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Primena sorpcionih parametara odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata na organskoj materiji sedimenata za procenu njihove dostupnosti u sistemima sediment-voda / Application of the parameters ofsorption of selected hydrophobic organic compounds onto the sediment organic matter for the assessment of their availability in the sediment-water system

<p>Prirodna organska materija zemlji&scaron;ta/sedimenata predstavlja glavnu oblast<br />za sorpciju hidrofobnih organskih jedinjenja, a njene osobine utiču na stepen<br />retencije i konsekventnu (bio)dostupnost organskih jedinjenja. Da bi se procenio<br />ekotoksikolo&scaron;ki rizik zagađenih zemlji&scaron;ta/sedimenata po okolinu, dizajnirala<br />odgovarajuća strategija remedijacije ili predvidela sudbina i transport organskih<br />polutanata u zagađenim zonama, neophodno je razumevanje mehanizma sorpcije i<br />desorpcije na nivou mehanizma uspostavljenih veza. U radu je izvr&scaron;eno ispitivanje<br />sorpcije i desorpcije odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata, pentahlorbenzena<br />i lindana, na sekvencijalno ekstrahovanim huminskim kiselinama i huminima iz<br />jednog uzorka sedimenta u cilju pronalaženja veze između strukturnih<br />karakteristika izolovanih huminskih kiselina i humina i sorpcionih i desorpcionih<br />parametara. Afinitet za sorpciju, nelinearnost izotermi i prividna sorpciono-desorpciona histereza korelirani su&nbsp; sa osobinama sorbenata dobijenim iz<br />elementarne i FTIR spektroskopske analize. Predloženo je da je mehanizam<br />sorpcije na huminskim kiselinama rezultat odigravanja raspodele i specifične<br />adsorpcije, pri čemu se pri nižim koncentracijama pentahlorbenzena i lindana prvo<br />popune sorpciona mesta u kondenzovanoj aromatičnoj oblasti, a tek potom pri<br />vi&scaron;im koncentracijama sorpciona mesta u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima.<br />Sveukupno vi&scaron;i koeficijenti nelinearnosti dobijeni za sorpciju pentahlorbenzena na huminskim kiselinama u odnosu na nelinearnost sorpcionih izotermi lindana, ukazuju na to da u ukupnoj sorpciji pentahlorbenzena veći značaj ima mehanizam raspodele i sme&scaron;tanje molekula pentahlorbenzena u hidrofobne &scaron;upljine huminskih kiselina, u odnosu na specifičnu adsorpciju. Ovi zaključci su potvrđeni rezultatima spektroskopskih istraživanja interakcija&nbsp; odabranih organskih jedinjenja i N-metilformamida. Predloženi mehanizam sorpcije ne može objasniti sorpciju pentahlorbenzena i lindana na uzorcima humina, većje pretpostavljeno da nelinearna sorpcija za uzorke humina može biti rezultat ostvarivanja povr&scaron;inskih interakcija, a visoki afinitet za sorpciju rezultat je raspodele organskih jedinjenja u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima koje pružaju odlično okruženje za sorpciju.</p><p>U cilju daljeg proučavanja mehanizma sorpcije, izvr&scaron;eno je ispitivanje kinetike<br />desorpcije tri odabrana hidrofobna organskajedinjenja, pentahlorbenzena, lindana i<br />pentahloranilina, posredstvom&nbsp; čvrstog adsorbenta, XAD-4 makroporozne<br />jonoizmenjivačke smole. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih za uzorak sedimenta i<br />frakciju &lt; 125 &micro;m za dva ravnotežna vremena (15 i 90 dana) i za sva odabrana<br />organska jedinjenja može se zaključiti da se za procenu potencijalne (bio)dostupne<br />frakcije organskih jedinjenja može koristiti jednostavna desorpcija u prisustvu<br />XAD-4 makroporozne jonoizmenjivačke smole i to na dva načina: (1) ekstrakcijom<br />sedimenta tokom 24 časa, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara frakciji<br />jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske materije, ili (2)<br />ekstrakcijom tokom 6 časova, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara polovini<br />one frakcije jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske<br />materije.</p> / <p>Natural organic matter of soil/sediment make the main region for&nbsp;sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds, ant its properties influence the degree&nbsp;of retention and, consequently, (bio)availability of organic compounds. In order to&nbsp;assess the ecotoxicological risks of contaminated soils/sediments to the&nbsp;environment and design the appropriate remediation strategy or predict the fate and&nbsp;transport of organic pollutants in contaminated zones, it is necessary to understand&nbsp;the mechanisms of sorption/desorption at the level of the mechanism of established&nbsp;bonds. Study of the sorption and desorption of selected hydrophobic organic&nbsp;pollutants, pentachlorobenzene and lindane, on sequentially extracted humic acids&nbsp;and humins from a single sediment sample with the aim of finding the relationship&nbsp;between the structural characteristics of the isolated humic acids and humin and&nbsp;sorption and desorption parameters. Sorption affinity, nonlinearity of isotherms,&nbsp;and apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis were correlated to the sorbent&nbsp;characteristics obtained from elemental analysis and FTIR spectroscopic data. The&nbsp;proposed sorption mechanism on humic acids assumes that at low concentrations&nbsp;of pentachlorobenzene and lindane the sorption sites in the condensed aromatic&nbsp;region are occupied first, and then, at their higher concentrations, the sorption sites&nbsp;in the amorphous and aliphatic regions. Generally higher nonlinearity coefficient obtained for the sorption of pentachlorobenzene on &nbsp;umic acids compared with the nonlinearity of sorption isotherms for lindane, indicate that in the overall sorption of pentachlorobenzene of higher significance is the &nbsp;echanism of distribution and insertion of pentachlorobenzene molecule into hydrophobic dips of humic acids, compared to specific adsorption. These conclusions were confirmed with the results of spectroscopic investigation of &nbsp;intermolecular interaction of chosen organic compounds and N-methylformamide.Since suggested sorption mechanism could not explain sorption of &nbsp;pentachlorobenzene and lindane onto humin samples, it is supposed that the nonlinearity can be a result of surface interactions, while the high sorption affinity is result of distribution of organic compounds in the amorphous aliphatic regions that offer an excellent environment for sorption.</p><p>With the aim of further insight into the sorption mechanism, investigation of&nbsp;desorption kinetics of three chosen hydrophobic organic compounds,&nbsp;pentachlorobenzene, lindane and pentachloroaniline, in the presence of &nbsp;soild&nbsp;adsorbent XAD-4 macroporous ion-exchange resin was performed. On the basis of&nbsp;the results obtained for sediment sample and fraction &lt; 125 &micro;m at two equilibrium&nbsp;times (15 and 90 days) and for all selected organic compounds, it can be concluded&nbsp;that the assessment of the potential (bio)avialable fraction of organic compounds&nbsp;may be obtained by using simple method of desorption in the presence of XAD-4&nbsp;macroporous ion-exchange resin, performed in two ways: (1) by sediment&nbsp;<br />extraction during 24 hours, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to the fraction&nbsp;of &nbsp;he compound that is found in the fast-desorbing domain of organic matter, or&nbsp;(2) by 6-hour extraction, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to one half of the&nbsp;fraction appearing in the fast-desorbing domain of the organic matter.</p>
Date25 May 2009
CreatorsTričković Jelena
ContributorsIvančev-Tumbas Ivana, Nikolić Aleksandar, Dalmacija Božo, Bošković Goran
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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