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Helping control Attention Deficit Disorder behaviour using musical activities

Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As a recent graduate, I feel that young educators are graduating from South African universities and are teaching in schools without adequate knowledge of the various learning disabilities and behavioural disorders that many children suffer from. In the context of the Arts & Culture or music classroom, educators especially suffer as they are taught to encourage creativity. However, how can one differentiate between creative behaviour and disruptive behaviour and be certain that bad behaviour is not a symptom of a behavioural disorder?
Upon graduation and starting to teach in the southern suburbs in the Western Cape, the researcher was struck by the number of children diagnosed with behaviour disorders and taking the stimulant medication Ritalin. Yet the notion of medicating a child for a behavioural disorder is not agreeable to many parents and educators to whom the researcher has spoken while researching this topic. The general feeling seems to be that a child should be given space to be creative, but a teacher cannot control a class of at least twenty-five children who are all claiming their own creative rights. This research explores various steps that a music educator can take to control a class of both medicated and non-medicated learners.
The effects of music on the behaviour of learners diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (abbreviated to ADD) have been investigated in various ways over the years and these are described in this thesis. Likewise, information on various prescription medications and non prescription medications that are available in South Africa are presented to offer options to an educator/parent faced with a child demonstrating behavioural problems. There is also substantiation that by increasing the intake of essential fatty acids and adjusting a child’s diet, one can positively enhance behaviour and concentration. The researcher discusses the various foods that should be avoided and those should be enjoyed generously.
The researcher observed learners who were considered problematic in the general classroom in the form of observation of behaviours before and after each musical activity. Class educators were asked to assist the researcher by further observing the selected children’s behaviour in the following lesson. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As ‘n onlangsgegradueerde, voel ek dat jong onderwysers aan Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite afstudeer en onderrig in skole begin gee sonder voldoene kennis van die verskeie leergestremdhede en gedragsafwykings waaraan ‘n groot hoeveelheid kinders ly. In die konteks van die Kuns en Kultuur of musiekklaskamer is dit vir onderwysers besonder moeilik omdat hulle geleer is om kreatiwiteit aan te moedig. Die probleem is hoe om te onderskei tussen kreatief en ontwrigtende gedrag en hoe om seker te wees of slegte gedrag nie ‘n simptoom van ‘n gedragsafwyking is nie.
Na graduering en die begin van haar onderrigloopbaan in die suidelike voorstede van die Wes-Kaap is die navorser getref deur die getal kinders wat die stimulant medikasie Ritalin gebruik. Tog sou die meeste ouers en onderwysers waarmee die navorser gepraat het gedurende haar navorsing nie die gebruik van medikasie vir gedragsafwykings verkies nie. Die algemene gevoel is dat die kind die geleentheid gegun behoort te word om kreatiefe te wees, maar ‘n onderwyser kan nie ‘n klas van minstens vyf-en-twintig kinders onder beheer hou wat almal hul kreatiewe regte eis nie. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek verskillende stappe wat ‘n musiekonderwyser kan neem om ‘n klas te beheer met leerlinge wat op en sonder medikasie is.
Die effek van musiek op die gedrag van leerlinge wat gediagnoseer is met Aandagafleibaarheidsindroom (afgekort na AAS) is reeds in verskeie vorme oor die jare ondersoek en word in hierdie tesis beskryf. Inligting aangaande verskeie voorskrif en nie-voorskrif medikasie wat in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar is, word verskaf om opsies te gee vir ‘n opvoeder/ouer wat gekonfronteer word met ‘n kind wat gedragsprobleme demonstreer. Daar is ook bewyse dat deur om die inname van essensiële vetsure te verhoog en ‘n kind se dieet aan te pas, gedrag en konsentrasie positief beinvloed kan word. Die navorser bespreek die verskeie kossoorte wat vermy behoort te word teenoor dié wat vryelik geniet kan word.
Die navorser het leerlinge waargeneem wie se gedrag as problematies in die algemene klaskamer beskou was, voor en na elke musikale aktiwiteit. Klasonderwysers is gevra om die navorser by te staan deur verdere waarneming van die kinders se gedrag in die volgende les.
Date03 1900
CreatorsRedfern, Jane F.
ContributorsVan Niekerk, Caroline, Ludemann, Winfried, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format142 leaves
RightsStellenbosch University

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