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Model procene uticaja hemijskih toksičnih supstanci poreklom iz higijenskih sredstava na životnu sredinu / Model of Assessment of Environmental Impact of Toxic Chemicals from Hygiene and CleaningProducts

<p>U okviru disertacije izvr&scaron;ena je identifikacija<br />ključnih hemijskih toksiĉnih supstanci poreklom iz<br />higijenskih sredstava i njihove ambalaţe na životnu<br />sredinu. Spektrofotometrijskom metodom izvr&scaron;ena<br />je analiza sadržaja fosfora u pra&scaron;kastim detergentima,<br />komunalnim otpadnim vodama Ni&scaron;kog<br />kanalizacionog sistema i u reci Ni&scaron;avi. Nakon<br />proračuna sadržaja fosfora izvr&scaron;ena je procena<br />količine ukupnog fosfora generisanog iz higijenskih<br />sredstava, a koji moţe da ima izrazito negativan<br />uticaj na životnu sredinu. Teorijska saznanja i<br />eksperimentalni podaci omogućuju optimalno upravljanje<br />hemijskim toksičnim supstancama iz higijenskih<br />sredstava u skladu sa važećim zakonskim<br />propisima i dostignutim naučnim saznanjima.</p> / <p>This dissertation presents the identification of key<br />toxic chemicals originating from hygiene and<br />cleaning products and their packaging and the<br />assessment of their environmental impact. The<br />research involves a spectrophotometric analysis of<br />phosphorus content in powder detergents, in<br />municipal sewage from the City of Ni&scaron; sanitary<br />sewer, and in the Ni&scaron;ava river. Calculation of<br />phosphorus content is followed by the assessment of<br />the total amount of phosphorus generated from<br />hygiene and cleaning products, which can have<br />considerably negative environmental impact.<br />Theoretical findings and experimental data allow<br />optimal management of toxic chemicals from<br />hygiene and cleaning products in compliance with<br />current legislation and scientific knowledge.</p>
Date27 September 2016
CreatorsPejčić Dušanka
ContributorsVujić Goran, Vojinović-Miloradov Mirjana, Spasić Dragan, Hadžistević Miodrag, Ristić Goran
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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