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Disability employment attitudes and practices in South African companies : a survey and case studies

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Persons with disabilities (PWDs) remain under-represented in South African (SA) companies.
Negative attitudes and ignorance of employers may contribute towards unemployment of PWDs, as can
inadequate accessibility, accommodations and company policies on disability. A lack of SA literature on
employers’ attitudes and practices on disability motivated the study.
A web-based survey was developed to investigate employer attitudes on the employment of PWDs in
SA companies. In total, 348 companies were invited to take part in the survey, and 86 companies completed
it (25% response rate). One person per company, mostly from Human Resources (HR), completed the
survey. Findings from the survey showed that global attitudes towards PWD employment are positive, but
that physical and sensory disabilities received more favourable ratings than psychiatric and intellectual
disabilities. Most managers reported satisfaction with the job performances of their PWDs. Accessibility in
the survey companies is still lacking. Modifications to the physical environment are the most common
accommodation made by the companies. Costs for making accommodations were just a bit more or the same
than initially anticipated. Companies valued information on the preparation of the environment for PWDs
and the cost of accommodations. Companies which employed more than one percent of PWDs were
significantly more likely to report that their Diversity/Equity documents include a disability policy.
A case study approach was used to obtain qualitative information on the experiences and practices
with and of PWDs in three companies with some success in employing PWDs. All companies surveyed that
had more than two percent PWDs were requested to participate in the case studies, and three companies
agreed. Interviews were performed at these companies with HR personnel, supervisors, co-workers and
PWDs. Case study findings show that office environments present more suitable and easier job opportunities
for PWD employment, and that certain disability types present too great a risk for employment in dangerous
environments. The case study companies do seem to accept PWDs in general, specifically in the immediate
working teams of PWDs. None of the managers interviewed indicated problems in managing their PWDs
and most apply general management principles. Those with direct contact with PWDs confirmed that they
were productive and dedicated. Despite this, very few PWDs are currently being recruited into the
companies, but targeted recruitment of PWDs has started. The companies have adequate accessibility in the
immediate environments of PWDs, but not widespread accessibility. All the companies have company
guidelines and experiences in making reasonable accommodations. Very few PWDs have been advanced in
the companies and few fill management positions. Although all the companies have disability policies in
place, there is sometimes a discrepancy between policy and practice. The most prominent company
initiatives for PWD integration are declaration drives, financial aid initiatives and awareness raising on
This study provided evidence that PWDs can be productive, have good co-worker relationships and
generally do not make unreasonable accommodation requests. Companies can improve their disability
guidelines, accessibility and accommodation processes, but actual contact and sensitisation can increase
integration of PWDs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Persone met gestremdhede (PMGs) is steeds onderverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrikaanse (SA)
maatskappye. Negatiewe houdings en onkunde van werkgewers kan bydra tot werkloosheid van PMGs,
asook onvoldoende toeganklikheid, akkommodasie en maatskappy-beleid oor gestremdheid. 'n Gebrek aan
SA literatuur oor werkgewers se houdings en praktyke teenoor gestremdheid motiveer dié studie.
’n Web-gebaseerde opname is ontwikkel om werkgewer-houdings oor die indiensneming van PMGs
in SA maatskappye te ondersoek. ’n Totaal van 348 maatskappye is genooi om deel te neem aan die opname
en 86 maatskappye het dit voltooi (25% respons-koers). Een persoon per maatskappy, meestal van Menslike
Hulpbronne (MH), het die opname voltooi. Bevindinge van die opname het getoon dat algemene houding
teenoor PMGs positief is, maar dat fisieke en sensoriese gestremdhede meer gunstige graderings as
psigiatriese en intellektuele gestremdhede ontvang. Die meeste respondente het tevredenheid getoon met die
werkvertonings van PMGs. Toeganklikheid in die maatskappye is steeds onvoldoende. Veranderings aan die
fisiese omgewing is die mees algemene akkommodasie wat deur die maatskappye gedoen is. Kostes vir
akkommodasies is net ’n bietjie meer of dieselfde as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Maatskappye stel ’n premie
of inligting oor die voorbereiding van die omgewing vir PMGs en die koste van akkommodasie.
Maatskappye wat meer as een persent van die PMGs indiens het, was beduidend meer geneig om te
rapporteer dat hulle diversiteit dokumente 'n gestremdheid beleid insluit.
’n Gevallestudie benadering is gebruik om kwalitatiewe inligting te kry oor die ervaringe en praktyke
t.o.v. PMGs in drie maatskappye met relatiewe indiensneming sukses t.o.v. PMGs. Alle opname
maatskappye met meer as twee persent PMGs is versoek om deel te neem, en drie maatskappye het ingestem.
Onderhoude by hierdie maatskappye is gevoer met menslikehulpbron-personeel, bestuurders, mede-werkers
en PMGs. Gevallestudie bevindinge toon dat die kantooromgewing meer geskikte en makliker
werkgeleenthede vir PMGs bied, maar dat dat sekere tipes getremdhede ’n te-groot risiko is vir
indiensneming in gevaarlike omgewings. Daar blyk ’n groter aanvaarding van PMGs in die algemeen te
wees by die maatskappye, spesifiek in die onmiddellike werkspanne van PMGs. Nie een van die bestuurders
in die ondersoek het probleme aangedui met die bestuur van PMGs nie en meeste pas algemene
bestuursbeginsels toe. Diegene met direkte kontak met PMGs bevestig dat hulle produktief en toegewyd is.
Ten spyte hiervan word min PMGs gewerf deur die maatskappye, maar geteikende werwing van PMGs het
begin. Die maatskappye het voldoende toeganklikheid in die onmiddellike omgewings van PMGs, maar nie
wydverspreide toeganklikheid nie. Al die maatskappye het wel maatskappy-riglyne en ervarings met die
voorsiening van redelike akkommodasie. Baie min PMGs word wel bevorder in die maatskappye en min vul
bestuurposisies. Alhoewel al die maatskappye ’n gestremdheidsbeleid het, is daar soms ’n verskil tussen
beleid en praktyk. Die mees prominente maatskappy inisiatiewe vir PMG integrasie was verklaringsinisiatiewe,
finansiële steun en bewusmakings-veldtogte van gestremdheid.
Hierdie studie bewys dat PMGs produktief kan wees, goeie mede-werker verhoudings het en oor die
algemeen nie onredelike akkommodasie versoeke rig nie. Maatskappye kan hulle gestremdheidsriglyne, toeganklikheid en akkommodasie prosesse verbeter, maar werklike kontak en sensitisering kan integrasie van
PMGs verhoog.
Date03 1900
CreatorsWiggett-Barnard, Cindy
ContributorsSwartz, Leslie, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format265 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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