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Diskursi o rodu u umetnosti: konstrukcija profesionalnog identiteta umetnica u oblasti novih medija u Vojvodini krajem 20. i početkom 21. veka / Discourses About Gender in Art: Construction of Vojvodina Female Artists'Professional Identity in the Realm of NewMedia at the end of the 20th and thebeginning of the 21st century

<p>Cilj istraživanja je konstrukcija profesionalnog<br />identiteta vizuelnih umetnica koje stvaraju u<br />Vojvodini krajem 20. i početkom 21. veka,<br />analiza njihovog umetničkog rada i života,<br />ukazivanje na mogućnosti njihovog povoljnijeg<br />položaja.<br />Hipoteza 1: Nedovoljna je valorizacija<br />vizuelnih umetnica Vojvodine, naročito onih<br />koje se bave novim tehnologijama.<br />Hipoteza 2: Nevidljiv je njihov doprinos<br />značaju za razvoj aktuelne umetničke prakse i u<br />sistemu visokog obrazovanja.<br />Hipoteza 3: Značaj umetničkog rada ovih<br />vizuelnih umetnica ne prepoznaju masovni<br />mediji, &scaron;to jo&scaron; vi&scaron;e doprinosi njihovoj<br />nevidljivosti u javnosti.<br />U istraživanju su primenjene analize:<br />svedočenja (intervjui) umetnica; analize<br />tekstova o umetnicama, analize umetničkih<br />radova umetnica.<br />Osnovni korpus istraživanja čine razgovori<br />autorke sa umetnicama, ukupno 12 umetnica<br />vezane za Vojvodinu, tekstovi o njima i njihovi<br />umetnički radovi.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je<br />umetnicama profesionalni identitet<br />najistaknutiji, ostalim pristupaju kao<br />promenljivim kategorijama; da pridaju važnost<br />preno&scaron;enju znanja i formiranju novih kadrova,<br />te uvođenju ženskog identiteta u umetnost;<br />ističu da im nedostaje finansijska sigurnost u<br />profesiji, te da re&scaron;enje vide u udruživanju i<br />izgradnji mreže saradnica (međugeneracijskih,<br />umetničkih, interdisciplinarnih, lokalnih,<br />regionalnih i internacionalnih).<br />Zaključujem da je istraživanje ukazalo da su<br />umetnice koje se bave novim medijima u<br />Vojvodini delimično valorizovane. O njima je<br />pisan veći broj tekstova, ali su oni rasutu po<br />različitim izvorima, na mnogim jezicima i<br />mestima (lokalno, regionalno, internacionalno).</p><p>Politika institucija kulture im nije posvetila<br />dovoljno pažnje kada su u pitanju monografske<br />publikacije i retrospektivne izložbe, otkupi<br />umetničkih radova i sl. Njihov doprinos nije<br />dovoljno vidljiv u sistemu visokog obrazovanja,<br />a značaj njihovog umetničkog rada ne<br />prepoznaju dovoljno mas-mediji.<br />Istraživanjem su prvi put umetnice koje se bave<br />novim medijima u Vojvodini krajem 20. i<br />početkom 21. veka okupljene u jednu celinu.<br />Izneti podaci o njihovoj generacijskoj,<br />medijskoj, umetničkoj i drugoj povezanosti<br />predstavljaju samo početak budućih istraživanja<br />u okviru istorije i teorije umetnosti. Za njih je<br />izgrađivanje profesionalnog identiteta kao<br />bogatstva različitosti najvažnije, ali je on<br />uklopljen u mnogostruke ženske mreže i<br />povezanosti jer je to jedan od načina njegovog<br />razvoja i opstanka.<br />Ukupni podaci o različitim aspektima identiteta<br />umetnica novih medija mogu doprineti op&scaron;toj<br />diskusiji o prirodi identiteta.<br />Preporuka je da se uspostavi sistem čuvanja ne<br />samo radova, već arhiviranja dokumentacije o<br />umetnicama novih medija budući da su podaci<br />rasuti po različitim izvorima i privatnim<br />kolekcijama, slabo dostupni javnosti; da se u<br />galerijama i muzejima koji nemaju posebno<br />izdvojena sredstva za mlade umetnike/ce, za<br />produkciju umetničkih radova i sl. uvede slična<br />praksa; takođe nedovoljno kritičara i kritičarki<br />koji prate nove medije predstavlja problem koji<br />treba re&scaron;avati.<br />Iz svega izloženog pokazali smo da je reč o<br />umetničkim izrazima i umetničkim praksama<br />koje osvajaju prostor i otuda je prvi važan<br />rezultat analize u ovom radu to &scaron;to su na<br />jednom mestu pokazane različite prakse i to<br />tako da se sučeljavaju ocene o njihovom radu sa<br />svedočenjem samih umetnica o sopstvenim<br />radovima i dilemama.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>The aim of the research is the construction of<br />the professional identity of female visual artists<br />who are creating in Vojvodina in the late 20th</p><p>and early 21st century, an analysis of their<br />artistic work and life, pointing to the<br />possibilities of their favorable position.