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ARISTIDE CALDERINI (1883-1968) E LO SVILUPPO DELLE SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITA'. Progetti, opere e strategie culturali / Aristide Calderini (1883-1968) and the Development of Classical Studies. Projects, Achievements and Cultural Strategy

Oggetto della tesi è l'attività scientifica e didattica di Aristide Calderini (1883-1968), studioso di antichità classiche, papirologo, epigrafista, archeologo, fondatore e direttore di associazioni culturali e riviste, divulgatore della cultura classica. Sulla base del copioso archivio personale, del quale si è operato il riordinamento e si forniscono l'inventario e l'indice della corrispondenza, si ricostruisce un intenso e fecondo percorso culturale, sottolineandone i valori ispiratori e gli obiettivi raggiunti. Le molteplici relazioni dello studioso con importanti personalità e istituzioni contemporanee permettono di tracciare un affresco della realtà culturale lombarda durante sei decadi del Novecento. / This thesis is devoted to the scientific and didactic work of Aristide Calderini (1883-1968). Calderini was a scholar of the Classics, namely papyrologist, archaeologist and epigraphist. He was the founder and director of many cultural societies and journals and a populariser of ancient Roman and Greek culture. The main source of material for this research was Calderini's own copious personal archive, which has been reorganized by the author of this dissertation, resulting in a detailed inventory and the index of his letters. From these documents it is possible to follow the intense and fruitful cultural route of Calderini, perceive his inspiring principles and appreciate the results of his work. Moreover, from the study of his letters, it is possible to reconstruct Calderini's multiple connections with important personages and institutions of his time, disclosing an interesting overview, spanning six full decades of the 20th century, of the cultural milieu in Lombardy.
Date10 March 2008
PublisherUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, MILANO
Source SetsUniversita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. DocTA
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDoctoral Thesis
FormatAdobe PDF

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