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Zástavní právo k nemovitým věcem. / Interest in Real Estate

1 Abstract Interest in Real Estate The aim of this thesis is to provide a thorough analysis od key aspets of the institute of Security Interest in Real Estate, as well as current legislation of this issue. Thanks to the focus on a specific subject of the pledge, i.e. the real estate, given its relatively more permanent nature compared to most other things, as well as the generally longer duration of legal relationships arising from legal proceedings in the application of the institute of Security Interest in Real Estate, the topic which cannot be overlooked consist of intertemporal norms governing the relationship of the effective legal regulation by the current Civil Code and legal regulation contained in the derogated Act No. 40/1964 Coll. of the Civil Code as amended until 31 December 2013. The perspective of the elaboration of the mentioned topic in the level of de lege lata, thus defined, is supplemented by the text of the thesis with some ongoing considerations de lege ferenda within the conclusions resulting from the analysis. Although the essence of general topic of this thesis is a theoretical dissertation, the intention of the text does not resign to possible practical benefits, while the author consistently pays attention to argumentation and verification of key hypotheses, as well as ongoing...
Date January 2021
CreatorsNachtigall, Marek
ContributorsŠustek, Petr, Salač, Josef
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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