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The policy of indirect rule in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) 1924-53

In 1929 the Government of Northern Rhodesia consolidated the role of chiefs in rural administxution by introducing Native Authorities and Courts. Further legislation in 1936 gave to the Native Authorities financial responsibilities and extended the Bcope of the 1929 ordinances to Barotseland. This study surveys the origins and development of Native Authorities and Court. up to the impoaition of the Central African Pederation in 1953. In particular6 it examines the frequently divergent .iews ot oolonial otficia18 6 and attempts to show how the.e, .a .ell aa other local pre •• ures, atfected the e.olution ot go.ernment policy. To some extent Government orticials were influenced by ideaa which underlay 'Indirect Rule' elaewhere in Africa: it waa thought that the political advancement of Atricans was beat promoted by developing, rather than replacing, their 'traditional' institutions ot government. But in Northern Rhodesia in particular, such a beliet conflicted with the realities or modern economic and social change. The early years ot 'Indirect Rule' coincided not only with the world-wide Depre.sion but also with the growth ot the great mining industry on the Copperbelt. In the 1930., aenior Government otficials attached little importance to Atrican attairs, a. is evident rror. the abolition ot the ortice ot SNA tor four years. Native Authoritie. tended to remain bhe preserve of old. illiterate and conservative Atricans. In 1944 and 1948 the Government made erforts to draw educated young men into the Native Authoritie., 80 that they could play a tuller part in rural development. But the available salaries tailed to attract the few qualified Africans. Under preS8ure trom local Europeans, the Government concentrated on developing the line-of-rail area dominated by European enterprise. Lack ot money undermined the prestige of Native Authorities just when mea8ures of land conservation and the growth of African nationalism offered new challenges to the authority of chiefas.
Date January 1976
CreatorsDatta, K.
PublisherSOAS, University of London
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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