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Aktuální členění věty v psaných médiích / Topic-focus articulation in newspaper and news server

The diploma thesis is focused on an analysis of the first sentences of newspaper articles namely from an aspect of the topic-focus articulation, which is expressed in Czech primarily by word order. The word order depending on the increasing communicative dynamism of words in the sentence might be changed from an objective word order if new information follows known or before mentioned information into subjective word order resulting in a reverse order. E.g.: The CEZ group showed record profit of 52 milliard CZK last year, a reverse word order: (literal translation) Record profit (Obj) of 52 milliard CZK the CEZ group(Subj) showed last year. In our thesis, we describe the above mentioned changes and we determine sets of cases comprising the modifications and we attempt to specify kinds of rules and principles resulting in different word orders. The sentence in the case of the subjective word order begins with an object, an adverbial of time, place, or condition. Anyway, not always a sentence constituent at the beginning of the sentence indicates the subjective word order. A significant role in the analysis is played by head- lines, which affect considerably the result. We focus ou attention on sentences expressing a placement on the scene. These sentences are assessed in relation with the head-lines...
Date January 2012
CreatorsPirnerová, Helena
ContributorsHajičová, Eva, Rysová, Kateřina
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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