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Investigation into project management failure within information technology systems projects

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Information technology systems are an integral part of many sectors of business and
the application of information technology in new sectors of business is increasing
continually. Businesses believe that by applying information technology systems in
their business processes they will ultimately improve on the profits through increased
operational efficiency, reduction of costs and improved ability to make informed
However implementing an information technology system is usually a complex affair
involving the technology supplier, client organisation and other stakeholders. The
common method of implementing information technology systems is to set up a
project in an attempt to manage the cross organisational and cross departmental
issues as best as possible.
Industry reports that the success of information technology project implementation is
low. This study project has analysed 16 sources of literature pertaining to failures in
information technology projects, in order to ascertain how the various authors define
a project failure and whether project management failure is a major contributor to
these failures. Also to examine areas within project management which are deemed
to make the most significant contribution to project failure.
The study concludes that most of the authors examined define project failure in terms
of project management criteria, being cost, time and function (quality). Furthermore it
concludes that project management failure is a significant factor in information
technology project failure and that the facets of project management failure
encountered with information systems implementation projects are not that different
from other forms of projects. The main contributing factors being lack of executive
support, lack of business case or user requirements, lack of project management
expertise, lack of planning, lack of user involvement and changing requirements.
The study recommends that organisations need to be aware of the cross functional
and cross organisational requirements of information technology project
management and that all levels of management in stakeholder organisations need to
have the relevant knowledge and experience to deal with these requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inliglings legnologie slelsels inlegrale uil menigle besigheids seklore en die loepassing daarvan (ITS) in nuwe
seklore voorldurend Besighede mel loepassing
van ITS in hulle besigheids prosesse dil aanleiding sou gee 101 die
graei doellreffenheid, die afname in bedryfskosle en ook verbelerde
besluitneming .
Die daarslelling van 'n ITS is gewoonlik 'n baie moeilike proses wal
onder andere insluil die verskaller van legnologie, die klienlorganisasie
asook ander deelnemers. Die algemene melode van
implemenlering van ITS kan geskied deurmiddel van 'n projek in die
poging om kruisorganisasie en kruisdeparlemenlele funksies/werkings
Ie beharlig.
Terugvoering van bedryf dui aan dal die implemenlerings sukses van
inligling legnologie projekle eintiik baie laag is. Hierdie sludie hel in
lolaal lileraluur mel belrekking 101 inliglings legnologie projekle, ontieed om sodoende Ie bepaal hoe
verskeie skrywers 'n projek mislukking definieer en of die mislukking
projek besluur enigsins 'n bydraende faklor kon wees. Asook die
ondersoek van areas binne die beslek van projek besluur wal wei 'n
noemenswaardige inwerking kon he 101 die mislukking van projekle.
Inligtings tegnologie stelsels (ITS) maak 'n integrale deel uit van
menigte sektore toepassing sektore is voortdurend aan die groei. 8esighede glo met die toepassing
prose sse dit tot greei van wins. Laasgenoemde as gevolg van verhoogde bedryfs
doeltreffenheid, bedryfskoste verbeterde
vermoens vir insiggewende besluitneming.
daarstelling wat
insluit verskaffer tegnologie, klientorganisasie
metode implementering kruisdepartementele te behartig .
dat implementerings in li gting tegnologie projekte studie het totaal 16 literatuur bronne, met betrekking tot die faal/mislukking van
inligtings tegnologie projekte, te van bestuur faktor bestek bestuur wat tot projekte.
As gevolg van die navorsing kom hierdie studie tot die slotsom dat
skrywers projek-mislukking definieer in terme van projek bestuur
kriteria wat 5005 volg lui; koste, tyd en funksie (gehalte). Verder is ook
gese dat projek bestuur mislukking 'n groot bydraende faktor uitmaak
aangaande inligtings tegnologie projek- mislukking en dat faseUe van
projek bestuur mislukking gesien met inligtings stelsel implementering
projekte, nie te vee I verskil van ander vorms van projekte nie. Die hoof
bydraende faktore kan toegeskryf word aan die gebrek van uitvoerende
bestuur ondersteuning, gebrek aan besigheids saak of verbruikers
vereistes, gebrek aan projek bestuur kennis, gebrek aan beplanning,
gebrek aan deelname van verbruikers asook die voortdurende
verandering van vereistes.
Hierdie studie beveel aan dat organisasies bewus moet raak van die
kruiswerking/kruisfunksionering en kruisorganisie vereistes van
inligtings tegnologie projek bestuur en dat aile bestuurs vlakke van
deelnemende organisasies ook genoegsaam toepaslike kenn is en
ondervinding moet he om sodoende die vereistes te behartig .
Date12 1900
CreatorsWinter, Mervyn
ContributorsBrown, C., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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