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Modelling and Security Analysis of Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocols

<p>Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocols are protocols allowing
a group of principals to contributively generate a key by the
exchange of messages on a network possibly controlled by an
attacker. Furthermore, their execution also guarantees all group
members that the key they obtained can only be known by the other
intended protocol participants. These protocols can be exploited
in many applications such as audio or videoconferencing,
replicated servers (such as database, web, time servers), chat or
network games for instance.</p>
<p>AGKAP's present several particularities that make them interesting
case studies for research in the theory of security. At first, the
consideration of the number of protocol participants as a
parameter raises several complexity problems that are not present
in the classical two or three-party frameworks. Furthermore, up to
now, the security properties of group protocols have roughly been
considered as direct extensions of two-party properties, what does
not capture several plausible attack scenarios. A second
interesting aspect of the analysis of AGKAP's is the consideration
of Diffie-Hellman-type primitives, that present properties out
of the scope of most classical models.</p>
<p>We started our study with the construction of a simple model for
the analysis of a classical family of protocols: the Cliques
AGKAP's. This allowed us to discover several attacks and define
different flavors of group security properties. We then tried to
fix these protocols, what led us to extend our model in order to
prove that it is in fact impossible to build a secure AGKAP based
on the same design assumptions as the Cliques protocols. Finally,
we designed a new AGKAP based on different cryptographic
primitives (signature and hash functions) for which we proved
authentication, freshness and secrecy properties. A comparison
with a similar AGKAP developed in parallel to ours is also
Date16 May 2003
CreatorsPereira, Olivier
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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