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Hybrid : a new interface between the City of Pretoria and Berea park

The modern day mechanical integration
and organisation of cities have disturbed
the natural systems and sequences of
the environment, as well as the social
fabric and collective notions of society
within cities (Mumford, 1938:17). Man's
progressive "liberation" from the natural
environment has desensitised him to
nature (Crowe, 1995:233) creating an
artifi cial realm where man is removed
from nature.
Pretoria's establishment was greatly
infl uenced by its landscape - aptly
called "the valley between the ridges
and the rivers" (Dippenaar, 2013:6).
Urban modernisation and infrastructure
development have however progressively
disregarded the river and the landscape
within the city, consequently detaching
the city from these natural elements,
which resulted in the loss of their
signifi cance.
As one of the last remaining
underdeveloped sites in the inner city
of Pretoria, Berea Park represents a
continuation of the landscape and the
Apies River channel into the city. Situated
at the southern gateway of the city,
Berea Park was Pretoria's fi rst offi cial
recreational, social and cultural venue,
hosting numerous sport, outdoor and
other events. Unfortunately Berea Park
is currently in a derelict and idle state.
Infrastructural developments have
gradually disconnected the site from the
surrounding city fabric and community.
The isolated and forgotten park, has
like the river, tragically lost its essential
signifi cance. The divide between the city fabric,
the Apies River channel and the
Berea Park landscape presents the
opportunity to explore architecture's
role in re-integrating and connecting
experiences of "nature" into the city to
enhance the quality of urban life.
This dissertation explores architecture
and the hybrid typology of "building as
a landscape", as a means to create a
new topography and interface between
the Berea Park landscape, river
channel and the city. The concept of
a hybrid architecture that merges the
typologies of urban park, landscape,
infrastructure, public amenity and
building is explored with the intention
to develop a new typology that can
respond to the contextual challenges.
The building becomes an extension
of the park, and the park becomes
an extension of the building. The new
interface, proposed programme and
activities are aimed at linking the
city, its inhabitants, communities, the
landscape and the river. / Die hedendaagse meganiese
integrasie en organisasie van stede
het die natuurlike sisteme en ritmes
van die omgewing, asook die sosiale
strukture en kollektiewe opvattings
van gemeenskappe in stede versteur
(Mumford, 1038:17). Die mens se
progressiewe "bevryding" van die
natuurlike omgewing het gelei tot 'n
skeiding tussen die mens en die natuur
(Crowe, 2013:6), wat der volglik ?
kunsmatige domein waarbinne die
mensdom uit die natuurverwyder is,
geskep het.
Die totstandkoming van Pretoria was
grootliks be?nvloed deur sy natuurlike
landskap - met die gepaste benaming
van " 'n vallei gele? tussen rante
en riviere" (Dippenaar, 2013:6).
Met stedelike modernisering en
infrastruktuur ontwikkeling is daar
stelselmatig minder ag geslaan op die
rivier en die omliggende stadslandskap,
wat daartoe gelei het dat die stad van
die natuurlike omgewing afgesonder
geraak het en uiteindelik het dit die
verlies van die essensi?le betekenis
en waarde van die natuurelemente
Berea Park, een van die laaste
oorblywende onderontwikkelde
terreine in die sentrale stadsgebied
van Pretoria, is gele? aan die suidelike
ingang van die stad en verteenwoordig
'n verlenging van die landskap en
die Apiesrivierkanaal na die stad.
Di? terrein was Pretoria se eerste
amptelike ontspannings-, sosiale en kulturele
byeenkomsplek, wat sport-, buitelugen
ander byeenkomste aangebied het.
Ongelukking is Bera Park tans 'n verlate,
verwaarloosde en onbenutte area.
Infrastruktuur ontwikkeling van di? gebied
het geleidelik die terrein afgesonder van
die omliggende stad en gemeenskap. Die
ge?soleerde en vergete park het, soos die
rivier, tragies geen betekenis of nut meer
Die skeiding tussen die stedelike
bouomgewing, die Apiesrivierkanaal en
die landskap van Berea Park bied die
geleentheid om argitektuur se rol met
betrekking tot die herintegrering en
verbinding van die "natuur" met die stad
te ondersoek derhalwe die gehalte van 'n
stedelike lewenswyse te verhoog.
Die skripsie ondersoek argitektuur en
die hibriede tipologie van 'n gebou as
'n landskap, wat deur die fasilitering
van 'n nuwe topografi e 'n interaktiewe
verbinding tussen die landskap van Berea
Park, die rivierkanaal en die stad tot
stand kan bring. Hibriede-argitektuur is
'n konsep wat die samesmelting van die
tipologie? van stedelike park, landskap,
infrastruktuur, openbare fasiliteit en
gebou ondersoek met die doel om
'n nuwe tipologie te ontwikkel wat
kontekstuele uitdagings kan aanspreek.
Die gebou word 'n uitbreiding van die
park en die park word 'n uitbreiding van
die gebou. Die doelwit van die gebou
as nuwe interaktiewe verbinding en die
voorgestelde program en aktiwiteite, is
om die stad se inwoners, gemeenskappe,
die landskap en die rivier te herverbind. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted
Date January 2016
CreatorsScholtz, Jeandri
ContributorsDe Bruyn, Derick,
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypeMini Dissertation
Rights© 2017 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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