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Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

Abstract In this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D). The other model is created by Staffan Thorsson and is a model for understanding different kinds of reading strategies. I chose to study one public library and one elementary school. At the public library I interviewed the manager, the children´s librarian and the literature pedagogue. At the elementary school I interviewed the headmaster, two teachers who are teaching the Swedish language (one junior-level teacher and one senior-level teacher) and the school librarian. I used a hermeneutical method when I analyzed both my interviews and the laws and curriculums mentioned above. In my analysis I discovered all levels of collaboration, except for the highest one (D). Everyone, except for the school librarian, seemed more or less content with the lower degrees of collaboration. The teachers´ perceptions of the librarians were quite traditional. Even though all of the librarians had previous teaching experience and education they were not seen as pedagogues by the teachers. Especially in the case of the school librarian this became a problem, because it seemed to inhibit a development of the collaboration between them. In the laws and curriculums that I looked into collaboration between schools and libraries were never mentioned. The reading promotion seemed to be based on two strategies: pragmatical and emancipatorical. The pragmatical strategy led to looking at children as “becomings”, the emancipatorical one led to looking at children as “beings”.
Date January 2014
CreatorsAlmström, Agnes
PublisherUppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationUppsatser inom biblioteks- & informationsvetenskap, 1650-4267 ; 638

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