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A descriptive study of work-oriented programs for educationally deficient students at the secondary level in the state of Indiana

The purpose of this study was to investigate existing work-oriented programs for the educationally deficient in the state of Indiana, to review related literature concerning such vocationally-oriented programs, and to explore the implications for future directions in program planning and implementation.The reserach was planned to answer questions pertaining to four major levels of investigation: 1) program and coordinatore identification, 2) analysis of program structure, 3) descriptive analysis of students and 4) curriculum content. An eighteen item questionnaire was devised to gather descriptive data pertaining to these four areas.The questionnaire was sent to seventy-nine Special Education Cooperatives and/or Unified Public School Systems in Indiana as identified by the Division of Special Education, Indiana Department of Public Instruction, 1974-75 school year. From the seventy-nine questionnaires mailed, sixty-six percent of the Co-ops or Single Unified Systems responded.The first level of information analyzed concerned existing or planned programs, specific program locations in the state, identifying terminology, and information concerning personnel and their certification. All Systems responding, except one, stated that they did have some type of program for educationally deficient students at the secondary level. In fifty-eight percent of the systems, Pre-Vocational Education (P.V.E.) was the term which titled the program. Anotherthirty-five percent used the more standard label of Special Education while twenty-five percent chose Work-Study. Other labels were closely associated with Vocational Education.All professional Personnel were certified teachers with twenty-seven systems reporting that their personnel held certification in the field of special education and twenty-five systems had a wide diversity of educational certification held by their personnel. One might assume that persons with certification in special education were not abundant at the time when a large majority of these programs were initiated. The title held by these professionals closely corresponded with the program title; P.V.E., Special Education, and Work-Study. Only small differences were discernible between the total number of males and females working as professionals in the programs.Level two contained information concerning program operation and length of service with the system. Finances and program management were also questioned with regard to local, state, and federal regulations. Nearly thirty-one percent of the systems reporting had some structured program for more than seven years. Most of these long term programs are operating in large metropolitian areas and are single system units. Another twenty-eight percent of the systems responding had been operating some secondary work-oriented programs between two and three years. It would appear that these more recent programs have been developed in preparation for the special education mandate or since the promulgation of the mandate in Indiana.Nearly eighty percent of the programs were financed from twelve to one hundred percent by the school corporation. Most school systems accepted between forty-three to fifty-five percent of the financial obligation. Only three systems obtained federal grants and this money was ear-marked for specific additions to an already existing program. Seventy-five percent of the systems were applying and receiving between twenty to sixty percent of their program finances from the Department of Public Instruction.Nearly one half of those responding systems were receiving aid in widely varying amounts from either Indiana Vocational Education or Indiana Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Both Departments have criteria upon which program funding assistance can be obtained. However, these criteria seem to lack consistency among those programs which are receiving financial benefits.Level three refers to specific information concerning students who are enrolled in work-oriented programs. Seventy-five percent of the students are enrolled in these public school programs at the secondary level between three and four years. Most of the programs appear to be structured as four-year programs. The length of enrollment varied from one to six years which may mean that pupils in soem systems may continue as long as they can show progress toward meeting program goals, or that the pupils enter the program at the junior high level.The students who are enrolled in work-oriented programs tend to cluster between the chronological ages of fifteen to nineteen inclusively. Most programs adhere to State Rules and Regulations concerning intelligence quotients for students which are between 50-79. Criteria beside that of I.Q. scores were used to determine placement in some systems, suggesting that there are more complexities in dealing with handicapped children than a single test score might indicate.Much of the literature suggests that most educationally deficient persons fall into more than one classification and this data seems to support these same findings inasmuch as a number of systems checked several categories of handicaps for their students. Forty-six of the systems reported that eighty-eight percent of their students were classified as being mentally retarded. The second largest group were classified as slow learning. One assumption can be made from this evidence; these students received higher than state standards indicating retardation on intelligence tests but still required individualized programs in order to achieve academic success and enter into the employment field.Approximately eighty-two percent of the programs are operating in a regular high school facility. Less than one-third of the programs provide work-shop facilities. More than three-fourths of those systems responding place their students on jobs either within the school or in the community.Level four concerned curriculum development. More than ninety-eight percent were utilizing some type of mainstreaming technique. The courses of Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Health & Safety, Art, Music, and Physical Education proved to be the most frequently used for the integration of educationally deficient students.According to the literature available, pre-vocational education programs seem to be providing a rewarding experience for educationally deficient students at the secondary level. It is generally agreed that goals of social and vocational competencies can be enhanced by use of a work-study contact for the adolescent because such an arrangement gives real meaning to public school attendance. Work-oriented programs are structured to provide those types of educational courses and actual job training which will later prepare the student for the world of work The pre-vocational phase of the program cultivates those work habits and specific occupational skills which make it possible for the student to be gainfully employed.Research indicates that the educationally deficient student has the potential of limited academic education, vocational training, and employability. However, he lacks sufficient skills, appropriate attitudes, and self-confidence in order to maintain an economically independent and/or socially acceptable life style without supervision and guidance from other sources. Upon graduation from the work-study program, each student should be able to take his place in society on a meaningful, rewarding level, capable and willing to assume the responsibility that will be demanded of him as an adult.From the sixty-six percent of responses received, it seems evident that there has been activity in Indiana to develop work-oriented programs for educationally deficient students at the secondary level. Adequate job placement which is suited to the individual's physical and mental capacities is the final goal.On the basis of the study it is recommended that a more uniform and reliable funding system be established to support work-oriented programs, that follow-up studies on program graduates be initiated, and that both pre-service and in-service programs be developed to upgrade the competencies of professional personnel associated with work-oriented programs.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306
Date January 1975
CreatorsHardin, Linda J.
ContributorsSeitz, Robert
Source SetsBall State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format83 leaves : maps ; 28 cm.
SourceVirtual Press

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