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Theoretical And Experimental Investigation On Centrifugal Fan With A Special Interest On Fan Noise

In this study, the effects of design parameters on the fan noise level are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. For the theoretical study, a computational aero- acoustic method is used to predict the flow induced noise of a fan. This method involves the coupling of a flow solver and a wave equation solver. Unsteady flow analysis is performed with URANS using FLUENT. Then the time dependent data are processed with LMS Sysnoise to compute the acoustic radiation. Experimental studies are performed to verify the theoretical results and additionally to investigate the effects of different design alternatives on noise level of the fan. The sound pressure and intensity level measurements are performed in the full anechoic room of Ar&ccedil / elik A.S. Research and Development Laboratories. The validation experiments indicate that there is a good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The experimental study with different fan designs gives information about the noise reduction possibilities.
Date01 December 2006
CreatorsBayraktar, Songul
ContributorsEralp, Osman Cahit
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePh.D. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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