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Temperatursprickor i ung betong : Utvärdering av projektering och utförande av åtgärder, samt utveckling av dimensioneringsmetod för kylsystem / Thermal cracks in young concrete

The report contains three parts. The first part is a summary and overall presentation of thermal cracks and preventing measures against such cracks. This is a theoretical part where the interested designer can get acquainted with various alternatives, be guided to more detailed literature, and receive some practical information regarding the design of the respective measures. The second part deals with calculation of the risk for thermal cracks and design of water cooling as a limiting measure. Two complementary methods are reviewed for efficient calculation: • the handbook method CraX1 (by Lulea University of Technology) is used for quick verification • finite differential analysis in the calculation tool ConTeSt Pro for more precise projecting Here is also presented a development of existing standards through design of the cooling system by means of the Bernoulli equation. Comparison is made with the approximation with Manning’s formula, which occurs in the field today. The calculation part is concluded with a calculation example. In addition to prescribing good project planning, the example also highlights some of the calculation programs’ possibilities and limitations. The third part of the report evaluates the current calculation of the risk for thermal cracking in young concrete, as well as the design and implementation of thereto related measures. This is done through studies of reference objects and interviews with all parts involved, i.e. clients, consultants, contractors and suppliers. The report aims to a compilation and transfer of skill and experience, so that potential for improvement in the prevention of thermal cracking can be identified, and the design can be improved with regard to the conditions of the construction phase. / Rapporten innehaller tre delar. Den forsta delen utgor en sammanstallning och oversiktlig presentation av temperatursprickor samt forebyggande atgarder mot sadana sprickor. Det ar en teoretisk del dar den intresserade projektoren kan satta sig in i olika alternativ, vagledas till utforligare litteratur, samt fa en del praktisk information infor projekteringen av respektive atgard. Den andra delen avhandlar berakning av risk for temperatursprickor samt projektering av vattenkylning som sprickbegransande atgard. Tva kompletterande metoder gas igenom for effektiv berakning: • handboksmetoden CraX1 (fran Lulea tekniska universitet) for snabbare kontroller • finita differensanalyser i berakningsprogrammet ConTeSt Pro for noggrannare projektering Har presenteras aven en utveckling av nuvarande standarder via dimensionering av kylsystem for vatskekylning med hjalp av Bernoullis ekvation. Jamforelse gors med approximationen med Mannings formel, vilken i dagslaget forekommer i branschen. Berakningsdelen avslutas med ett berakningsexempel. Forutom att foreskriva god projektering, belyser exemplet dessutom nagra av berakningsprogrammens mojligheter och begransningar. Rapportens tredje del utvarderar den nuvarande berakningen av risk for temperatursprickor i ung betong, samt projekteringen och genomforandet av tillhorande atgarder. Detta gors via studier av referensobjekt och intervjuer med samtliga involverade aktorer, d.v.s. bestallare, konstruktorer, entreprenorer och leverantorer. Rapporten syftar till en sammanstallning och aterforing av kompetens och erfarenhet, sa att forbattringspotential i forebyggandet av temperatursprickor kan identifieras, och projekteringen kan forbattras med hansyn till produktionens forutsattningar.
Date January 2011
CreatorsTilfors, Sara, Nezhad Arya, Nessa Yosef
PublisherKTH, Byggteknik och design
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationExjobb byggteknik 6 design ; 2011;26

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