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Adult attachment syle and vulnerability to depression

This thesis explores the utility of Attachment Theory (Bowlby, 1969; 1973; 1980) as
a framework for understanding both the personality and cognitive processing styles
associated with depression and vulnerability to depression. In two separate but related
studies, the present investigation identified depressive personality characteristics and
depressive cognitive processing styles associated with each of the styles of adult
attachment defined by Bartholomew and Horowitz's (1991) four-category attachment
model. Using self-report data from a sample of 305 respondents (225 female; 80 male),
Study 1 explored associations among each of the adult attachment styles and sociotropic
and autonomous personality-based vulnerabilities to depression (Beck, 1983). Extending
the work of Zuroff and Fitzpatrick (1995; Study 2), associations among the attachment
styles and the specific components of the two depressive personality styles, as defined by
Robins et al. (1994), were examined. Using cued recall of autobiographical memories for a
subsample of 44 of the same respondents (35 female; 9 male), Study 2 explored
attachment style group differences in autobiographical memory retrieval, thereby
identifying specific depressive cognitive processing biases associated with each adult
attachment style. Past research has focused on the assessment of memory accessibility,
using either recall latency (Mikulincer & Orbach, 1995; Mikulincer, 1998a) or memory
generality (Tasker, MacLeod & Maynard, 1996) to indicate accessibility. In the present
study, both latency and generality were used as indicators of memory accessibility, and the
content of memories was also examined. In addition, use of a four-category rather than a
three-category measure of attachment style permitted distinction of cognitive biases for the
fearful-avoidant and dismissive-avoidant styles.
The present findings support a notion that the two adult attachment styles understood
to be characterised by a negative self-view, namely fearful and preoccupied attachment, are
associated with depressive vulnerability. Replicating previous findings (Carnelley,
Pietromonaco & Jaffe, 1994), both the fearful and preoccupied styles were associated with
state depression and with perceptions of negative parental bonding. The fearful style in
particular was associated with perceptions of 'affectionless control' in childhood. As the
major focus of this thesis, the fearful and preoccupied attachment styles were each
associated with both personality styles and cognitive processing deficits which have
previously been linked with depression and depressive vulnerability.
In terms of personality styles (Study I), the fearful attachment style was broadly
associated with the autonomous personality style, whereas the preoccupied attachment style
was broadly associated with the sociotropic personality style, as previously demonstrated
by Zuroff and Fitzpatrick (1995; Study 2). By focusing on associations with the individual
components of the autonomous and sociotropic vulnerabilities, as defined by Robins et al.
(1994), the more specific 'depressive' personality characteristics were identified for both
these insecure attachment styles. In particular, the findings suggest that a fearful attachment
style involves both avoidant and self-critical characteristics, whereas a preoccupied
attachment style involves both dependent and self-critical characteristics.
In terms of cognitive processing deficits (Study 2), fearful individuals had difficulty
accessing autobiographical memories, indicated by delayed memory recall and reduced
memory specificity across a range of memory cues. Indeed, these individuals demonstrated
a globalised 'mnemonic interlock' typical of depressed individuals (Williams, 1996) and
their memories were predominantly negative in content. In contrast, preoccupied
individuals demonstrated a ruminative cognitive processing style, indicated by relatively
fast recall of predominantly specific and negative memories across a range of memory
cues. However, these individuals had difficulty accessing personally-relevant memories of
abandonment, arguably due to both encoding and retrieval deficits emanating from their
hypersensitivity to abandonment experiences.
Dismissive attachment was associated with the avoidant but not the self-critical aspect
of the autonomous personality style and involved a repressive cognitive processing style.
This repressive style was indicated by delayed recall of specific negative memories.
Nonetheless, unlike the fearful and preoccupied styles, dismissive attachment was not
shown to be associated with state depression, suggesting that an avoidant attachment style
does not necessarily contribute to depressive vulnerability. Instead, dismissive individuals'
use of defensive repression of negative affects and memories appears to be an effective
coping mechanism in the maintenance of a positive self-concept and a non-self-critical
approach. Furthermore, in light of self-narrative models of personality (e.g., McAdams,
1993; Bruhn, 1990; 1992; 1995; Singer & Salovey, 1993), dismissive individuals' easy
access to positive memories, particularly personally-relevant memories of independence,
can be viewed as maintaining their positive self-concept.
Overall, the findings of the present thesis support the proposition that Attachment
Theory provides a framework for understanding both the personality and cognitive
processing styles associated with depression. Indeed, the findings suggest that the fearful
and preoccupied adult attachment styles can both be regarded as constituting vulnerability
factors for depression. As expected, the fearful attachment style was highlighted as
conferring greater depressive vulnerability. Thus, the findings provide further insight into
the factors involved in the onset and maintenance of depression and highlight the
importance of assessing adult attachment style during therapy for depression. Other
clinical implications, as well as directions for future research, are outlined.
Date January 2000
CreatorsMurphy, Barbara,
PublisherSwinburne University of Technology.
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights, Copyright Barbara Murphy

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