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Molecular Communications: Channel Model and Physical Layer Techniques

Yes / This article examines recent research in molecular
communications from a telecommunications system design perspective.
In particular, it focuses on channel models and stateof-
the-art physical layer techniques. The goal is to provide a
foundation for higher layer research and motivation for research
and development of functional prototypes. In the first part of
the article, we focus on the channel and noise model, comparing
molecular and radio-wave pathloss formulae. In the second part,
the article examines, equipped with the appropriate channel
knowledge, the design of appropriate modulation and error
correction coding schemes. The third reviews transmitter and
receiver side signal processing methods that suppress intersymbol-
interference. Taken together, the three parts present a
series of physical layer techniques that are necessary to producing
reliable and practical molecular communications. / The work of C.-B. Chae was in part supported by the Basic Science Research Program (2014R1A1A1002186) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), Korea, through the National Research Foundation of Korea.
Date12 October 2015
CreatorsGuo, W., Asyhari, A.Taufiq, Farsad, N., Yilmaz, H.B., Li, B., Eckford, A., Chae, C-B.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeArticle, Accepted manuscript
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