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Mobile technologies for music interaction / Tecnologias móveis para interação musical

Mobile music applications are becoming commonplace around the world, and mobile devices are used as digital instruments everywhere. Controlling, performing, or composing music in real time with these devices encourages collaboration and interaction, as telecommunication improvements allow many people to cooperate through local networks or the Internet. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate mobile technologies that might be suitable for mobile musicians and their audiences while performing or composing. Specifically, the main goal is to explore technologies for collaborative mobile music and to obtain quantitative and qualitative data regarding these technologies and their settings, so that composers might take full advantage of the available options for mobile applications. This evaluation focuses on message exchange using Multicast, Unicast, and Cloud Services, using academic networks as the main pathway. With these services, messages are organized as packet streams, characterized by different sizes and time intervals. Evaluation also includes the development of several applications that make use of these technologies running on Android devices and web browsers. These applications were used in actual performances, serving as both evaluation tools and experimental music instruments. The results were analyzed in terms of round trip time and data loss under very different configuration scenarios, demonstrating that although some obvious impediments are unavoidable (e.g. significant delays in international settings), it is possible to choose the specific technology and achieve interesting results under most music application scenarios. I argue that although in theory Multicast appears to be the best technology to use by far, it is the most difficult to implement due to the burden of configuring every step of the network pathway. On the other hand, Cloud Services are certainly slower than direct connections, but are the most compatible and easiest technology to set up, and are definitely suitable for many collaborative music experiences. To conclude, there is a discussion of how mobile music practitioners can take advantage of these results for composition and performance by considering specific technological advantages or drawbacks that are inherent to each technology and setting. / Aplicações de Música Móvel estão se tornando populares ao redor do mundo e dispositivos móveis estão sendo utilizados como instrumentos musicais em diversos lugares. Controlar, apresentar ou compor música em tempo real com estes dispositivos estimula a colaboração e a interação, e os avanços nas telecomunicações permitem a um grande número de pessoas cooperar musicalmente através de redes locais ou da Internet. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta tese é avaliar as tecnologias móveis que podem ser úteis para músicos e público na performance ou na composição. De maneira mais específica, o objetivo principal é explorar as tecnologias para Música Móvel colaborativa e obter resultados quantitativos e qualitativos referentes a estas tecnologias e suas configurações, de modo que compositores possam usufruir de todas as vantagens das opções para aplicações móveis. Esta avaliação enfoca a troca de mensagens através de Multicast, Unicast e Serviços em Nuvem utilizando redes de computadores acadêmicas como principal caminho. Através destes serviços as mensagens foram organizadas como fluxos de pacotes caracterizados por diversos tamanhos e intervalos entre envios. A avaliação também inclui o desenvolvimento de diversas aplicações fazendo uso destas tecnologias para dispositivos Android e navegadores Web, que foram utilizados em performa música móvel, computação musical, redes de computadores, serviços de nuvens
Date24 May 2017
CreatorsAntonio Deusany de Carvalho Junior
ContributorsMarcelo Gomes de Queiroz, Daniel Macedo Batista, Georg Essl, Jason Freeman, Alfredo Goldman Vel Lejbman
PublisherUniversidade de São Paulo, Ciência da Computação, USP, BR
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, instname:Universidade de São Paulo, instacron:USP

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