<br />Hypothesis 1: Valorization of female visual<br />artists of Vojvodina is insufficient, especially<br />those dealing with new technologies.<br />Hypothesis 2: Their contribution for the<br />development of current art practice and in the<br />higher education system is invisible.<br />Hypothesis 3: The importance of the artistic<br />work of these female visual artists is not<br />recognized by the mass media, which further<br />contributes to their invisibility in the public.<br />The research involved these analyzes: female<br />artists testimonies (interviews); analysis of texts<br />about female artists, analyzes of art works by<br />female artists.<br />The main research corpus is the interviews of<br />the author with female artists, a total of 12<br />female artists related to Vojvodina, texts about<br />them and their art works.<br />The results of the research have shown that for<br />the female artists the professional identity is the<br />most prominent identity, to other identities they<br />approach as to variable categories; they give<br />importance to the transfer of knowledge, to the<br />formation of new personnel and to the<br />introduction of women&#39;s identity in art;<br />emphasize that they lack financial confidence in<br />the profession and that they see the solution in<br />the merging and building of a network of<br />collaborators (intergenerational, artistic,<br />interdisciplinary, local, regional and<br />international).<br />I conclude that the research indicated that<br />female artists dealing with new media in<br />Vojvodina are partially valorized. A number of<br />texts are written about them, but they are spread<br />across different sources, in many languages and<br />places (locally, regionally, internationally). The<br />politics of the cultural institutions did not give</p><p>them enough attention when it comes to<br />monographic publications and retrospective<br />exhibitions, the purchase of art works, etc. Their<br />contribution is not sufficiently visible in the<br />higher education system and the importance of<br />their artistic work is not sufficiently recognized<br />by mass media.<br />This research is the first time that female artists<br />who are engaged in new media art in Vojvodina<br />in the late 20th and early 21st century have been<br />integrated into one whole. The presented data<br />on their generational, media, artistic and other<br />connections are only the beginning of future<br />research within the history and theory of art.<br />For them, building the professional identity as<br />the wealth of diversity is the most important,<br />but it is integrated into multiple women&#39;s<br />networks and connections because it is one of<br />the ways of its development and survival.<br />The overall data on different aspects of the<br />identity of female new media artists can<br />contribute to a general discussion of the nature<br />of identity.<br />It is recommended to establish a system for<br />storing not only works, but also archiving<br />documentation about female new media artists,<br />since the data that is scattered across different<br />sources and private collections is not readily<br />available to the public; that in galleries and<br />museums that do not have special funds<br />allocated for young artists/female artists, for the<br />production of works of art, etc., introduce<br />similar practices; also insufficient critics and<br />female critics who follow new media art is a<br />problem that needs to be addressed.<br />From all of the exhibited we have shown that it<br />is about artistic expressions and artistic<br />practices that conquer space and hence the first<br />important result of the analysis in this paper is<br />that different practices have been shown in one<br />place, so that the evaluation of their work is<br />confronted with the testimony of the female</p><p>artists themselves about their own works and<br />dilemmas.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Date07 September 2018
CreatorsSanja Kojić Mladenov
ContributorsRadulović Lidija, Savić Svenka, Daša Duhaček Gordana, Subotić Irina, Zirojević Lečić Bosiljka
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Asocijacija centara za interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne studije i istraživanja, University of Novi Sad, Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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