke veranderinge. Verder, die impak van inheemse
spesies is geneig om te vererger deur die voorspelde toename in die tempo van
bekendstellings met klimaatsverandering. Dit maak die taak vir die bestuur van die
voorkoming dat indringerspesies nuwe gebiede bereik al hoe meer belangrik.
Date03 1900
CreatorsTreasure, Anne M. (Anne Margaret)
ContributorsChown, Steven L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Botany and Zoology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format262 p. : ill., maps
RightsStellenbosch University

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