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Proračun intenziteta erozije zemljišta u Polimlju (Crna Gora i Srbija) i Širindareh slivu (Iran) korišćenjem WIntErO modela / Calculation of soil erosion intensity in Polimlje (Montenegro and Serbia) and Širindareh basin (Iran) using the WIntErO model

<p>Predmet&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; geografski prostor&nbsp; sliva&nbsp; Lima&nbsp; od&nbsp; Plavskog&nbsp; jezera&nbsp; do&nbsp; brane&nbsp; HE &#39;&#39;Potpeć&#39;&#39;,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedne&nbsp; prostorno-funkcionalne&nbsp; cjeline,koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; prostire&nbsp; na&nbsp; teritorijama&nbsp; država&nbsp; Crne&nbsp; Gore (2334&nbsp; km <sup>2</sup>),&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; (2407,7&nbsp; km <sup>2</sup> )&nbsp; i&nbsp; Albanije&nbsp; (115,5<br />km <sup>2 </sup>) i &Scaron;irindareh sliv na NE Irana.Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; računarsko-grafičkog&nbsp; metoda<br />programa&nbsp; &quot;WintErO&quot;,&nbsp; u&nbsp; proučavanju&nbsp; oticanja&nbsp; i intenziteta&nbsp; erozije,&nbsp; vrijednosti&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; (povr&scaron;ina slivova,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; između&nbsp; izohipsi&nbsp; i&nbsp; sl.)&nbsp; i&nbsp; dužina,&nbsp; tj.rastojanja sa karte (dužina glavnog vodotoka, dužina linije vododjelnice i sl.) veoma precizno je obrađena,<br />&scaron;to&nbsp; nije&nbsp; uvijek&nbsp; bio&nbsp; slučaj&nbsp; kod&nbsp; primjene&nbsp; mehaničkih instrumenata,&nbsp; planimetara&nbsp; i&nbsp; kurvimetra.&nbsp; Obradom dobijenih&nbsp; fizičko-geografskih&nbsp; inputa,&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; unosa podataka,&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; rezultati.&nbsp; Detaljan&nbsp; prikaz&nbsp; ove računarsko&nbsp; grafičke&nbsp; metode&nbsp; predstavljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; u rezultatima ove doktorske disertacije.<br />Dio istraživanja ovog doktorskog rada obavljen je na području sjeveroistoka Irana, u slivu &Scaron;irindareh. Oko 100 miliona hektara iranske teritorije je izloženo eroziji&nbsp; ili&nbsp; drugim&nbsp; hemijskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; fizičkih&nbsp; degradacija.Erozija&nbsp; vodom&nbsp; ugoržava&nbsp; velike&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; u&nbsp; Iranu,<br />uni&scaron;tavajući pri tom plodna poljoprivredna zemlji&scaron;ta. Skoro&nbsp; 35&nbsp; miliona&nbsp; hektara&nbsp; Irana&nbsp; je&nbsp; pod&nbsp; uticajem različitih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; erozije&nbsp; vodom.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; činjenica&nbsp; je&nbsp; bila povod i izazov da se i ova istraživanja dijelom osvrnu na&nbsp; ovu&nbsp; problematiku&nbsp; u&nbsp; Iranu,&nbsp; testirajući&nbsp; pri&nbsp; tom<br />novopripemljeni&nbsp; model&nbsp; WIntErO&nbsp; na&nbsp; jednom&nbsp; od slivova u Iranu.</p> / <p>The subject of this paper is the&nbsp; geographical area of&nbsp; the Lim&nbsp; Basin&nbsp; from&nbsp; Plav&nbsp; Lake&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; dam&nbsp; &quot;Potpeć&quot;,&nbsp; as&nbsp; a spatial-functional&nbsp; unit,&nbsp; spreading&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; territories&nbsp; of&nbsp; the countries&nbsp; of&nbsp; Montenegro&nbsp; (2,334&nbsp; km2),&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; (2407,7 km2)&nbsp; and&nbsp; Albania&nbsp; 115.5&nbsp; km2).&nbsp; In&nbsp; mathematicalgeographical terms,&nbsp; the research area is between 42 &deg; 37 &#39;and 43 &deg; 30&#39; north latitude and 17 &deg; 10 &#39;and 17 &deg; 23&#39; east longitude.&nbsp; The&nbsp; research&nbsp; area&nbsp; is&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; north&nbsp; of Albania,&nbsp; east&nbsp; and&nbsp; north-east&nbsp; of&nbsp; Montenegro,&nbsp; and&nbsp; in&nbsp; the southwest of Serbia. Using the computer-graphic&nbsp; method of the &quot;WintErO&quot; program, in the study of the erosion and intensity&nbsp; of&nbsp; erosion,&nbsp; the&nbsp; surface&nbsp; values&nbsp; (surface&nbsp; of&nbsp; the basins,&nbsp; the&nbsp; area&nbsp; between&nbsp; isohipins,&nbsp; etc.)&nbsp; and&nbsp; length,&nbsp; The distance&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; map&nbsp; (the&nbsp; length&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; main watercourse, the length of the line of the water line, etc.) is&nbsp; very&nbsp; precisely&nbsp; processed,&nbsp; which&nbsp; was&nbsp; not&nbsp; always&nbsp; the case with the use of mechanical instruments, planimeters and&nbsp; curvimeters.&nbsp; By&nbsp; obtaining&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; physicalgeographic&nbsp; inputs,&nbsp; after&nbsp; entering&nbsp; the&nbsp; data,&nbsp; results&nbsp; were obtained.&nbsp; A&nbsp; detailed&nbsp; view&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; computer&nbsp; graphic method&nbsp; is&nbsp; presented&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral dissertation.&nbsp; Part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis was&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; area&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; northeast&nbsp; of&nbsp; Iran,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the Shirindareh basin. About 100 million hectares of Iranian territory are exposed to erosion or other types of chemical and&nbsp; physical&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; (Kheirodin,&nbsp; 2016).&nbsp; Erosion&nbsp; by water&nbsp; entangles&nbsp; large&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; Iran,&nbsp; destroying&nbsp; fertile agricultural&nbsp; land&nbsp; (Sadeghi,&nbsp; 2017).&nbsp; Almost&nbsp; 35&nbsp; million hectares of Iran&nbsp; are under the influence of various types of&nbsp; water&nbsp; erosion&nbsp; (Zakerinejad&nbsp; and&nbsp; Maerker,&nbsp; 2015).&nbsp; This fact&nbsp; was&nbsp; also&nbsp; a&nbsp; cause&nbsp; and&nbsp; challenge&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; to partly look at this issue in Iran, testing the new WIntErO model on one of the basins in Iran.</p>
Date10 April 2019
CreatorsVujačić Duško
ContributorsJovanović Mlađen, Spalević Velibor, Marković Slobodan, Lukić Tin, Barović Goran
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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