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Voices in water

This project involves heuristic research as creative practice in the design of a set of divination cards. Here the potential of water as a medium for referencing the ethos of each of the Tarot's Major Arcana1 is explored. The research involves an experimental process of generating water patterns for the purposes of eliciting twenty-two specific images. Images are captured with a digital camera. While attention is given to vibrational imagery and micro photography, the research is not limited to these techniques. The chosen creative research process provokes tacit knowledge2. The images are used in the creation of a divinatory text.1 Tarot is a divination system consisting of seventy-eight cards, twenty-two of these are the trump cards known as the Major Arcana. It is the `essence' of the meaning of each of these cards that this work seeks to elicit.2 Tacit knowledge may be broadly defined as knowledge the researcher possesses but is not conscious of. Tacit (silent) knowledge is a pre-logical phase of knowing, comprising of a range of conceptual and sensory information that is bought to bear in an attempt to understand something.
CreatorsMeiklejohn, Hayley
PublisherAUT University
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
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