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Vliv hnojení na výnos a kvalitu sladovnického jarního ječmene / The effect of fertilization on yield and quality of malting spring barley

Spring barley is the cereal with the shortest growing season and high demands on soil structure and quality of fertilization.
The experimental part of the study was carried out on the long-term stationary experiments at two sites with different soil and climatic conditions - Červený Újezd and Prague Suchdol. Experiments were established in 1996 with a crop rotation in order - potato (corn), winter wheat and spring barley. Organic fertilizers are: sewage sludge, manure and straw. Mineral fertilizers were applied directly to the barley such as phosphates, potassium fertilizers were used in autumn in the course of plowing and nitrogen fertilizer during seedbed preparation of the soil. Used mineral fertilizers are: calcium amonium nitrate, triple superphosphate and potassium salt. Spring barley is the third crop after the application of organic fertilizers and therefore uses fertilizers in the third year.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of organic and mineral fertilization on yield parameters of spring barley and selected qualitative indicators. We evaluated the number of offsets, number of grains per ear, yield of grain, straw and N-substances in grain.
The number of offsets and grains per ear had the greatest influence by fertilization mineral fertilizers. The highest number of offsets was found in variant NPK Červený Újezd in year 2013 (2,357 offsets/m2) and the largest number of grains in ear at the same station in year 2014 on variant Manure 1/2 + N (24.6 grains). Yield of grains was significantly influenced by both sites and variants of fertilization. It was different in year 2013, when the higher yields were found in the station Suchdol, however yields in years 2014 and 2015 were higher at the station Červený Újezd, especially in variants fertilized with mineral fertilizers. The highest grain yield was at the station Červený Újezd variants NPK and N + straw (9 t / ha) and at the station Suchdol was the highest grain yeild on NK variant (6.1 t / ha), both cases in year 2015. Straw yield was influenced by both fertilizes mineral and organic according to influence of individual years. The highest yield of straw was found at the station Červený Újezd variant N + straw (5.6 t / ha) in year 2015 and at the station Suchdol was the highest yield on the variant N (4.3 t / ha) in year 2014.
The content of N-substances in grains of the spring barley was found to be low in all variants of fertilization in the analyzed years. Optimal values throughout the three-year experiment was achieved at the station Červený Újezd only in year 2015 on variant N (10.5%) and N + straw (10.6%) and at station Suchdol in year 2014 on variant N (10.3%) and NP (10.4%).
It was found that a propitious effect on the yield and quality of spring malting barley has fertilization by mineral fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilization by organic fertilizer has a positive effect while used in lower quality soil and climatic conditions.
Date January 2016
CreatorsMužík, Jiří
ContributorsČerný, Jindřich, Jiří, Jiří
PublisherČeská zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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