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Striatum mosaic disassembling: shedding light on striatal neuronal type functions by selective ablation in genetic models/Etude du rôle de populations neuronales du striatum par ablation sélective dans des modèles murins transgéniques.

The striatum represents the main input nucleus of the basal ganglia, a system of subcortical nuclei critically involved into motor control and motivational processes and altered in several conditions such as Parkinson’s diseases or drug addiction. The projection neurons of the striatum are GABAergic (γ-aminobutyric acid) medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs), and account for the large majority of striatal neurons, while interneurons represent about 10% of striatal cells. The MSNs are subdivided into two subpopulations that form two main efferent pathways: the striatonigral and striatopallidal neurons. The striatonigral MSNs project to the entopeduncular nucleus (EP) and substancia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) (direct pathway) and co-express dopamine D1 receptors (D1R) and substance P neuropeptide (SP). On the other hand, striatopallidal MSNs project to the lateral globus pallidus (LGP) (indirect pathway) and co-express dopamine D2 receptor (D2R), adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) and enkephalin (Enk). The D1R striatonigral and D2R striatopallidal MSNs are equal in number and shape and are mosaically distributed through all the striatum. The dorsal striatum is mainly involved in motor control and learning while the ventral striatum is crucial for motivational processes. In view of the still debating respective functions of projection D2R-striatopallidal and D1R-striatonigral neurons and striatal interneurons, both in motor control and learning of skills and habits but also in more cognitive processes such as motivation, we were interested in the development of models allowing the removal of selective striatum neuronal populations in adult animal brain. Because of the mosaical organisation of the striatum, a targeting of specific neuronal type, with techniques such as chemical lesions or surgery, is still impossible. Taking advantage of new transgenic approaches, the goal of the present work was to generate and/or to initiate the characterization of genetic models in which a selective subtype of striatal neuron can be ablated in an inducible way. We used a transgenic approach in which mice express a monkey diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor (DTR) in D2R-striatopallidal or D1R-striatonigral neurons. Local stereotactic injections of DT can then induce selective neuronal ablation in functionally different striatal areas.
We first investigated functions of D2R-striatopallidal neurons in motor control and drug reinforcement by their selective ablation in the entire striatum or restricted to the ventral striatum. This DTR strategy produced selective D2R striatopallidal MSN ablation with integrity of the other striatal neurons as well as the striatal dopaminergic function. D2R MSN ablation in the entire striatum induced permanent hyperlocomotion while ventral striatum-restricted ablation increased amphetamine place preference.
We next compared respective roles of D2R-striatopallidal and D1R-striatonigral neurons in motor control and skill learning in functionally different striatum subregions.
Finally, to target nitrergic interneurons of the striatum, we developed a bacterial artificial chromosome genetic strain in which the cre-recombinase expression is under the control of the neuronal nitric oxide gene promoter.
Altogether, those results show that DTR expression and DT local injections is an efficient and flexible strategy to ablate selective striatum neuronal types with spatial resolution. We provide the first direct experimental evidences that D2R striatopallidal neurons inhibit both locomotor and drug-reinforcement processes and that D2R and D1R MSNs in different striatum subregions have distinct functions in motor control and motor skill learning. Those results strongly support a cell-type and topographic functional organization of the striatum and underscore the need for characterization of the specific cellular and molecular modifications that are induced in D2R and D1R MSNs during drug-reinforcement or procedural learning.
Date25 May 2010
CreatorsDurieux, Pierre PF
ContributorsMaquet Pierre, Girault Jean-Antoine, Lotstra Françoise, Vanderhaeghen Pierre, de Kerchove d’Exaerde Alban, Deltenre Paul, Schiffmann Serge, Vassart Gilbert
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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