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Assumption-Based Runtime Verification of Finite- and Infinite-State Systems

Runtime Verification (RV) is usually considered as a lightweight automatic verification technique for the dynamic analysis of systems, where a monitor observes executions produced by a system and analyzes its executions against a formal specification. If the monitor were synthesized, in addition to the monitoring specification, also from extra assumptions on the system behavior (typically described by a model as transition systems), then it may output more precise verdicts or even be predictive, meanwhile it may no longer be lightweight, since monitoring under assumptions has the same computation complexity with model checking. When suitable assumptions come into play, the monitor may also support partial observability, where non-observable variables in the specification can be inferred from observables, either present or historical ones. Furthermore, the monitors are resettable, i.e. being able to evaluate the specification at non-initial time of the executions while keeping memories of the input history. This helps in breaking the monotonicity of monitors, which, after reaching conclusive verdicts, can still change its future outputs by resetting its reference time. The combination of the above three characteristics (assumptions, partial observability and resets) in the monitor synthesis is called the Assumption-Based Runtime Verification, or ABRV. In this thesis, we give the formalism of the ABRV approach and a group of monitoring algorithms based on specifications expressed in Linear Temporal Logic with both future and past operators, involving Boolean and possibly other types of variables. When all involved variables have finite domain, the monitors can be synthesized as finite-state machines implemented by Binary Decision Diagrams. With infinite-domain variables, the infinite-state monitors are based on satisfiability modulo theories, first-order quantifier elimination and various model checking techniques. In particular, Bounded Model Checking is modified to do its work incrementally for efficiently obtaining inconclusive verdicts, before IC3-based model checkers get involved. All the monitoring algorithms in this thesis are implemented in a tool called NuRV. NuRV support online and offline monitoring, and can also generate standalone monitor code in various programming languages. In particular, monitors can be synthesized as SMV models, whose behavior correctness and some other properties can be further verified by model checking.
Date23 November 2022
CreatorsTian, Chun
ContributorsTian, Chun, Cimatti, Alessandro, Tonetta, Stefano
PublisherUniversità degli studi di Trento, place:TRENTO
Source SetsUniversità di Trento
Detected LanguageEnglish
Relationfirstpage:1, lastpage:182, numberofpages:182

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