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Plaaslike magsopset teoretisering : 'n sintetiese bydrae as gids vir die ontleding van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. Aim of study
The main aim of this study is to collect and evaluate the different ways of the theorizing
of local power configurations and to assemble the elements thereof in a theoretical
framework. A conclusion on the significance thereof for the South-African context is then
drawn. To reach this aim, it was attempted to identify all the basic elements of all local
power configurations and to show how the contents thereof change continuously and are
determined by the powers therein.
2. The nature of local power configurations
Local power configurations are those networks of dynamic relations, which occur between
persons and groups and between persons and their needs, institutions and social,
economical, political and natural environments, which influence people of a local political
area, their actions and opinions and thus control the issues and people of that area. Local
power configurations therefore consist of nine elements namely (1) changes which are
continuously caused by (2) the biological characteristics and (3) interpretation of people
and (4) by active powers which try to influence them. They are also further influenced by
natural powers (they are (5) the natural environment, (6) people's needs and (7) natural
resources) and created powers (they are (8) social patterns and products, (9) economic
order and (10) political processes and structures). These basic elements of local power
configurations exist under higher power configurations which consist of the same
elements. The complexity of local power configurations is related to the overlapping of
elements between these different power configurations. Neighbouring local power
configurations can also share elements so that changes in the elements of one power
configuration can have an influence on the neighbouring one. Similarly the changes in the
elements of the power configurations on higher levels such as region, national and global
also have important implications for the elements of local power configurations. Since
active powers bring their influence to bear according to their conscious or unconscious
interpretation of their situation, their exercise of power is therefore continually unique and therefore unexpected changes of the elements may occur. In order to prevent this, the
national power configuration tries to structure the local power configuration in such a way
that it limits its space for unique power actions. In this study the relations between these
powers and how they influence each other are treated in detail.
3. South African local power configurations
The local power configurations of South Africa function according to the same elements
that occur at all local power configurations. The uniqueness of the South African local
power configurations lies only in the contents which are given to it in South Africa. The
contents of South African local power configurations are largely prescribed by the
constitution and national laws. They specify the functioning of local politics in South
Africa, which forms an important aspect of local power configurations. This, together
with the nature of the South African cultural milieu and the nature of the natural
environment and human needs, has an important impact on local power configurations.
Yet local South African people and groups maintain their ability through their
interpretation to act within their circumstances in original ways and bring about positive
or negative changes to people's quality of life.
4. Guide material
This study tries to furnish guide material to prospective researchers of South African local
power configurations. Thereby academics can make a contribution so that local power
configurations are directed towards change which is beneficial to the people. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Doel van studie
Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie is om die verskillende wyses van teoretisering oor
plaaslike magsopsette te versamel, te beoordeel en die elemente daarvan in 'n teoretiese
raamwerk saam te vat en 'n gevolgtrekking te maak oor die betekenis daarvan vir die
Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is gepoog om die basiese elemente
van alle plaaslike magsopsette te identifiseer en aan te toon hoedat die inhoud daarvan
voortdurend verander en bepaal word deur die magte daarin.
2. Aard van plaaslike magsopsette
Plaaslike magsopsette is daardie netwerk van dinamiese verhoudinge, wat voorkom tussen
persone en groepe en tussen hulle en hul behoeftes, instellings en sosiale, ekonomiese,
politieke en natuurlike omgewings, wat mense, van 'n plaaslike politieke gebied, se
handelinge en beskouings beinvloed en so die sake en mense in daardie gebied beheer.
Plaaslike magsopsette behels dus (1) verandering wat voortdurend deur (2) menslike
biologiese eienskappe en (3) betekenisgewing veroorsaak word en (4) aktiewe magte wat
dit probeer beinvloed. Dit word ook beinvloed deur natuurlike magte, (dit is (5) die
natuurlike omgewing, (6) menslike behoeftes en (7) natuurlike hulpbronne) en geskepte
magte (dit is (8) sosiale patrone en produkte, (9) ekonomiese ordening en (10) politieke
prosesse en strukture). Hierdie basiese elemente van plaaslike magsopsette staan onder
hoer magsopsette wat uit dieselfde elemente bestaan. Die ingewikkeldheid van
magsopsette hou verband met die oorvleueling van elemente tussen hierdie verskillende
magsopsette. Naburige plaaslike magsopsette kan ook elemente deel sodat die verandering
in een magsopset se elemente 'n invloed op die naburige een het. So ook het die
verandering in die elemente van die magsopsette op hoer vlakke soos streek, nasionaal en
globaal ook belangrike implikasies vir die elemente van die plaaslike magsopset. Omdat
aktiewe magte hulle invloed laat geld volgens hulle bewustelike of onbewustelike
betekenisgewing van hulle situasie, veroorsaak dit dat hulle magsuitoefening voortdurend
uniek kan wees en onverwagte wysigings aan die elemente tot gevolg kan he. luis om dit te verhoed poog die nasionale magsopset om die plaaslike magsopset so te struktureer dat
dit beperkte ruimte vir unieke magshandelinge laat. In hierdie studie word hierdie
verhoudinge tussen hierdie magte en hoe hulle mekaar kan beinvloed breedvoerig
3. Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette
Suid-Afrika se plaaslike magsopsette funksioneer op grond van dieselfde elemente wat by
aIle plaaslike magsopsette voorkom. Die uniekheid van Suid-Afrika se plaaslike
magsopsette Ie aIleen in die inhoud wat in Suid-Afrika daaraan gegee word. Die inhoud
van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette word grootliks voorgeskryf deur die grondwet
en nasionale wette. Dit spesifiseer die funksionering van die plaaslike politiek in Suid-
Afrika, wat 'n belangrike aspek van plaaslike magsopsette uitmaak. Dit, tesame met die
aard van die Suid-Afrikaanse kulturele milieu en die stand van die natuurlike omgewing
en menslike behoeftes, het 'n belangrike impak op plaaslike magsopsette. Tog behou
plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse mense en groepe deur hulle betekenisgewing die vermoe om in
hulle omstandighede op oorspronklike wyses te handel en positiewe of negatiewe
veranderings aan mense se lewensgehalte aan te bring.
4. Gidsmateriaal
Hierdie studie poog om gidsmateriaal te verskaf aan voornemende navorsers van Suid-
Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette. Daardeur kan akademici 'n bydrae lewer dat plaaslike
magsopsette gerig word op verandering wat vir plaaslike mense voordelig is.
Date12 1900
CreatorsZaaiman, Stephanus Johannes
ContributorsGroenewald, C. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format448 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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