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Višeskalna strategija strukturiranja polimernih nano-kompozita na osnovu različitih prekursora / Multiscale strategy of structuring polymer nano-composites based on various precursors

<p>Ovaj rad je imao za cilj , razvoj postupka sinteze polimernih prekursora mreža na bazi<br />obnovljivih sirovina. Razvijen je postupak sinteze poli laktida u rastvoru dihlor metana. Vreme trajanja postupka sinteze je 6 h, a uspe&scaron;nost samog procesa je potvrđena metodama identifikacije i karakterizacije dobijenih polimera PLLA. U ovom radu, za ispitivanja dobijenih polimernih materijala, uzimajući u obzir ideju o krajnjoj nameni, kori&scaron;ćene su sledeće metode: GPC ( Gel Permeation Chromarography) za određivanje raspodele molekulske mase; IR spektrofotometrija, prikazuje vibraciju atomskih, molekulskih ili funkcionaknih grupa; i termička analiza TGA i DSC, za praćenje promena pri kontrolisanom zagrevanju i hlađenju.<br />Jedan od ciljeva rada je bio i da se da pregled postojećih teorija ojačanja elastomera punilima sa nano česticama, i ispita pona&scaron;anje nano-kompozitnih materiajala pod dejstvom visoko energetskog zračenja ( gama zračenja). U eksperimentalnom delu ispitivani su elastomerni materijale na bazi butadienakrilonitrilnog kaučuka (NBR) i hlorsulfonovanog polietilenskog kaučuka (CSM) . Me&scaron;anjem CSM i NBR formiraju se umreženi sistemi, koji se koriste kao prekursori mreža za dobijanje nano-kompozitnih materijala ojačanaih česticama aktivnih punilačađi i silicijum (IV) oksida. Kod tako dobijenih materijala ispitivane su karakteristike pre i posle ozračivanja &gamma; zracima. Dinamičko-mehaničkom analizom potvrđen je ojačavajući efekat punila.</p> / <p> This work was aimed at the development procedure for the synthesis of polymer precursors<br /> network based on renewable raw materials. Developed a procedure for synthesis of poly<br /> lactide in solution, dichloro methane. The duration of the synthesis procedure was 6 h, and<br /> the success of the process was confirmed by the methods of identification and<br /> characterization of the obtained polymer PLLA. In this paper, the investigation obtained<br /> polymer materials, taking into account the idea of final destination, following methods were<br /> used: GPC (gel permeation Chromarography) to determine the distribution of molecular<br /> weight, IR spectrophotometry, showing the vibration of atomic, molecular or funkcionaknih<br /> group, and thermal analysis TGA and DSC, to track changes in a controlled heating and<br /> cooling.<br /> One of the aims of this study was to be given to review of existing theories of reinforcement<br /> fillers elastomer with nano particles, and examine the behavior of nano-composite<br /> materiajala under the influence of high energy radiation (gamma radiation). In the<br /> experimental part of elastomeric materials have been studied on the basis of<br /> butadienakrilonitrilnog rubber (NBR) and chlorosulphonated polyethylene rubber (CSM). CSM NBR mixing and forming the network system, which are used as precursors for a<br /> network of nano-composite particles ojačanaih active fillers-carbon black and silicon (IV)<br /> oxide. With so obtained materials were investigated characteristics before and after<br /> irradiation with &gamma; rays. Dynamic-mechanical analysis confirmed the reinforcing effect of<br /> fillers.</p>
Date22 July 2011
CreatorsTanasić Ljiljana
ContributorsBudinski-Simendić Jaroslava, Marinović-Cincović Milena, Radičević Radmila
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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