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The impact of Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945) upon the witness and growth of the Korean Presbyterian Church

Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many people are taking a keen interest in the growth of the Korean
Church, and many research results are appearing. However, when dealing
with the growth of Korean churches, account should be taken of the fact
that this growth can only be fully understood and explained when studied
against the historical background of the church's suffering in Korea.
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the effect of the
japanese colonial rule in Korea and in particular the impact caused by the
introduction of a central element in japanese national religion, namely
Shintoism. Resistance to the Shinto shrine ceremonies resulted in the
church being persecuted in various ways, and this had an effect on the life
as well as the growth of the Presbyterian Church in Korea.
Chapter one of this dissertation compnses of the introduction, which
deals with the research problem, purpose of the research, hypothesis,
delimitations of the research, assumptions, definition of terms and proposed
outline of the study.
Chapter two provides a historical overview of the context of the
Korean Presbyterian Church under japanese colonial rule (1910-1945), so
as to gain an understanding of the historical background of the Korean
Presbyterian Church.
The history of the Korean Presbyterian Church up to 1945 can be
divided into four different periods, according to certain significant events
as phases in its life: the rise of the Church (1884-1907), the revival of the
Church(1907-1912), growing confrontation (1912-1935), and persecution of the Church (1935-1945). These four periods are briefly described and
analysed, paying particular attention to the Japanese period.
Chapter three presents an analysis of the growth of the Presbyterian
Church in Korea under Japanese colonial rule. This is done from a
missiological perspective, in terms of the witness and growth of the
The facts of church growth, the reasons for church growth and
problems affecting church growth are discussed. The latter includes the
problem of the influence of the traditional Shamanistic faith, the issue of
the social involvement of the church and the problem of pro- Japanese
attitudes in the church.
Chapter four deals with the history and character of Shintoism and
the Korean Christians' conflict with it. The first section discusses the
types, standardization and liturgical structure of Shrine rites. The second
part analyses the resistance of the Korean Presbyterian Church to the
imposition of Shintoism which led, on the one hand, to a sharp division
within the church, on the other hand, to conflict and subsequent
persecution of those who chose to resist Shinto shrine obeisance.
Chapter five deals with the witness of faith, on the part of those who
resisted the shrine rites. This is done especially by presenting several
studies of Korean Christian resistance leaders, and examines their ministry
and views in order to determine reasons why they resisted Shintoism. The
case studies represent both North and South Korea, as well as Manchuria.
In conclusion, chapter SIX exammes the effects of Shinto persecution on the growth of Presbyterian Church in Korea, companng anti-Shinto
with the pro-Shinto shrine groups. And the findings reveal that the Shinto
shrine issue had certain specific long term effects on the Presbyterian
Church in Korea, inter alia, in terms of growth patterns and membership
Daar heers vandag 'n wye en lewendige belangstelling in die groei van die Koreaanse kerk, met
die gevolg dat baie navorsingsresultate nou die lig sien. Maar, wanneer die groei in die
Koreaanse Kerke ondersoek word, moet rekening gehou word met die feit dat hierdie groei
slegs volledig verstaan en gemterpreteer kan word teen die historiese agtergrond van die kerk se
lyding in Korea.
Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die effek van die Japannese koloniale bewind in Korea
te ondersoek en, in besonder, die impak veroorsaak deur die invoer van 'n sentrale element in
die Japannese nasionale geloof, naamlik Sjintoisrne. Die gevolg van verset teen die Sjinto -
heiligdom seremonies was vervolging van die kerk op verskeie wyses, en dit het die lewe sowel
as die groei van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea beinvloed.
Hoofstuk 1 sluit in die inleiding wat handel oor die navorsingsprobleem, doel van hierdie
navorsing, hipotese, afbakening van die navorsing, uitgangspunte, begripsomskrywing en
voorgestelde inhoudsuitreensetting.
Hoofstuk 2 bied 'n historiese oorsig oor die konteks van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk
onder Japannese koloniale bewind (1910-1945), om sodoende 'n begrip van die historiese
agtergrond van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk te bewerkstellig. Die geskiedenis van die
Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk tot 1945 kan in vier verskillende periodes verdeel word volgens
sekere betekenisvolle gebeure of stadiums in die lewe van die Kerk: die opkoms van die Kerk
(1884-1907), die herlewing van die Kerk (1907-1912), groeiende konfrontasie (1912-1935) en
vervolging van die Kerk (1935-1945). Hierdie vier peri odes word kortliks beskryf en ontleed,
met besondere aandag aan die Japannese periode.
Hoofstuk 3 bied 'n analise van die groei van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea onder Japannese
koloniale bewind. Dit geskied vanuit 'n missiologiese perspektief met betrekking tot die
getuienis en groei van die Kerk. Besonderhede oor kerkgroei, die redes hiervoor en probleme wat die groei beinvloed, word
bespreek. Laasgenoemde sluit in die vraag na die invloed van die tradisionele Sjamanistiese
geloof, die sosiale betrokkenheid van die Kerk en die probleem van pro-Japannese standpunte
in die Kerk.
Hoofstuk 4 handel oor die geskiedenis en karakter van Sjintoisme en die Koreaanse Christene
se verset daarteen. Die eerste deel bespreek die tipes, standaardisering en liturgiese struktuur
van die heiligdom rites. Die tweede deel ontleed die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk se verset
teen die afdwing van Sjintoisme wat, aan die een kant, lei tot 'n skerp verdeling binne die Kerk,
en, aan die ander kant, tot konflik en die daaropvolgende vervolging van die mense wat gekies
het om hul te verset teen eerbetoningsrites in Sjinto heiligdomme.
Hoofstuk 5 behandel die geloofsgetuienis van die wat hul teen eerbetoningsrites verset het. Dit
geskied veral deur verskeie gevallestudies van Koreaanse Christen versetleiers. Die bediening
en die sienswyse van hierdie leiers word ondersoek om sodoende die redes vir hul verset teen
Sjintoisme vas te stel. Die gevallestudies verteenwoordig sowel Noord- as Suid-Korea, asook
Ten slotte ondersoek hoofstuk 6 die effek van Sjinto vervolging op die groei van die
Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea, en vergelyk anti-Sjinto'istiese met die pro-Sjintoistiese groepe.
Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die Sjinto heiligdom-geskilpunt sekere langtermyn gevolge vir
die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea gehad het, onder andere met betrekking tot groeipatrone en
Date03 1900
CreatorsKim, Nam Sik
ContributorsPauw, C. M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology & Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxiv, 238 pages
RightsStellenbosch University

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