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Career development : expectations and outcomes of career counseling provided to currently employed workers

Responses of employees completing a career counseling program (n = 95) were collected to answer research questions about participant expectations and outcomes of the counseling program. The career counseling program was provided to management and non-management employees throughout the state of Indiana by an Indiana based communication company. During the first year, 202 employees completed the career counseling program. These employees were mailed a 19 item, researcher developed, survey instrument. The reported data were collected from 95 surveys (47%) that were returned.The purpose of the career counseling program was to assist current employees of the organization in establishing career and educational goals to better cope with a changing work environment. Research questions studied were (1) In what ways did the career counseling program help shape the career plans and goals of the participating employees, (2) In what ways were employees who completed career counseling making observable progress toward exploring and implementing career goals, (3) In what ways did career counseling successfully meet the initial counseling objectives of the participants, and (4) In what ways did the career counseling program meet the original expectations of the sponsoring organization.Response data indicated that meeting with trained career counselors and reviewing a LIFEPLAN career assessment instrument ranked as the top two activities helping to shape career plans and goals of program participants. Observable progress toward established goals was reported by 95% of the counseling participants enrolling in some type of educational program after completing the counseling program. Successful accomplishment of initial counseling objectives of the participants was reported by 73% of the counseling participants. They reported increased confidence in their career decisions and in their actions as a result of participating in the counseling program.Evidence from the data indicated that an individual meeting with a trained career counselor was the most often reported counseling activity assisting employees to better understand their career and educational goals. Data also indicated the career counseling program was meeting many of the initial counseling expectations reported by participating employees.Questions to be reviewed in future career counseling programs for employees are also presented. / Department of Educational Leadership
Date January 1992
CreatorsHarper, Robert T.
ContributorsMcElhinney, James H.
Source SetsBall State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatviii, 199 leaves ; 28 cm.
SourceVirtual Press

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