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Van Calvyn na Zwingli : die vraagstuk van die kindernagmaal in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (Afrikaans)

Afrikaans: Die sogenaamde "eenvoudige" belydenis waardeur kinders moet kwalifiseer om aan die nagmaal te mag deelneem binne die verband van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, spruit vanuit die Zwingliaanse belydenis rakende die teenwoordigheid van die Here in die nagmaal. Wat die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk voorhou as nuwe eksegetiese insigte in die nagmaalstekste, sowel as 'n nuwe Bybelse teologie ten opsigte van die gebruik van die nagmaal deur kinders, is die ou eksegetiese insigte van Zwingli, sowel as die ou bekende teologie van Zwingli aangaande die Here se teenwoordigheid in die nagmaal. Deur kinders met 'n sogenaamde "eenvoudige" belydenis tot die nagmaal toe te laat, het die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk die nagmaalsopvatting in sy eie belydenisse verwerp ten gunste van die Zwingliaanse nagmaalsopvatting wat uitdruklik in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk se belydenisse verwerp word. Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk beoefen en leer nou die nagmaalsopvatting van Zwingli, onder die vaste oortuiging dat dit die Gereformeerde nagmaalsopvatting is, met slegs 'n nuwe toepassing ten opsigte van die kinders. Binne in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk se besluit om kinders deur 'n sogenaamde eenvoudige belydenis tot die nagmaal toe te laat, was daar 'n ander besluit opgesluit: die besluit oor wie die teenwoordige Here Jesus in die nagmaal sou wees. Hierdie besluit oor wie die teenwoordige Here Jesus in die nagmaal sou wees, was die onderskeidende en die bepalende vraag aangaande beide die inhoud en die bediening van die nagmaal vir onder andere Calvyn gewees. Calvyn se reaksie as antwoord hierop was dat ons almal in en deur die nagmaal deel verkry aan die teenwoordige mens-wees van Jesus Christus. Hierdeur word Calvyn se nagmaalsopvatting onderskei van die nagmaalsopvatting van Zwingli. Die Gereformeerde Kerke het die belydenis van Calvyn oor wie die teenwoordige Here Jesus in die nagmaal is, aanvaar in hul geloofsbelydenisse, waarmee hulle die nagmaalsopvatting van Zwingli uitdruklik verwerp het. Die Nederduitse Gereformoorde Kerke het homself in geen deel van die debat of besluite oor die teenwoordige mens-wees van die Here Jesus in die nagmaal verantwoord nie. Die kindemagmaal het die deelname van die gelowige aan die teenwoordige mens¬-wees van die Here verIore laat raak as deel van die geloofsbelewenis van die nagmaal. In die plek van die teenwoordige mens-wees van die Here Jesus het die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk gekies vir gelowiges se deelname aan die gemeente se sosiale en godsdienstige samesyn. Die samesyn van die verbondsgesin en selgroepe het die geloofsgemeenskap met die teenwoordige mens-wees van die Here Jesus in die nagmaal vervang. Sonder die verskuiwing van die nagmaalsopvatting van Calvyn en die Gereformeerde kerke na die nagmaalsopvatting van Zwingli, sou die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk nie kinders met ‘n sogenaamde "eenvoudige" geloofsbelydenis tot die nagmaal kon toelaat nie. Hierdie verskuiwing was nodig ten opsigte van die instelling van die kindernagmaal in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. English: The so-called "simple" confession through which children should qualify in order for them to participate in communion within the framework of the Dutch Reformed Church, originates from the Zwinglian confession concerning the presence of the Lord in communion. What the Dutch Reformed Church presents as the new exegetical insights within the scripture references regarding the communion, as well as a new Biblical theology on behalf of the participation in communion by children, is the ancient exegetical insights of Zwingli, as well as the ancient known theology of Zwingli concerning the presence of the Lord within communion. By allowing children, with a so-called "simple" testimony, to the communion, the Dutch Reformed Church rejected the concept regarding the communion in its own confessions, in favour of the Zwinglian concept regarding the communion, which is expressly rejected in the confessions of the Dutch Reformed Church. The Dutch Reformed Church currently practices and teaches the concept regarding the communion according to Zwingli, under the firm conviction that this is the Reformed conviction regarding the communion, with only a new application on behalf of the children. Within the decision of the Dutch reformed Church to allow children by way of a so¬-called simple confession to participate in communion, another decision was intrinsically included: the decision regarding who the present Lord Jesus within the communion would be. This decision regarding who the present Lord Jesus within the communion would be, was the discerning and determining question regarding both the content, as well as the ministry of the communion for amongst others, Calvin. Calvin's reaction as reply to this was that all of us do obtain, in and through the communion, part in the present human-being of Jesus Christ. Through and due to this, the concept regarding the communion according to the teaching of Calvin is to be discerned from that of Zwingli. The Dutch Reformed Church has accepted in their faith creeds the confession pertaining to who the present Lord Jesus in the communion is, according to which they clearly rejected the concept regarding the communion according to the doctrines, which Zwingli supports. The Dutch Reformed Church has not yet justified himself in the decision regarding the present human-being of the Lord Jesus Christ within the communion. The children-communion caused the participation of the believer on behalf of the present human-being of the Lord Jesus Christ within the communion to be lost, being part of the faith experience of the communion. In the place of the present human-being of the Lord Jesus the Dutch Reformed Church chose for the participation of the believer on the social and religious fellowship of the congregation. The fellowship of the covenantal family, as well as the cell-groups, has replaced the faithful fellowship with the present human-being of the Lord Jesus Christ in the communion. Without the repositioning of the concept of Calvin and the Reformed Churches regarding the communion, towards the concept regarding the communion according to Zwingli, the Dutch Reformed Church would not allow children with a so-called "simple" confession of faith to participate in the communion These transfers were necessary on behalf of the institution of the communion for children within the Dutch Reformed Church. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
Date19 February 2007
CreatorsKriel, Petrus Johannes
ContributorsWethmar, Conrad Johannes,
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights© 2004, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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