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spectral modulation of melanopsin responses : role of melanopsin bistability in pupillary light reflex

In addition to the canonical photoreceptors, rods and cones, a novelmelanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cell (mRGC) was recently discovered.The novel photopigment melanopsin in the human retinahas been shown to express invertebrate-like bistable properties bothin vitro and in vivo. In bistable photopigment systems, light elicitsphotosensory responses and drives photoregeneration of the chromophoreto restore photic responsiveness. These studies have shownthat prior light exposure can modulate the amplitude of subsequentphotic responses of melanopsin.In this thesis, the putative bistability of melanopin in humans isexamined. The bistability was studied using 1) pupillary light reflex(PLR) as a tool, 2) developing a method for quantifying the effectsof lens density for melanopsin-mediated photoreception, and 3) providinga quantitative mathematical framework for modeling bistablepigment systems and non-image forming (NIF) visual system.Exploiting the bistable properties of melanopsin could allow foroptimization of spectral light distribution in experimental, industrial,domestic and clinical phototherapy applications by appropriate useof the photoregenerative effects of long wavelength light.
Date02 March 2012
CreatorsTeikari, Petteri
PublisherUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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