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Ekonomikos subjektų konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimas / Evaluation of competitive environment of enterprises

Darbo tikslas - išanalizavus metodinę - teorinę literatūrą ekonomikos subjekto konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo klausimais įvertinti UAB „Vilniaus duona“ konkurencingumą pagal apibendrintą konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo schemą. Ją pritaikius nustatyta, jog įmonė yra konkurencinga, jos konkurencinė aplinka yra palanki įmonės veiklai, plėtrai, tačiau ji neturėtų apleisti savo pozicijų rinkoje, o išlikti jos lydere, todėl privalo nuolat stebėti konkurencinę aplinką. Darbe iškelta hipotezė - suformuluotos ir apibendrintos konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo schemos etapų, kuriuos ekonomikos subjektas gali įtakoti ir įtakoja, eiliškumas nedaro įtakos ekonomikos subjekto konkurencinės aplinkos vertinimo rezultatams - patvirtinta. / The purpose of the Thesis is to generalize a scheme of evaluation and to measure competitive ability of Private Company “Vilniaus duona” after the analysis of methodical – academic works on competitive environment. After applying the scheme, it was identified that the Company is competitive in Lithuanian market, and its competitive environment is beneficial for further activity and development of the Company. However, the Company should not neglect its positions and should remain the leader in the market; therefore it should always observe the competitive environment. The hypothesis of the Thesis - succession of competitive environment evaluation stages, which can be influenced by a company, does not influence the results of evaluation – was proved.

The international trade and competition became more intensive in Lithuania after joining European Union. Therefore, if company seeks profitability or even a survival it should be competitive, and it has to give a lot of attention to the competitors and evaluation of competitive environment.
The Thesis also defines the concept of competition and competitive environment, as well as evaluation of competitive environment. The result of theoretical analysis is a scheme on competitive environment evaluation. The Thesis includes the analysis on the bread market, hot issues and problems on evaluation of competitive environment in Lithuania after joining the European Union. The Thesis reviews the main participants in the bread market and... [to full text]
Date27 December 2006
CreatorsRalytė, Ingrida
ContributorsGrižas, Ramutis Alfredas, Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina, Cirkinienė, Aura, Černiauskas, Gediminas, Mikaila, Mindaugas, Sasnauskas, Algis, Jurevičienė, Daiva, Panovas, Igoris, Dobravolskas, Algis, Mykolas Romeris University
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Mykolas Romeris University
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis

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