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Shelf-to-canyon sedimentation on the South Westland Continental Margin, Westland, New Zealand.

The South Westland Continental Margin (SWCM) is incised by two major active canyon channels, the Hokitika and Cook canyons, which export large volumes of terrigenous sediment from the active New Zealand landmass to the deep ocean basins. This thesis examines modern sediment textures and compositions of shelf and canyon heads, to interpret depositional and transport processes in shelf-canyon interactions and the dispersal and provenance of SWCM surface sediments. This is the first detailed study of modern sediments south of the Whataroa River which focuses on both shelf and canyon head sediments. Submarine canyons that incise active continental shelves are major conduits for sediment transfer. The frequency and magnitude of this transfer has important implications for ocean nutrient cycling (i.e. organic carbon), the stratigraphy and morphology of continental shelves, and the development of economic mineral deposits. Grain size analysis, petrology, geochemistry, detrital magnetite analysis (microprobe), swath bathymetry, and wave hindcast data are used to interpret the spatial distribution, dispersal, and provenance of surface grab samples, canyon cores, and beach and river samples on the SWCM.
Four main surficial facies are defined from textural and compositional results, primarily reflecting the supply and storm dominated nature of the SWCM. Facies 1 is comprised of inner shelf very fine to medium sand sized quartz, metamorphic lithics, and feldspar. This facies occurs above the mean Hsig wave base (48 m) where silts, clays, and sand sized micas are bypassed further offshore. Facies 2 is a transitional sand to mud facies between 40 -70 m depth where increasing clay, silt, and mica reflect a decrease in the frequency and magnitude of wave orbital remobilisation. Facies 3 is a mud dominated (80-90%), clay rich (7-9%) facies with the highest mica and Al₂O₃ content of all the SWCM facies. The shelves south of the Hokitika canyon are blanketed beyond the inner shelf in facies 3 towards the shelf break. Facies 4 is restricted to the canyon head north rims and is characterised by mixed relict and modern terrigenous sediments and glaucony. Net transport on the SWCM shelf is to the north, particularly during south-westerly storms where wind drift and storm swells may stir and transport the deeper Facies 2 and 3 sediments. The SWCM has an energetic wave climate and numerous high yield mountainous rivers. As a result the shelf has an extensive coverage of silts and clays with sediment transport most likely dominated by nepheloid layers and fluid mud flows during wet storms. North of the Hokitika canyon, shelf width increases as fluvial supply falls, resulting in a more storm dominated shelf as the prevailing hydraulic conditions prevent modern silts and clays from blanketing the outer shelf. Narrower shelf widths and higher fluvial supply between the Hokitika canyon and the Haast region results in more fluvial dominated shelves.
Contrasting canyon rim textures and compositions reflect the major influence the Hokitika and Cook canyon heads impose on the SWCM by intercepting modern net northward shelf transport paths. This interception creates a leeward sediment deficit on the canyon north rims where low sedimentation rates prevail and relict sediments are partially exposed. The south and east rims of both canyons are characterised by modern fine grained terrigenous textures and compositions similar to the SWCM middle to outer shelf facies 3. The build-up and storage of these unconsolidated sediments at the south and east rims provides favourable environments for sediment gravity flows that feed into the canyon systems. Wave orbitals can resuspend fine sands up to 50 m below the canyon rims during large storms. This resuspension will be a main driver of canyon head sedimentation in the form of fluid mud flows. Gully networks along the south and east rims of the Hokitika and Cook canyons indicate active submarine erosion, unconfined fluid flow, and sediment gravity flows operate here.
In contrast, the north canyon rims are characterised by gravels and coarse sands out of equilibrium with the prevailing modern hydraulic regime. Relict gravels are particularly prevalent on the Hokitika canyon north rim between 90 – 150 m depth. A lack of active gully networks and the presence of relict terraces and cuspate channels provide further evidence for a relict origin of HCH north rim sediments and little influx of modern fine sediments. North rim sediments on the Hokitika canyon between 90 – 125 m have features characteristic of relict beach and littoral environments. These features include pebble and coarse sand sized siliciclastics, high heavy mineral percentages (i.e. garnet), high Zr and Y levels, elevated SiO₂/Al₂O₃ ratios, and relict shell fragments. Mature glaucony is common on the north rims of both canyons, especially between 180 -200 m depth providing further evidence for extended periods of little to no modern sediment deposition in the canyon lee. Glaucony grains have experienced limited transport and are probably parautochthonous.
The bulk composition of SWCM shelf, canyon, river, and beach sediments is controlled mainly by the hydrodynamic sorting of Alpine Schist derived material. Regional changes in catchment geology are identified in modern SWCM shelf sediments. Ultramafic signals (i.e. enriched trace element patterns and Cr/V and Ni/Y ratios) from the Pounamu Ultramafics and Dun Mountain Ultramafics were identified on the North and Cascade shelves respectively. The contribution of other lithologies to the bulk composition of SWCM sediments is localised due to rapid dilution with Alpine Schist detritus. The low carbonate and skeletal content on the SWCM is due to the energetic wave climate and high fluvial supply on the shelves.
A variety of Cr-rich spinels and magnetites are supplied to the SWCM shelves and vary with regional changes in catchment geology. The Cascade shelf is rich in chromites (containing up to 215,000 ppm Cr) and Cr – rich magnetites sourced from the Dun Mountain Ultramafics via the Cascade River. Shelf, beach, and river samples between the Haast River and Waitaha River are dominated by low-Cr magnetite grains which represent the ‘background’ magnetite composition sourced from rivers draining the Alpine Schist dominated catchments. The dispersal of Cr-rich spinels is limited due to the dilution with low Cr-magnetites from rivers and littoral sediments.
Glacio-eustatic lowstands such as the Last Glacial Cold Period (LGCP), represented periods of robust connection of local rivers with the Hokitika and Cook canyon heads, increased interception of littoral transport paths, and compartmentalisation of inter-canyon shelves. Hokitika canyon cores reflect these changes with textural and compositional ‘spikes’ indicating higher terrigenous input during the LGCP. The geochemistry of the terrigenous fraction in the Hokitika canyon provides evidence for enrichment in ferromagnesian and Cr-rich minerals during the LGCP. This is due to the increased connectivity of the Cr-spinel bearing Hokitika River to the canyon head. The Cr/V ratio in particular demonstrates its effectiveness as a proxy for interglacial – glacial change in submarine canyon stratigraphy. Increases and decreases in the connectivity of Cr-bearing fluvial systems during lowstands and highstands respectively can be observed with this ratio.
Date January 2012
CreatorsRadford, Josh
PublisherUniversity of Canterbury. Geological Sciences
Source SetsUniversity of Canterbury
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic thesis or dissertation, Text
RightsCopyright Josh Radford,

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