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The design and development of a magnetic refrigerator

A new tvpe ot macnetic retricerator usine a rotatine belt eeometrv has been desiened and developed. The retricerator u.e. the maenetocaloric ettect. that is. the heat inc or cooline ot a maenetic material on application or removal ot a maen.tic tield. to execute a Carnot cvcle. An antiterromaanetic material. Gadolinium Gallium Garnet, Gd3Gas012 (GGG) , i. used ae the retricerant. This is in the torm ot a belt which run. throuch the bore ot a .uperconduct1na solenoid macnet to execute the cyole. The retricerator has been developed in three staces, Fir.tlv the belt ceometry was de.icned. oonstructed and te.ted. This lead to the development ot the model one retricerator. and ba.ed on the.e results the model two retriaerator was con.tructed. Re.ult •• trom the model two retricerator. show an anomalous temperature increa.e in the .ource recion resul tine trom a re - lIlaenetieation ot the belt. Purthermore. entrained tluid ettects limit the operatinc temperature span. However. the belt concept has been .ucce.etullv realised with it beina operated at trequencie. ot up to 30 rpm in macnetic tields not exceedine "T.
Date January 1987
CreatorsMand, G. S.
PublisherUniversity of Sussex
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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