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The Influence of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Self-Regulatory Variables on Performance Outcomes of Counseling Interns

<p> This study explored the influence of supervisee intrapersonal and interpersonal regulatory characteristics on supervisor-rated evaluation of supervisee performance given within the context of a counseling supervision relationship. A sample of 60 counseling supervisee and supervisor dyads from University Counseling Centers were surveyed, both electronically and in paper form. By examining the most frequently studied correlates to performance within counselor trainee supervision, the study aimed to address a gap in the research literature understanding of the self-regulatory influences on performance evaluation. Regression analysis was used to address the hypothesis that the independent variables of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, working alliance, and attachment orientation would account for a significant portion of the variance in total performance scores of the dependent variable of supervisee performance.</p><p> Results of this study indicated that the independent variables did not have a significant relationship with the outcome variable of performance evaluation. Post hoc analyses found that supervisor attractiveness did have a significant relationship with performance. Organizational literature has long advanced theories that attachment and emotional intelligence are integral to the supervisory relationship. Previous research has found independent relationships between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and working alliance and performance; however, this was the first study that looked at their collective influence on performance with the additional influence of attachment orientation. The results of this study suggest that the strength of the relationship of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, working alliance, and attachment orientation to performance is not as great as previously reported. Additionally, and more importantly, the data suggest that references to attachment and emotional intelligence in organizational theory may be misguided or at best optimistic. The supervisory relationship, while complicated, may not be as interpersonally influenced as hypothesized, but post hoc analyses confirm that attraction does influence performance evaluation. These results suggest a possible new direction for future research.</p>
Date13 June 2014
CreatorsMcCarley, Page Roberts
PublisherThe George Washington University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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