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Molecular genetics of arsenic resistance of the biomining bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The acidophilic, chemolithoautotrophic bacterium, Acidothiobaci/lus ferrooxidans is one
of a consortium of bacteria involved in biornining, including the recovery of gold from
arsenopyrite ores. The genes conferring arsenic resistance to At. ferrooxidans were
cloned and sequenced and shown to be chromosomally located. Homologues to the arsB
(membrane located arsenite efflux pump), arsC (arsenate reductase) and arsH (unknown
function) genes from known arsenic resistance (ars) operons were identified. A fourth
gene was found to have weak homology to the ArsR-family of regulators. The arsenic
resistance genes of At. ferrooxidans are arranged in an unusual manner, with the arsRC
and arsBH genes divergently transcribed. This divergent arrangement was found to be
conserved in all four of the At. ferrooxidans strains we tested.
All of the At. ferrooxidans ars genes were expressed in Escherichia coli and the arsB and
arsC genes conferred arsenite (and antimonite) and arsenate resistance, respectively, to an
E. coli ars mutant (AW311 0). Analysis of the putative amino acid sequences of these ars
genes revealed that the ArsB from At. ferrooxidans is closely related to the ArsB proteins
from other Gram-negative bacteria. However, the ArsC protein is more closely related to
the ArsC proteins from Gram-positive bacteria. Furthermore, a functional thioredoxin
(trxA) gene was required for ArsC-mediated arsenate resistance in E. coli. This suggests
that reduction of arsenate by At. ferrooxidans has a similar reaction mechanism as that by
Gram-positive ArsC proteins. While arsH was expressed in an E. coli-derived in vitro
transcription-translation system, the presence of this gene was not required for, nor
enhanced, arsenite or arsenate resistance in E. coli. We predict that the function provided
by this gene is not required in E. coli.
While the putative ArsR from At. ferrooxidans does contain a potential DNA-binding
helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain, it does not contain the arsenite binding motif
(ELCVCDL), required for response to the presence of inducer. Instead, the ArsR-like
protein from At. ferrooxidans is related to a group of unstudied ArsR-like proteins that
have been associated with other ars-like genes identified during genome sequencing
projects. Using arsB-lacZ, arsC-lacZ, and arsR-lacZ fusions, it has been shown that this atypical ArsR protein from At. ferrooxidans did repress expression from the arsBH and
arsRC promoters and that this repression was relieved by the presence of either arsenite or
arsenate. Deletion of 19 amino acids from the C-terminus of the ArsR protein did not
affect regulation, while deletion of a further 28 amino acids inactivated ArsR. Northern
blot hybridization confirmed that expression of the arsRC and arsBH transcripts is
increased in the presence of either arsenite or arsenate.
This study is the first to show that the ars genes from the acidophilic biorning bacterium
At. ferrooxidans are able to be studied in the neutrophilic bacterium, E. coli. We have
also shown that the atypical ArsR found in this ars operon is able to regulate expression
of these genes in response to arsenic, despite not containing the arsenite binding domain,
suggesting that this protein senses arsenic by a different mechanism to that used by the
ArsR family members already studied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, 'n asidofiliese, chemolitotrofiese bakterium, is een van 'n
konsortium bakterieë betrokke by biologiese ontgunnig ("biomining") asook by die
herwinning van goud uit arsenopiriet erts. Die gene wat aan At. ferrooxidans
weerstandbiedendheid teen arseen verleen, is gekloneer. Die DNA-volgorde van hierdie
gene is bepaal en daar is bewys dat die gene op die chromosoom geleë is. Homoloë van
die arsB (membraan geleë pomp wat arseniet uitpomp), arsC (arsenaat reduktase) en die
arsH (funksie onbekend) gene is in bekende arseenweerstanbiedheidsoperons (arsoperons)
geïdentifiseer. Verder is daar 'n vierde geen geïdentifiseer wat lae homologie
met die ArsR-familie van reguleerders toon. At. ferrooxidans se ars gene is op 'n
ongewone manier gerangskik met twee van die gene, arsRC en arsBH wat lil
teenoorgestelde rigtings getranskribeer word. Hierdie rangskikking van gene IS
waargeneem in al vier die At. ferrooxidans rasse wat getoets is.
Al die At. ferrooxidans ars gene is in Escherichia coli uitgedruk. Die arsB en arsC gene
het aan 'n E. coli ars mutant (AW311 0) weerstandbiedendheid teen aseniet, antimoniet en
arseen verleen. Analiese van die afgeleide aminosuurvolgorde van die ars proteïene het
getoon dat die At. ferrooxidans ArsB naby verwant aan die ArsB-proteïene van ander
Gram negatiewe bakterieë is. In teenstelling hiermee, is gevind dat die ArsC-proteïene
nader verwant aan die ArsC-proteïene van Gram positiewe bakterieë is. Daar is ook
gevind dat 'n funksionele tioredoksien (trxA) geen vir ArsC-bemiddelde arsenaat
weerstandbiedendheid in E.coli benodig word. Dit dui daarop dat die meganisme van
arsenaatreduksie deur At. ferrooxidans soortgelyk is aan die ArsC-proteïen-meganisme
van Gram positiewe bakteriee. In vitro studies met behulp van 'n E. coli gebaseerde
transkripsie-translasie sisteem het getoon dat arsH nie nodig is vir arsenaat of aseniet
weerstanbiedendheid in sensitiewe E.coli rasse nie en ook nie help om weerstand in
hierdie rasse te verhoog nie. Daarom kan daar aangeneem word dat die funskie van die
arsH geen nie deur E. coli benodig word nie.
Die vermeende ArsR van At. ferrooxidans bevat 'n potensiële DNA-binding heliks-draaiheliks
motief, maar nie die arsiniet binding motief (ELCVCDL) wat nodig is vir reaksie in
die teenwoordigheid van 'n induseerder nie. Die ArsA-proteïen van At. ferrooxidans is
soortgelyk aan 'n groep ArsA-proteïene wat tydens genoom DNA- volgordebepalingsprojekte geïdentifiseer is. Hierdie groep gene is egter nog nie verder
bestudeer nie. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n stel fusie gene, arsB-IacZ, arsC-IacZ en arsRlacZ
kon daar bewys word dat die ongewone ArsH-proteïen van At. ferrooxidans
uitdrukking van arsBH en arsRC onderdruk en dat die onderdrukking deur arseniet of
arsenaat opgehef kan word. Delesie van die eerste 19 aminosure vanaf die C-terminus
van die ArsA-proteïen het geen uitwerking op die regulering van die proteïen nie, maar
delesie van 'n vedere 28 aminosure het ArsR geïnaktiveer. Verhoogde vlakke van
transkripsie van arsRC en arsBH in die teenwoordigheid van arseniet en arsenaat is met
behulp van Noordelike kladanalise bewys.
Hierdie is die eerste studie waarin daar bewys word dat die ars gene van die asidofiliese
bakterium Atferrooxidans in die neutrofiliese bacterium E. coli bestudeer kan word. Daar
is ook bewys dat ten spyte daarvan dat die ArsR in die ars operon nie 'n arseniet
bindingsdomein het nie, dit die uitdrukking van die gene in hierdie operon reguleer in
reaksie op arseen. Dit dui dus daarop dat hierdie proteïen op arseen in die omgewing
reageer met behulp van 'n meganisme wat verskil van die ArsR-proteïene wat tot dusver
bestudeer is.
Date12 1900
CreatorsButcher, Bronwyn Gwyneth
ContributorsRawlings, D. E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Microbiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format138 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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